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Situation Report 12-11-24

Streamed on:

One Team One Fight.

1T1F shirts -https://ltc-steven-murray.myspreadshop.com/

How to find me:

@Ltc_steven_mur on Twitter

@LTC Steven Murray on Telegram

@LTC Steven Murray on Truth Social



  • 0/2000
  • Josef Stalin used the tactic to call anyone a fascist that disagreed with him. The communists are still doing the same thing: as if you can only choose either the demonic communism or the fascism. Most folks really aren't mentally ill like that. Most folks just want to do their thing and raise their kids. "You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end-which you can never afford to lose-with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever that may be."-VADM James Stockdale, USN. (HT WRSA)

  • Washington DC (Dual Citizens) cabinet is full of the suspects.

  • Kari Lakes long haired attorney is definitely a retard. What dumb F$ck.

  • Boooool $hit! 🤣

  • Lieutenant Colonel you are spot on with Twitter it is a bunch of twats

  • Thank you for mentioning the FACTS on the JEWS. The criminal JEWS are running the USA . They must be removed with extreme prejudice.

  • Musk is a shape changing reptile

  • maybe there military drones looking for a nuke.

  • What time did the sitrep start, LTC Murray? Sorry I missed it. My experience with "X" is exactly as you describe it. I'm still banned there - for NOTHING. They wouldn't even say why... I do believe - as you do - that X has been "reset" to continue the propaganda/psy-op "Operation Mockingbird" crap - with a "double-pump head-fake". It's gone back to business as usual. Might it be that the communists decided to NOT steal this election because they'd heard rumors that an armed conflict might be the response? If so, expect that they will RETURN to a huge disarmament campaign, using lots of false flag "mass shootings" until they arm-twist the R's to join the RINOS and "make this country civilized again". That means "National Socialist" gun control, of course. Right now, it looks like we're on the edge of getting rid of the BATFE, but we should expect a reversal after a BUNCH of CEO's get "bagged". At any rate, we should do as you suggest - and as Pete Blaber said in his book, "Let the situation develop." He also said, "Don't get treed by a Chihuahua".

  • I'm a realist. Glad Trump won but always ready for the other show to drop.

  • Laffin my ass off Steve about chatting with the Aliens !!! Hilarious. The propaganda media is just that BS. When 4 guys in a hummer, in the dessert, with massive speakers eminating an incoming tank division, can coerce units and Iraqi divisions to drop weapons, surrender and or run.....think about what they are doing to us right now. The operational level of this psyop on we the people, is unpecedented. KCD.

  • Now the lieutenant Colonel is taking it up another notch musk is a CIA asset and Twitter has just been re-constituted. It’s all about collecting information and then extracting leverage.

    1 like
  • Putin and Teheran may have a very needed bleach cycle applied to Tel a Tubby Tell a Viv wall kissers.

    1 like
  • Heads don’t need to roll Wray and 1000’s of others need to be tried and prosecuted then Hung Real Justice for traitors for once But not gonna happen

    1 like
  • Visitors to serve man

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