Nashville-based traditional country singer/songwriter Lena Paige is my guest with "Civil War"!
Nashville-based traditional country singer/songwriter Lena Paige talks about her latest release “Civil War” (previously recorded by Ronnie Milsap) and her upcoming 2nd album “Singing in the Key of Country”! Lena began her amazing career at 15 writing songs with her mother and is a niece to guitar legend Merle Travis and cousin to guitar virtuoso Thom Brush, has numerous followers on Spotify, YouTube, and over 1,500 songs in her catalog plus 7 years singing on an international level! Lena also talks about her previous releases including “If Rain Were Whiskey”, “Roses in December”, “You Ain’t No Match” and “Joan of Arkansas” featuring country legend Tanya Tucker! Check out the amazing Lena Paige with her latest release on all major platforms today! #lenapaige #nashvillesingersongwriter #civilwar #ronniemilsap #singinginthekeyofcountry #traditionalcountry #merletravis #thombrush #ifrainwerewhisky #rosesindecember #youaintnomatch #joanofarkansas #tanyatucker #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerlenapaige #themikewagnershowlenapaige
Canadian-born singer/songwriter Rachel Dara talks about her latest “The Next Big Invention"!
Canadian-born singer/songwriter based in Montreal Rachel Dara talks about her latest “The Next Big Invention” featuring the title track, “Go Home Johnny”, plus “Rich Love”, “18”, “Sunset Boy”, Noe’s Birthday Party”, “Young & Alone”, “Broken Friendships” and more! Rachel began her amazing career at 9 picking up a guitar and writing her own material, played onstage for Talent Nation and open mic at Boulzeye, plus she shares her story about “America’s Got Talent” and a 2023 ISSA Music winner with numerous followers on Spotify, YouTube plus various radio stations! Check out the amazing Rachel Dara with her latest on all streaming platforms and today! #racheldara #canadiansingersongwriter #montreal #gohomejohnny #thenextbiginvention #richlove #18 #sunsetboy #noesbirthdayparty #youngandalone #brokenfriendships #ISSAmusicwinner #talentnation #boulzeye #americasgottalent #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerracheldara #themikewagnershowracheldara
The amazing John Hudak of Brickwall Jackson (Spectra Music Group) is back with “Big Orange Guitar”!
The multi-talented John Hudak of Brickwall Jackson (Spectra Music Group) is back with “Big Orange Guitar” featuring “Porch Swings” and “Sons of Many Fathers” plus the title track, “Happy Ain’t Happy”, “Get Off My Lawn”, “Lovers Lullaby”, “When We’re Gone”, “Ol’ Scratch”, and “May You Remain”! John is a multi-talented singer, lead guitarist, vocalist and leader of the group hailing from Richmond, VA with numerous followers on Spotify, YouTube, and other platforms plus featured on Sirius XM, BBC Radio, and gives us an update on “Stickin’ To It” plus sharing stories behind the music! Check out the amazing John Hudak of Brickwall Jackosn with the latest release on all major platforms and and today! #brickwalljackson #johnhudak #spectramusicgroup #richmondvirginia #bigorangeguitar #porchswings #sonsofmanyfathers #happyainthappy #getoffmylawn #olscratch #americana #stickintoit #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerbrickwalljackson #themikewagnershowbrickwalljackson
LA based acclaimed jazz vocalist/community artist Patrisha Thomson with “Imagine & Uplift” !
LA based acclaimed jazz vocalist/community artist Patrisha Thomson talks about the “Imagine & Uplift” campaign featuring “Imagine a Better World”! Patrisha’s career spans decades promoting racial harmony, multi-generational understanding and social change through the arts, and began her amazing career listening to Count Basie’s “One O’Clock Jump” at 12, leads integrative arts classes while offering consultation for individual creative growth &group staff development, along with her other projects “Wild is the Wind”, “Create A Bridge”, “That Old Feeling” and more! Plus, her website provides a range of resources for individuals seeking to make a difference in voter registration, media literacy, enhancing community dialogue, etc.! Check out the amazing Patrisha Thomson and find out how you can make a difference at, and her works at ! #patrishathomson #losangeles #jazzvocalist #communityartist #imagineanduplift #imagineabetterworld #countbasie #wildisthewind #createabridge #makeadifference #voteregistration #medialiteracy #patrishamusic #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerpatrishathomson #themikewagnershowpatrishathomson
40+ year Western PA veteran Kevin McCarthy talks about the new Western PA supergroup "VZHM" !
