more ranting n reflecting over old skool fleetwood mac

1 month ago

i expected myself to cry in this video
i guess they were predicting the total destruction of women
peter green was a bonafide human being
i still collect cds
leaving the house is already enough of a task w/out any vinyl
ranting cos tmrw is my bday
tribalism will always exist but to devote a whole holiday to it?
survival instinct kicks in, empathy kicks out naturally
x is the new wild wild west hahaha life is so retarded
here go you more ag talkin shit
white people will rationalize why we get killed
a lotta white people wanna be liked so bad that they pretend to be gay
don't worry i would never throw a fuckin parade
the culture gets to decide morality
what if everybody is terrible
leave it to stupid women to talk endlessly about shit that won't ever change
i guess i'm stupid too tho huh
character n personality don't exist
i see myself screw up every day
suicide is no longer a viable option for me
i am working on this bit devoted to zoloft
i can't expect the audience to be on board w/ stuff that they dunno
dumb for me to expect more outta the algorithm
don't classify, just say pills i mean
psychiatry is the only one that is obviously evil but not obvious enough
imma be 39 tmrw
you dunno about all the x people do sumin cos they're so good at it
don't tell me what to do otherwise i will keep doin what chu hate AND brag about it booyah bitch
figure out for yourself what is acceptable
no critical thinking, no critical feeling
depressing to think about this but here we go
let's celebrate slaughter by stuffing our faces
ag explains her bitterness
i only have time to say ugly n offensive things, no time to explain
is it racist to want a white country
as if people don't eat too much every mfing day already
i ended up just staying at home
my day of birth has always been overshadowed by this holiday that i don't understand
fuck the plebian sheep ad infinitum
it's still better to be aware than not be aware
the internet proves that the world is capitalist
trying to soften the world doesn't make it easier to exist
living life is hard, man
look at that guy hahaha
distracting ourselves from each n every conscious question
i like the constitution a lot but if it ain't applied then what's the point
conspiracy brain says that the constitution was never really applied
we applaud anyone buying beer for the holidays
perhaps i should celebrate my bday w/ non-alcoholic beer *once again, ag predicts the future
i could drink a whole case but if it ain't got alcohol in it what's the point
holidays are depressing if you're a conscious person
always been the black sheep n i have a lotta shame there
i'm just explaining how it feels
women don't understand our feelings, THAT is my problem w. em
often times feelings are attached to the victim mentality
curse words are understandable here in america
lefties loosies n uptightee rightees
i can't disagree w/ anything he said tho hahaha
mocking me half his set he did better than he's ever done,, you're very welcome glad i could help
i find canaan's delivery hilarious but most people don't get him
really good comics (all dudes) were on this comedy special i did back @ twin kegs 2 (shitty dive bar in downtown nashville) during the summer of 2021
thomas is gone now becuz of this crap, fuck women
sumin that is literally stigmatized can't be talked about in this way
when nobody cares about yer misfortune cos they're too afraid to talk to you anyway...that is real stigma
it's a good thing most of the time cos people leave me alone
if they don't laugh it's probably cos they recognize that i'm not lying
truth is actually not funny cos empathy feels pretty bad
i guess i just explained why i don't vibe w/ most comedians, they are way too attached to their narcissism
laughing is a defense mechanism n a lotta the time it is mean
i make a lotta stuff cos i am always inspired
my stage presence is ugly cos my experience has been kinda ugly
i should probably try a little harder w/ the optics but i'd get bored w/ myself
i got this dollar as a tip recently
i got this bag for ronnit last year n didn't give it to her til july, she told me to wait til the next hannukah
should i confuse people n make em think i'm jewish
they'll still freak out whenever they feel my energy
way easier to be environmentally conscious on the L apparently
having a flip phone is a much better example of practicing what i preach than just bringing my own bags but keep in mind i've been byob for over ten yrs now
i used to separate all my recycling n take it to the recycling unit
i wish that people noticed correlations
that algorithm is definitely discouraging empathy
this card has $, that is crazy
i am literally predicting my own future here, just wait
we don't seem to be conscious of a lotta things
this is why i get high yawl
such a whirlwind of emotion n thoughts n ideas n obsessions
your existence is cancerous if/when you're not conscious
you know i'm right about all this shit

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