War Castles 7 – Russell Rewrites the IMF & World Bank Charters – Syntax & Quantum Grammar Mechanics

2 months ago

1. War Castles 1 – The Empire of the Three City States -- https://rumble.com/v5zluez-war-castles-1-the-empire-of-the-three-city-states.html

2. War Castles 2 – A Visit To The Vatican – Commander & Chief -- https://rumble.com/v5zluo5-war-castles-2-a-visit-to-the-vatican-commander-and-chief.html

3. War Castles 3 -- : David-Wynn: Miller – Correct Sentence Structures -- https://rumble.com/v5zluwh-war-castles-3-david-wynn-miller-correct-sentence-structures.html

4. War Castles 4 – A Contract With The Navy & A Trip to Bern, Switzerland -- https://rumble.com/v5zltyq-war-castles-4-a-contract-with-the-navy-and-a-trip-to-bern-switzerland.html

5. War Castles 5 – A Trip To The Pentagon & The Supreme Court – Obama’s New World Order Flag – Yellow Fringe on the Flag means the constitution has been captured by the Courts, contracts are null and void and it is Maritime Law. Eagle on Top of Flag – Wingtips pointing down is the Vatican Bank, Wingtips pointing up is the Postal Eagle, the Acorn is for Military Parades, the Spear is for Military Court-Martial, and the Ball is for Military advertising and recruiting. -- https://rumble.com/v5zlxpq-war-castles-5-a-trip-to-the-pentagon-and-the-supreme-court.html

6. War Castles 6 – Russell Gets Beat Up & Hurt Bad – But Holds The Line – Finds Out How Corrupt Gov Is -- https://rumble.com/v5zlz5e-war-castles-6-russell-gets-beat-up-and-hurt-bad-but-holds-the-line-finds-ou.html

7. War Castles 7 – Russell Rewrites the IMF & World Bank Charters – Syntax & Quantum Grammar Mechanics -- https://rumble.com/v5zm0kn-war-castles-7-russell-rewrites-the-imf-and-world-bank-charters-syntax-and-q.html

8. War Castles 8 – Fraud Presidents Are Destroying Our Country – Fraud Elections -- https://rumble.com/v5zm0s5-war-castles-8-fraud-presidents-are-destroying-our-country-fraud-elections.html

9. War Castles 9 – Deep State, New World Government & Merry-Christmas -- https://rumble.com/v5zm3mn-war-castles-9-deep-state-new-world-government-and-merry-christmas.html

10. War Castles 10 – Russell Asks Trump To Contact Him To Help Spread The Wealth -- https://rumble.com/v5zm25b-war-castles-10-russell-asks-trump-to-contact-him-to-help-spread-the-wealth.html

11. War Castles 11 – Reno Seminar 1 -- https://rumble.com/v5zm512-war-castles-11-reno-seminar-1.html

12. War Castles 12 – Reno Seminar 2 -- https://rumble.com/v5zm5lw-war-castles-12-reno-seminar-2.html

13. War Castles 13 – Reno Seminar 3 -- https://rumble.com/v5zm8eb-war-castles-13-reno-seminar-3.html

War Castle Videos – Full Series - :Russell-Jay: Gould.


Russell-Jay: Gould is a hero of this planet with the key to restore truth, honor and dignity.

For two decades : Russell-Jay: Gould has been using the universally recognized flag laws and a mathematical language called “Quantum Grammar” to disqualify the constructs of corrupt governments and global organizations to steer them away from using their powers unjustly against the people.

Under the Quantum Grammar, it marks the end of the United States of America as a Corporation. It focuses on the facts and the mechanics of the procedures of how people are getting from point A to point B.

This country has been living under admiralty, maritime or business 'contract' law, not Common Law or Constitutional Law. Gould also created the Quantum Banking System. He is the recognized Comptroller of the Global Currency that is backed by gold and other precious metals.

This is the Story of : Russell-Jay: Gould.

In 1999 the United States was quietly being taken over by Great Britain. A vigilant patriot named Russell-Jay:Gould recognized the threat and in a series of strategic moves he saved us from Foreign invasion. He took control of Title IV of the US Flag and logged it in to the United Nations becoming Sovereign Successor to Great Britain.

When the political dust settled, Russell-Jay:Gould had taken over several high ranking Government positions.


When this occurred it really alerted our Countries true terrorists – Bush, Rumsfield, Clinton’s and Obama’s.

To See the Full Story of : Russell-Jay: Gould → https://mrnavac.blogspot.com/2024/12/russell-jay-gould-story.html

Source: https://warcastles.com/series/

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END. 12/18/2024 3:00 AM

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