Ex-Pfizer VP Blows Whistle: Covid 'Vaccines' Were 'Designed Intentionally to Harm People'
The former vice president of Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon, has blown the whistle in an explosive testimony to warn the public that Covid "vaccines" were "designed intentionally to harm the people who received them."
I do not have your qualifications;however I could see through the propaganda from the start and never took a jab. All the folk around me did, despite my pleading for them not to; or at least spend as much time researching the mRNA jabs to the extent they would when buying a product on-line. No they just rub their swollen arm on me "look I've had mine". I will forgive their wilful ignorance,but will never forget. As for my acquaintance who boasted of her new assignment as a Government Covid19 vaccine advocate and nurse, telling all and sundry the jabs will keep you safe, she is now very silent on the subject. My immediate circle of vaccinated have suffered a plague of stroke,heart attacks and cervic cancer,prostate cancer etc, but the cause is an amzing puzzle!
The Holy Spirit had a hand in leading us away from taking that?
I never thought about that, we just "KNEW" it was wrong,
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Thanks for sharing. I passed out flyers with internet links to Mike Y and others, trying to warn them at public events. Some people accused me of harassing them. