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Attorney Aaron Siri Explains How Childhood Vaccines Are Deceptively Made & Marketed
Aaron Siri:
"The claims made about vaccines often are dogma, religious beliefs. I mean, the idea that vaccines are the most robustly trialed products on the market is just simply false. And again, I don't take my word for it. Go to the FDA website."
"We just did it for the hepatitis B vaccine. Pull it up for every single other childhood vaccine. Look at section 6.1. They also have the underlying clinical trial reports for a lot of them. Take a look at it. I will tell you, I can't claim to have any genius superpowers as a person or a lawyer to have done this. I literally just went to Google and I searched FDA licensed vaccines and you can pull them up and it's right there for the taking. But it's true."
"Most people will just, it's almost like an incantation, safe and effective, safe and effective. The most robustly studied products in the market, the most safely studied, their safety review for years. You know, and the crazy part is this. We just looked at the clinical trials, right? And so when I do this and we could go through all the vaccines just like this, and it gets worse and worse."
"You remember that Prevnar vaccine we looked at that at six months of safety review? So you're like, hey, all right, at least we got six months. So what would that show? You want to take a look at that one? It's pretty interesting if you want to open it up a second. Yeah, I'll share my screen one more time and I'll pop it up on the screen and we could take a look at it."
"But I think it's very telling. Here is Prevnar 13, OK? This is the package insert, all right? And we are now in section 6.1. And here you have the section with serious adverse events. So this is what you really want to focus on, right? Because serious adverse events means something very serious. It's a defined term by the FDA. We could even go to the FDA website again."
"You know, we can do serious. adverse events, FDA. And right here you could see it means death, life threatening, hospitalizability, congenital abnormality, required interventions to prevent permanent impairment, and then other serious, which effectively has to have one or the other. So serious adverse event is a very serious condition."
"So let's go back to Prevnar 13. Now in this clinical trial, this is one of the top five selling products, right? You've got six months of safety review. Finally, so maybe We'll see what that shows. And here, I'm gonna highlight the sentence, and here's what they found. And remember, the kids in this trial, the babies and infants and toddlers were healthy. They don't let really sick kids in."
"So you have completely typically healthy children, healthy, get the product trapped for six months. And here's what they found. Serious adverse events reported following vaccination infants and toddlers occurred in 8.2% that's in a six month period among Prevnar 13 recipients and 7.2% among Prevnar, that's Prevnar 7 recipients."
"Now, from the perspective of just safety, from a parent, I might go, oh my goodness, that is highly concerning. But from the perspective of the FDA, as long as the experimental group and the control group have a similar rate, that's deemed safe because they're comparing it to quote unquote the standard of care. Right."
"So you might say, well, maybe this is just a fluke, this super high rate of adverse events and totally healthy infants and toddlers. Right. Maybe we know for sure, Prevnar 7 is safe because that had a long-term placebo-controlled trial. Right. And before we flip there, let's just read this one sentence. I have somebody, one of my favorite sentences."
"It says, the longer reporting period, meaning six months, which I normally never do, vaccine trials may have resulted in serious adverse events reported in a higher percentage of subjects than for other vaccines. Oh, wait a second. We finally looked for six months instead of a few days and a few weeks, and we found a super high rate."
"So what's our excuse for the high rate? Oh my God. You can't pick stuff up. And here's another piece I can never make up. And honestly, if I'd have thought of the most nefarious things I could say about vaccines, I would never have said Hep B was licensed on five days because I thought it was totally nuts."
"And I'm gonna show you another thing that I think I think it's totally nuts. I'm gonna open up the package insert for Prevnar 7. So you remember this product that had the 7.2% adverse event rate? Yes. So you might hope that here's the package insert for that product. So safety was reviewed in this one, depending on what they looked at for days or maybe weeks."
"So they didn't have six months. And they were comparing Prevnar with a control. Well, you hope the control would be what? Because there's no other product on the market. That's a seven valent meningococcal vaccine in the U S. So you could, you should have compared it against it. We'll see about, but you see the little cross right there. Yes. Let's go down right here and let's see what the control was."
"The control was another unlicensed product. So they had a clinical trial for this, for Prevnar 7 that wasn't six months. It was far shorter and they didn't prepare it against the placebo. Even though there was no 7-valent and meningococcal vaccine that I'm aware of that was on the market license in the US. So there's no standard of care. They should use a placebo. What do they use? Another. Another unlicensed vaccine."
