Hilarious 'Adele' Parody Wedding Toast From Maid Of Honor

6 years ago

Don’t let anyone tell you that your wedding should be this way or that way. You do you. A wedding should only represent what you want it to represent and nothing else. If you want to stick to traditions, go ahead, do it. If you don’t want to make a fuss about it, you can do that too.

Weddings are ceremonies in which two people promise to nurture and grow their love for one another until the end of time. It’s up to you to decide who attends the ceremony, where it takes place, will the cake be chocolate, literally everything up to the decoration on the flower girl’s dress. This footage proves us that it is of utmost importance to personalize your wedding ceremony, and what better way to do it than to choose a pretty innovative person be your maid of honor.

It really is important to surround yourself with great people in life. They make the living fun and the journey worthwhile. Of course, some of them you don’t get to choose, as is the case with your family, but you shouldn’t worry about them because they always got your back.

This video gives us an idea of why we should never really rile up our siblings while growing up. Choosing your sister as the maid of honor is a double edged sword. On one hand, you know to expect some beans to be spilled, but on the other, you know that she would never want to intentionally harm you, especially on the most precious day in your life.

This couple had the greatest of luck to choose the bride’s sister as the maid of honor. Ashley is one incredibly talented lady to think of this surprise. Usually after we hear the maids of honor speeches after a hundred times, they all converge into one. They all would like to thank the bride and groom for choosing them and it’s an incredible honor to even be chosen. Then they go into how they met the two and what they think of them, and usually they end on a high note about how fantastic it is to finally see them together after a long time of witnessing their love.

The bride’s sister actually decided to spice things up a little with a song. Now, you might think that it’s bad to chose Adele for weddings, but Ashley decided to change the lyrics and make the whole speech a song. In it she talks about how the newlyweds met and how they fell in love, how she’s not too thrilled about having the groom as a brother in law (but later admits that he is the perfect person for her sister) and finally she hints that they have all been waiting for those two to tie the knot, and they couldn’t be happier. All in all, it was one incredibly inventive speech.

What dо you think about this video? Make sure you tell us more in the comments down below. If you like what you see, don’t forget to share it with others who might like it as well. It just might be the highlight of their day! Enjoy!

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