40+ year Western PA veteran Kevin McCarthy talks about VZHM with “Garden Party”, “Love, Lust & Wreckage”, and the latest “Spaghetti Western”! Kevin is a veteran of the Western PA music scene spanning 40+ years as a performer, artist, music store owner playing blues, pop, jazz, rock and recognized as one of the top guitarists by the BSWPA! VZHM consists of John Vento, Bob Zigerelli, Cherylann Hawk, and Kevin McCarthy coming together to create rich, 4-part harmonies and celebrating the release of “Love, Lust & Wreckage, plus hear the story of how the foursome met and came together! Check out the latest releases by VZHM on all streaming platforms and today! #kevinmccarthy #VZHM #gardenparty #lovelustandwreckage #spaghettiwestern #johnvento #bobzigerelli #cherylannhawk #westernpa #mtsrecords #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnervzhm #themikewagnershowvzhm #mikewagenrkevinmccarthy #themikewagnershowkevinmccarthy
Canadian pop-rock singer/songwriter Michael Zuzek talk about his latest release “Everest” !
Canadian pop-rock singer/songwriter Michael Zuzek (MTS Records) talks about his latest release “Everest” featuring “The Man Who’s Never Been Found” plus “Graystone”, “All Comes Back”, “5000 Days”, “Scott’s Song”, “Sweet and Kind” and more! Michael has 17+ years experience on piano beginning at 5 taking piano lessons and is currently studying at Queen’s Univ. for Bachelor’s of Science (Honors) degree with a minor in Music, plus influenced by 60’s music with numerous followers on Spotify and other platforms, plus his music is featured in the motion picture soundtrack “Ulysses”! Check out the amazing Michael Zuzek and his latest release on all major platforms and www. today! #michaelzuzek #MTSrecords #canadiansingersongwriter #toronto #everest #themanwhosneverbeenfound #graystone #allcomesback #5000days #scottssong #sweetandkind #queensuniversity #ulysses #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnermichaelzuzek #themikewagnershowmichaelzuzek
The amazing singer/songwriter from Oakland, CA Carrie Cleveland (told by her son Heston)is my guest!
The amazing singer/songwriter from Oakland, CA Carrie Cleveland (told by her son Heston) talks about “The Rebirth of Carrie Cleveland” plus “High Beams” with Black Nova! Carrie has been a regular performer with “Looking Up”, “Love Will Set You Free”, “I Need Love”, “Take A Moment” at hotels and clubs in the SF Bay area in the 70’s and making a comeback after a 45-year hiatus, plus featured on “Glitter”, Netflix, along with 31K monthly listeners on Spotify, and how Carrie began career in music with numerous musical influences as told by her son Heston, and how Carrie is being rediscovered after 45 years! Check out the amazing Carrie Cleveland on all streaming platforms and today! #carriecleveland #hestoncleveland #oakland #singersongwriter #therebirthofcarriecleveland #highbeams #blacknova #lookingup #lovewillsetyoufree #ineedlove #takeamoment #sfbayarea #glitter #netflix #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnercarriecleveland #themikewagnershowcarriecleveland
40+ year New Zealand born/raised country singer/songwriter Don Allen (aka “The Don”) is my guest!