"Again, I'm laughing, but it's definitely serious too. And I say it because it really goes back to your point about religion. And it's a long way to answer your question, I know, but yes, there is what is said about these products, what believed about these products."
"And then there's this reality, again, all on the FDA website, you can look at it yourself. I'm not trying to pick on these products. That's just the reality about the clinical trials. And we've just talked about pre-licensure safety, right? I mean, there are, we can, by the way, there's even worse examples than this that we can go through, but I'll leave it alone on that."
"And then there's the claim about post-licensure safety, how there's this massive body of science that assures it's safe. And I could tell you that, you know, we have 40 people in my law firm that do almost exclusively vaccine work. We have, I think, the largest vaccine practice in the world that doesn't represent pharmaceutical companies."
"And you can bring a claim for vaccine injury, okay, in America and in other countries, but you can't sue the manufacturer. In America, you sue the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. You sue the federal health authorities that tell you it's safe. There's no right to get, you can't subpoena documents, you can't depose the companies."
"This program won't let you do it. But you can bring a claim. And so we get calls all the time. from parents who want to say, hey, my child had this reaction or that reaction to a vaccine, went in totally healthy, started seizing, had a grand mal seizure within 10 minutes, rushed to the emergency room, ended up with all this sequela."
"And so when we go in, I don't have a PhD after my name. I don't have an MD. I don't have any fancy medical titles. So when I go to court or any of the attorneys in my firm go to court, we have to prove it with evidence. I don't get to say, trust me, I'm a doctor, trust me, I'm a PhD. We actually have to prove the claim. So we want good clinical trial data, and we want good post licensure safety data."
"And so we are very familiar with the post licensure safety studies, safety systems, and the notion that there's some robust body of studies out there, just go to like, have be is is and I'll be kind nonsensical and all one needs to do is go to search for happy vaccine."
"Just go read all the studies won't take long about happy vaccine safety and also you can go to ICANN's website and you could see that we had an exchange with HHS about when we went back and forth about the safety of all these vaccines and you could see what they had in response to all of this. They are as you said religious beliefs."
Source video:
Excerpted from:
Aaron Siri REVEALS the Shocking Truth Behind Vaccine Trials – SF509
Sunfellow Vaccination Resource Page
COVID-19 Vaccines For Children (& Childhood Vaccines In General) Rumble Playlist
A Common-Sense Approach To Childhood Vaccines Is Now Needed (World Council For Health)
Vaccination Horror Stories: Why We Don’t Vaccinate
Vaccination Horror Stories: Children’s Health Defense Bus Stories
Children's Health Defense
National Vaccine Information Center
Become A Certified Vaccine Education Specialist
Resources For Parents Who Will Not Vaccinate Their Children
Autism Parenting Secrets Website
Autism Parenting Secrets Podcasts
Two Verifiable Anecdotes Are The Mathematical Proof That Vaccines Cause Sids And Autism
How To Find A Vaccine-Free Doctor
Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science And Myth (Book)
GROK Summary of Turtles All The Way Down:
Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak (Book)
GROK Summary of Vax-Unvax:
Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History (Book)
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The Unvaccinated Child: A Treatment Guide for Parents and Caregivers (Book)
The Vaccine Injury Treatment, Recovery And Resource Starter Guide
New Children's Book: 'I'm Unvaccinated And That's OK!' (Del Bigtree & Dr. Shannon Kroner)
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Sunfellow Health & Healing Resource Page
Sunfellow Health & Healing On Rumble
COVID-19 Healing Resources
"What I learned from the Covid Vaccine debacle is that regulators approving COVID vaccines, and childhood vaccines, are crooks, and the same people approve all those vaccines. They are approving COVID vaccine applications that any serious regulator, who cares about infants, would have laughed out of the room. This is all I need to know about them. If these crooks are approving 'Covid Vaxx' for infants, I cannot believe their assurances about other childhood vaccines. I will not believe that 'they are safe', or that 'they are effective' unless it is proven without the involvement of these people or the greedy companies financing fake research."
-- Igor Chudov
Crooks Who Approved "Covid Vaxx" Approved Other "Childhood Vaccines" Also
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