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Male Chauvinism and Evolution

1 month ago

In this brief excerpt from the course, Creation, Science and Faith, Dr. Barber discusses how the ancient pagan denigration and abuse of women has been falsely justified by the myth of evolution, just as Darwin affirms in his Origin of Species.

Even the vast majority of 'leaders' in our once largely Christianized society have bought in to these lies about the relationship between men and women.

Even the recent 'feminist' movement, and similar 'woke' revolution, have continued this denigration of women, while simultaneously denigrating men, and instead promoting gender confusion.

Meanwhile, despite being falsely described as chauvinistic and anti-women, all along it has been biblical Christianity that has stood alone in defending true equality between men and women before God. Only the Bible accurately describes the true identity, and difference with equality, of men and women.

Learn what true gender equality looks like, as created, designed, and purposed by our Creator God, our LORD Jesus Christ.

For more: www.togetherinchristu.com

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