New Zealand born/raised country singer/songwriter Don Allen (aka “The Don”) talks about his latest releases “Suzanne” and “Hold Your Head High”! Don talks about his upbringing on a dairy farm in New Zealand later venturing to the US and now in Queensland, Australia with numerous of musical influences while sharing stories about his amazing career of 40+ years plus talks about his other releases including “Let It Be Me”, “For The Life Of Me”, “One For The Road”, “Only Time Will Tell”, “90 Proof” and more! Check out the multi-talented Don Allen on all streaming platforms today! #donallen #thedon #newzealand #q#suzanne #queensland #australia #holdyourheadhigh #dairyfarm #letitbeme #forthelifeofme #onefortheroad #onlytimewilltell #90proof #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerdonallen #themikewagnershowdonallen
The remarkable author duo David & Colton Chorpening are my very special guests & ask "What's Next"?!
The remarkable author duo David & Colton Chorpening talk about their latest “What The F-ck Next” along with the “What’s Next” course that’s an online AI enabling course on “What’s Next?”! David is a seasoned writer with a wealth of experience honing his craft for several decades & a trailblazing career in counseling, coaching and consulting while Colton emerged as a writer just like his Dad at an early age & a digital nomad for 8 years using life design tactics to build a flexible life by investing in real estate & traveling worldwide while employed by Google! Their recent release is a no-BS guide to getting what you want & uses a short practical approach to understanding what you want in life and how to get there, plus they’re offering an amazing course ( that’ll determine what you want from life, how to change or improve to feel more satisfied, and connect with the best of who they are and the tools needed to provide a clear and confident path to get what they want! Check the amazing duo on all the major platforms and plus sign up for the amazing course at today! #davidchorpening #coltonchorpening #author #fathersonduo #whatthefcknext #whatsnextcourse #counseling #coaching #consulting #google #intentionacademy #beyond55 #whatsnextcourse#spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerdavidchorpening #themikewagnershowdavidchorpening
The multi-talented HOF indie country artist Richard Lynch is back with “Pulling Up the Covers”!
Independent Country Music Hall of Fame artist, TV/radio host &veterans supporter from Waynesville, OH Richard Lynch (MTS Records) returns with “Pulling Up the Covers” featuring “Rest Your Love on Me” along with “Memory Maker”, “Out of Hand”, “Ridin’ My Thumb to Mexico”, Made In Japan” and more! Richard ‘s career spans 40+ years recognized by numerous publications along with many appearances plus collaborated with Ronnie McDowell, Leona Williams, Richard Vincent, etc., and deeply involved in the community & proud owners of Keepin’ It Country Farm with his wife Donna, amazing host of “Traditionally Lynch” and co-founder of the Love Tattoo Foundation dedicated to assisting veterans! Check out the amazing Richard Lynch and his latest release on all major platforms and today! #richardlynch #indycountrymusichalloffame #waynesvilleohio #pullingupthecovers #restyourloveonme #memorymaker #outofhand #ridingmythumbtomexico #ronniemcdowell #traditionallylunch #keepingitcountryfarms #lovetattoofoundation #MTSrecords #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerrichardlynch #themikewagnershowrichardlynch
Author/founder of the Kinder Institute George Kinder with “The Three Domains of Freedom”!
Author/International Thought Leader known as “The father of Life Planning” George Kinder talks about his latest release “The Three Domains of Freedom” inspiring reader to experience 3 profound freedoms and derives from his extensive experience as a spiritual practitioner & pioneer in financial life planning while offering perspective to discover their purpose! George is a Harvard educated professional who revolutionized financial advice for 35+ years training 5,000 professionals in 30 countries in financial life planning and also the founder of The Kinder Institute of Life Planning in ’03 after 30+ years as financial planner/tax advisor while named one of the most 35 most influential people in financial services and has author several books and more! Check out the amazing George Kinder and his latest release on all major platforms and plus check out The Kinder Institute at today! #georgekinder #thoughtleader #lifeplanning #financialplanning #thethreedomainsoffreedom #thekinderinstitute #financiallife #financialadvice #taxadvisor #spiritualpractitioner #harvardeducated #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnergeorgekinder #themikewagnershowgeorgekinder
Multi-talented visionary founder Terry C. Carney Sr. with “Put The Guns Down: A World Epidemic” !
