Why Amazon Converts 4x Better Than Shopify

2 months ago

Amazon’s 8-12% conversion rate outshines Shopify’s 1-2%. This video explains why some D2C brands are hesitant to expand into Amazon.

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#AmazonSelling #EcommerceGrowth #ShopifyConversion #Amazon #ShopifyvsAmazon

Watch these videos on YouTube:

Shopify or Amazon? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Q0KH4yH3tY&list=PLDkvNlz8yl_Yy7kkrVb1tR4xBqs3a6163

Make customers BUY MORE on your store https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBNsdoouW8o&list=PLDkvNlz8yl_YEKE1B5o1uhbBm1QQcPzmY&index=4


Email Steven Pope: podcast@myamazonguy.com

Stuck on amazon? Let us solve your problem today: http://bit.ly/416QukR

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See how we can grow your sales: http://bit.ly/416Qmln

00:00 - Why Amazon Beats Shopify in Conversion Rates
00:18 - The Trade-Off Between Control and Experience
00:42 - Return Policies: Amazon vs. Other Platforms
02:00 - Consumer Habits and Convenience
02:53 - My Amazon Guy’s Ideal Seller Profile
03:45 - Why Some D2C Brands Avoid Amazon
04:26 - Comparing Advertising Costs: Amazon vs. Others


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