Author/seasoned money manager/finance expert Vijay Marolia talks about the port crisis and more!

2 months ago

Author/seasoned money manager/finance expert Vijay Marolia returns talks about the port crisis and how the strike affects the United States! Vijay covers ground in this discussion including supply chain disruptions, increased prices, economic impact affecting businesses, increased inflation, and renegotiating new contracts to improve working condition, and is the Chief Investment Officer of Regal Point Capital with 20 years of capital market experience and has been featured on numerous outlets plus an update on his release “Baby’s 1st Business Book”! Check out this compelling discussion with Vijay Marolia and find out more about Vijay at today! #vijaymariola #regalpointcapital #seasonedmoneymanager #financeexpert #USportcrisis #supplychain #supplychaindisruption #inflation #import #export #business #retail #unionworkers #babysfirstbusinessbook #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnervijaymariola #themikewagnershowvijaymarolia

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