Multi-talented visionary founder of Platinum City Golden West Entertainment Terry C. Carney Sr. talks about his latest release “Put The Guns Down: A World Epidemic” as a documentary produced in collaboration with Ice-T as a call to action sparking conversation on mental health & gun violence amplifying hope and change influenced by the loss of Nipsey Hustle! Terry began his amazing career in storytelling with his first book “Last Man Standing” to become a movie and talks about his journey from Denver to Oklahoma City to Los Angeles, plus recognized by numerous organizations as well as collaborating with Cornell Ward with affiliation of L.A. Mayor Karen Bass! The documentary also highlights stories of street violence and their families affected plus insights from Spice 1, Chilly Chill, Kokane and more! Check out the amazing Terry C. Carney Sr. and his latest documentary on all major platforms and today! #terryccarneysr #losangeles #visionaryfounder #platinumcitygoldenwestentertainment #putthegunsdown #icet #mentalhealth #gunviolence #nipseyhustle #cornellward #mayrokarenbass #spiceone #chillychill #kokane #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerwagnershowmaterryccarneysr #themikewagnershowterryccarneysr
New Hampshire 16-year-old country singing sensation Malachi Gagnon with his latest “Think About Me”!
New Hampshire viral and emerging 16-year-old country singing sensation Malachi Gagnon talks about his latest release “Think About Me” along with “Some Are Love”, “Haunt My Dreams”, “No Thanks To You”, “Psychopath”, “Craving Me” and more! Malachi began his amazing career at 12 singing in front of family in an impromptu family talent show, later his father bought him a Taylor guitar plus played in a church band, moved to Tampa to further his career with shows and appearances plus releasing 8 singles in ’22 with numerous followers on social media! Check out the amazing Malachi Gagnon and his latest on all major platforms today! #malachigagnon #newhampshire #viralsensation #countrysingersongwriter #thinkaboutme #somearelove #hauntmydreams #nothankstoyou #psychopath #cravingme #tampa #taylorguitar #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnermalachigagnon #themikewagnershowmalachigagnon
L.A. film producer/editor/director Tim Colletti talks about his latest sci-fi thriller “Paradox” !
L.A. film producer/editor/director Tim Colletti talks about his latest sci-fi thriller “Paradox” telling the story of a suspected child serial killer apprehended for the murder of two children and kidnapping of a third claiming during interrogation he’s a soldier from the future sent back in time to kill the grandparents of the woman who starts World War 3! Tim has 15+ years of feature film experience and began his career as assistant film editor on an Oprah Winfrey TV show later with Disney , WB, Fox, Universal, Paramount plus debuted with “Safe House” along with “Original Sin”, “Species 2,”, “Ali”, Body Count” and more! Check out the latest from the amazing Tim Colletti on all major platforms today! #timcolletti #LAfilmproducer #filmeditor #director #paradox #scifithriller #childserialkiller #worldwar3 #oprahwinfrey #disney #WB #paramount #safehouse #originalsin #species2 #ali #bodycount #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnertimcolletti #themikewagnershowtimcolletti
The multi-talented Rhonda Baker Stansbury and & Vin Muorio with “Number 35 & 53”..."!
The multi-talented Rhonda Baker Stansbury and special guest Vin Muorio talk about the book “Number 35 & 53-The Case of the Brown Paper Bag” portraying the untarnished truth of the life & times of her father Frank Price “Chico” Baker including dreams of being a major league baseball catcher and how he ventured into the world of wealth, women, fast cars, legal trials, tribulations and the American justice system! Rhonda is an American singer/actress/author spanning 45+ years beginning her career after her father noticed her natural talent for music and enrolling her for piano and voice lessons, studied under Eleanor Boaz of Boaz Studios and Barbizon School of Modeling later becoming “Bolita King-The Bolita Princess”! Vin is a multi-talented actor appeared on “Friday the 13th”, “Killer Clowns”, “The Lost Ship”, “Sleepers”, “Skate to Hell” and also a social media influencer! Check out the amazing Rhonda Baker Stansbury and her latest release on all major platforms plus Vin Muorio and his works today! #rhondabakerstansbury #vinmuorio #author #actor #number35and53 #thecaseofthebrownpaperbag #frankpricechicobaker #mlbcatcher #majorleaguebaseball #wealth #fastcars #americanjusticesystem #bolitaking #thebolitaprincess #fridaythe13th #kilerclowns #thelostship #sleeps #skatetohell #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerrhondabakerstansbury #themikewagnershowrhondabakerstansbury #mikewagnervinmuorio #themikewagnershowvinmuorio
San Diego singer/songwriter Martin Shrode of The Lefty Martin Band is my very special guest!
