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Magi Broke Hell's Economy Off Jesus | Voice of God with Joseph Z

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In today’s Voice of God series, you’ll learn how the magi broke hell’s economy off Jesus. Joseph Z explains that every time a movement or a word of God is coming to wake up a generation, the killing of children occurs, just like Herod commanded that all male children should be killed in fear that another may take his place. Also, He instructs that the magi accomplished their mission and broke hell’s economy by equipping Jesus with God-ordained resources, an excessive amount of treasure to break hell’s hold off Jesus and his family. Interestingly, we learn that Jesus, the family's firstborn, gave this wealth to Joseph of Arimathea.

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Joseph elaborates that Jesus gave away His wealth to become poor so we can be rich through Him. He references Luke 9:49-50 to explain how God uses people to get His will done on earth, and because God is a heart God, He speaks to us at every point in time. He clarifies the spirituality of the magi, and how God communicated to them in a dream, warning them not to return to Herod because of his evil intention toward Jesus.

Additionally, Joseph insists that God used the Magi to break Jesus out of the containment of the Babylonian system, and God still desires us to win more than we do; for if God could use those who didn't know the salvation of Jesus, how much more will He use our lives to break the powers of darkness of our generation by our obedience? He then references 1 Corinthians 1:27 to explain how God uses the foolish things of this world to shame the wise. In conclusion, he assures us that God will meet us in impossible scenarios, and will use the wealth of the wicked to break us off hell’s economy.

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