STEPHEN PHINNEY m3 | KETONES BLOCK INFLAMMATION…turn on defensive genes; blocks NLRP3 inflammasome

2 months ago
presents episode 2363 | Dr STEPHEN PHINNEY

When in nutritional ketosis, we generate BHB ketones...
-superior energy supply for brain & heart, in blood stream
-made in liver, circulates in blood alters gene expression
-these epigenetic effects influence how we respond to
oxidative stress & inflammation
Study, UCSF: alter key genes
that regulate our internal
defenses against oxidative stress
-when ketones not there, those
genes are Turned OFF
-when there: Turned ON

How oxidative stress translates into inflammation:
Very Complex Process
One way: free radicals, or Reactive Oxygen Species ROS, attack
polyunsaturated fats in our membranes, convert them into
things that look like prostagandins
-but are not, though they have
similar pro-inflammatory effects

Another way BHB inhibits inflammation: by intervening at the
regulatory level by blocking NLRP3 inflammasome-mediated
inflammatory disease
-it is master regulator with multiple downstream effects
BHB blocks or modifies this
downstream inflammation

If you eat ketone-suppressing diet: increase the body's
production of ROS in Mitochondria
-downstream effects: membrane damage
Eat ketogenic diet [Very Low Carb]: blocks the NLRP3
inflammasome; block production of isoprostanes

How much of an anti-inflammatory effect do we get?
-does it approach what we could get with monoclonal antibody?
Study, Volek, 2008, patients with pre-diabetes: 2 groups
1-high carb; moderate protein; low fat
2-12% carbs; 28% protein; high fat
low carb lost more, but both
were similar, at end of study,
in Rate of Loss
Low Carb: 7 biomarkers of
inflammation were significantly


original video interview:

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