San Diego singer/songwriter Martin Shrode of The Lefty Martin Band talks about his latest release “Who’s Gonna Teach Him” about a parent’s love to teach & raise a child and the boy growing up in his father’s image! Martin is a writer/musician & leader of the Lefty Martin Band formed 20 ago as a San Diego cover band throughout the region bring country melodies to life, and inspired by his family to begin his music career with numerous of musical influences, plus shares stories of his experiences with new music coming up in 2024 and beyond! Check out the amazing Martin Shrode of The Lefty Martin Band on all streaming platforms and today! #martinshrode #theleftymartinband #sandiego #singersongwriter #whosgonnateachhim #country #coverband #raisingachild #hisfathersimage #raisingchildren #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagner #themikewamartinshrode #themikewagnershowmartinshrode #mikewagnertheleftmartinband #themikewagnershowtheleftymartinband
New Jersey raised multi-talented Christian singer/songwriter John Harvey & “Jesus Never Tapped Out”!
New Jersey raised multi-talented Christian singer/songwriter John Harvey talks about his latest release “Jesus Never Tapped Out” featuring the title track, “Let the Light Shine On”, “Blessed Are”, “Sparrow”, “God’s Pretty Little Girl” and more! John is also a multi-award-winner featured on Indie Radio Universal, Space Angel Productions, etc. and has over 10K views on his latest release plus opened for Earl Thomas Conley, played for numerous of artists, and talks about how he came to Christ nearly 10 years ago as the inspiration to his latest release and why Jesus never tapped out! Check out the amazing John Harvey on many major platforms today! #johnharvey #johnhenryharvey #newjersey #christiansingersongwriter #jesusnevertappedout #letthelightshineon #blessedare #sparrow #godsprettylittlegirl #indieradiouniversal #spaceangel #earlthomasconley #veterans #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerjohnharvey #themikewagnershowjohnharvey
Chicago author/writer Ron Voller talks about his latest “Hubble, Humanson & The Big Bang:..."!
Chicago author/writer with an interest in Astronomy Ron Voller talks about his latest “Hubble, Humanson & The Big Bang: The Race to Uncover the Expanding Universe” about a 30-year old janitor Milton Humanson at an observatory and at 40 is known as the greatest astronomical observer of the 20th century co-discovering the Big Bang Theory with Edwin Hubble of the Hubble Telescope! Ron earned his undergraduate degree in music & literature from Univ. of Denver, moved to NYC in ’99 earning his Masters in Interdisciplinary studies at James Hopkins University, hosts a podcast on cosmic origins and serves as executive producer on a documentary about a Michigan disabled law student and his mission to make 24/7 care affordable across the economic sector, plus discusses The Big Bang Theory as “The Theory of Everything”, special skills Milton Humanson possessed plus going from janitor to astronomer, and Edwin Hubble using the telescope test one of Einstein’s theories! Check out the amazing Ron Voller and latest release plus “The Muleskinner and the Stars” on many major platforms and today! #ronvoller #chicago #author #writer #astronomy #hubblehumansonandthebigbang #miltonhumanson #edwinhubble #hubbletelescope #thebigbang #podcast #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerronvoller #themikewagnershowronvoller
NYC novelist/playwright born/educated in England Penelope Holt talks about “The Angel Scroll” !
