Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: "Mark Zuckerberg, came out and admitted that he had been pressured by

2 months ago

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: "Mark Zuckerberg, came out and admitted that he had been pressured by the White House and had complied in censoring President Biden's political opponents. I already knew this. The press still says, oh, this didn't happen."

"But now, you know, it's kind of now there's going to be a day of reckoning. And I already won a case and my injunction was reinstated last week by the federal judge. It's called Biden versus Kennedy. Kennedy versus Biden. And Judge Doty did this decision. He wrote a 155 page decision detailing how the censorship took place."

"And 37 hours after he took the oath of office, President Biden... White House opened a portal to all of the social media sites and ordered Mark Zuckerberg to begin censoring me and Zuckerberg took down my Instagram account which had a million followers, almost a million followers. And this portal now was controlled by the FBI. So he put the FBI in charge of censoring Americans."

"But the FBI then opened the portal to other agencies, including the CIA. NIH, the IRS, I don't know what they were censoring, DHS, and CISA, which is this new agency that is the center of the censorship industrial complex in this country. And so I now have an injunction against the White House from further ordering."

"What they were ordering Zuckerberg and Twitter, Elon wasn't there yet and the other companies to censor my speech and not just medical issues but also, and by the way, I never, they were unable to point to a single factual error in anything I post."

"We're very, very careful. I have a huge fact checking. We have 350 PhD scientists, MD physicians who are looking at what I wrote to make sure that everything was sourced and cited. He couldn't point to a single piece of misinformation. In fact, Zuckerberg, his people pushed back on the White House and said, this is actually factually accurate."

A"nd they had to introduce a new word which was called malinformation, which is information that is factually accurate but nevertheless inconvenient to the government. And- It was misinformation, disinformation, malinformation. And so- Facebook continues to censor me, as do YouTube and Google."

"And they say, well, we're not doing it with White House approval, we're just doing it because we think it's a public service. And they censor stuff that I say about the war in Ukraine, about a lot of different issues that have nothing to do with countermeasures, medical countermeasures."

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