Dr Sandy Miarecki Lt Col, USAF (retired) Transition to the Republic Live, How to Save America! #340

Streamed on:

how to save America https://rumble.com/v1ycpk0-how-to-save-america-reinhabited-republic.html
She received her degree in astrophysics and completed the Air Force ROTC program. In the Air Force, Sandy became a pilot, instructor pilot, and test pilot during her career. She was injured by a vaccine in the 1990's and barely completed 20 years of service, retiring in 2007. Because of her health issues, she transitioned to a non-flying career to teach physics at the Air Force Academy Preparatory School, running the physics program for the Prep students whose goal is to attend the Academy after a year of extra studies. During the Covid scamdemic, she fought against the mandates and helped students with their religious exemptions. She faced disciplinary actions and eventually was fired in Sept 2022. She immediately filed a lawsuit with the Merit System Protection Board (MSPB) for illegal firing and whistleblower retaliation.
The lawsuit is in its final stages, only waiting for the final decision from the judge. As she was facing disciplinary actions, God led Sandy to the Republic for the united States of America, the reseated Republic that our founding fathers gave us and which was abandoned in 1871 when a corporation hijacked the government. She has taken an active role as outreach liaison and volunteer coordinator in the Republic.

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