NYC novelist, playwright, business writer, market executive born/educated in England Penelope Holt talks about her latest release “The Angel Scroll” transporting readers on a thrilling hunt for three miraculous paintings that are destined to usher in spiritual enlightment combining romance, mystery with the race to find sacred artifacts that explores ancient truths, the modern world and the spiritual space in-between! Penelope is also a prolific writer, editor, and co-author of non-fiction plus her previous releases “Singing God’s Work (The Story of the Harlem Choir)”, “Emotional Intelligence at Work”, “The Apple”, etc. and her spiritual journey leading up to writing the novel! Check out the amazing Penelope Holt and her latest on many major platforms and today! #penelopeholt #NYCnovelist #playwright #england #theangelscroll #spritualenlightment #sacredartifacts #ancienttruth #singinggodswork #harlemchior #emotionalinttelligenceatwork #theapple #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerpenelopeholt #themikewagnershowpenelopeholt
Orlando’s multi-award-winning actor/CEO of Movie Knights Productions Dalton Burdette with “Quiver”!
Orlando’s multi-award-winning actor/CEO of Movie Knights Productions Dalton Burdette returns with “Quiver” as a follow-up to the multi-award-winning “The Local” about two estranged brothers trying to settle their differences with a nostalgic hunting trip only to discover they’re being hunted! Dalton also recaps “The Local” plus “No More Safe Haven”, “Attrition”, “The Long Hard Day” while his company earned 24 film fest awards over the last 3 releases & combined total around 1.5M combined views! Check out the amazing latest release from Dalton Burdette coming to your favorite platform and today! #daltonburdette #orlando #florida #movieknightsproductions #quiver #thelocal #nomoresafehaven #attrition #thelonghardday #actor #CEO #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerdaltonburdette #themikewagnershowdaltonburdette
The amazing duo Alexandra Essoe & Alexis Iacono talk about their latest release “The Carnal Soul”!
The amazing duo Alexandra Essoe and Alexis Iacono talk about their latest release “The Carnal Soul” telling the story of Mort (Bob Gunton) who’s in the win of his life & can no longer live with the weight of his regrets where every day is torture living on a betrayal, later sets to make amends with his longtime rival David and asks the question, can he atone for his mistakes before it’s too late? Alexandra makes her directorial debut born in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia & daughter of a stage actress growing up in the community, later moving to Canada at 12 being involved in acting and filmmaking and studying in Vancouver plus appeared in “The Pope’s Exorcist”, “Midnight Mass”, and “The Haunting of Bly Manor”! Alexis is a producer with a sleuth’s eye for content from Manhattan while her father is photographer for Sports Illustrated and has done numerous voiceover projects including “World of Warcraft”, “Grand Theft Auto”, and appeared in “Black Dahlia”, “Blue Caprice” and her work in the John Cleese documentary “Hacking in the UK”! Check out the amazing duo with their work “The Carnal Soul” on many major platforms today! #alexandraessoe #alexisiacono #bobgunton #director #thecarnalsoul #dharansaudiarabia #canada #thepopesexorcist #midnightmass #thehauntingofblymanor #sportsillustrated #voiceover #worldofwarcraft #grandtheftauto #blackdahlia #bluecaprice #johnclesse #hackingintheuk #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagneralexandraessoe #themikewagnershowalexandraessoe #mikewagneralexiaiacono #themikewagnershowalexisiacono
Iowa’s multi-talented country singer/songwriter Todd Souhrada is my very special guest!
Iowa’s multi-talented country singer/songwriter Todd Souhrada talks about his latest release “Souhrada Country” featuring “Get a Little Love”, “Don’t Go”, “The Bell”, “Anna’s Song” and more! Todd began his amazing career sitting beside his mom on the piano at 7, watched The Grand Ol’ Opry with his dad on TV and also got his first guitar from his father, went on to play in college and later began songwriting in ’82! Todd also served in the Navy Reserves as Lt. Commander as well as a District 9 State Trooper who earned the Sullivan Brothers Award of Valor as the first responder injured while saving two lives after a tornado in ’08, plus serves as a member of the Funeral/Honors team & Advisor Trainer for a NATO ACT unit! Check out the amazing Todd Souhrada on all streaming platforms and today! #toddsouhrada #singer #songwriter #iowa #souhradacountry #getalittlelove #dontgo #thebell #annassong #grandolopry #navyreserves #ltcommander #sullivanbrothersawardofvalor #NATO #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnertoddsouhrada #themikewagnershowtoddsouhrada
The multi-talented filmmaker, actor & author Karen Goeller is my special guest with “Missy’s Voice”!
The multi-talented filmmaker, script supervisor, actor & author of 20+ books Karen Goeller talks about her latest release “Missy’s Voice” about a young singer tormented daily by bullies and learns that everyone is likeable and valuable, where bullies learn bad behavior is not rewarded and as adults they learn the truth about family connection! Karen is also an elite gymnastics coach, CSCS, cancer survivor, greyhound owner, and has been acting since ’12 plus a multi-award-winning filmmaker, trained athletes since ’78 and adults since ’85, later turned to writing after being involved in an accident in 2000 and written more books about the sport than anyone! Check out the amazing Karen Goeller and her latest release at also at today! #karengoeller #filmmaker #scriptsupervisor #actor #missysvoice #author #bullying #gymnastics #cancersurvivor #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerkarengoeller #themikewagnershowkarengoeller
The multi-talented Sam Mitchell is my very special guest with “Autism Rocks and Rolls”!
The multi-talented college student, motivational speaker, entrepreneur and podcast host Sam Mitchell talks about “Autism Rocks and Rolls” as a high-functioning personality on the autism spectrum on a mission to show people that he’s not broken, not need to be fixed, no normality in the world and being successful while changing the perspective of autism! Sam is currently a senior at Indiana University working at WQRK 105.5 FM and a multi-award-winner podcast host “Autism Rocks & Rolls” with over 18K downloads featuring NASCAR’s Armani Williams, American Idol’s James Durbin, WWE legend Mick Foley and Kaden McElwain, made Top 10 in People’s Choice Awards, Top 200 podcasts in Canada, and as an entrepreneur the current winner of the Davey Award, placed 2nd in Indiana’s JAG Entrepreneurship Project, and selected as the best business at the CEO trade show in Indiana! Caleb also offers various services including public speaking, podcast coaching/editing, sponsorships plus upcoming plans for 2024 and beyond! Check out the amazing Sam Mitchell and his podcast at today! #sammitchell #collegestudent #entrepreneur #podcasthost #autismrocksandrolls #autism #indianauniversity #WQRK #armaniwilliams #jamesdurbin #WWE #americanidol #NASCAR #mickfoley #kadenmcelwain #daveyaward #JAG #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnersammitchell #themikewagnershowsammitchell
The multi-talented actor & founder of Caleb Staffing Network Jeremiah Caleb is my special guest!
The multi-talented founder of Caleb Staffing Network Jeremiah Caleb talks about his amazing career as an actor, author and activist plus how he began Caleb Staffing during the pandemic! Jeremiah talks about his journey born in Singapore and moving to Wales, later graduating from East Tennessee in English & Fine Arts, and beginning his career in NYC in Musical Theater & the Groundlings in L.A. while appearing in numerous commercials, film & TV including “Criminal Minds Beyond Borders”, “Home Again”, “Outsourced”, “Child of the 70’s”! Jeremiah also wrote “He Walks With Me”, “In His Time”, “Unsung Melodies”, “It’s All a Process” and involved in a 2006 documentary in India leading to the start of The Caleb Hope Foundation, plus how he began Caleb Staffing Network during the pandemic as an opportunity to help his community serving as a testament to rewriting conventions, establishing new benchmarks in the industry while leaving a enduring a legacy of excellence! Jeremiah shares his secrets of the service industry and his entrepreneurial triumph and offers many services to serve the clients needs! Check out the amazing Jeremiah Caleb of Caleb Staffing Network at and all about Jeremiah at today! #jeremiahcaleb #actor #author #activist #calebstaffingnetwork #singapore #wales #eastennesse #groundlings #criminalminds #thecalebhopefoundation #serviceindustry #losangeles #itsallaprocess #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerjeremiahcaleb #themikewagnershowjeremiahcaleb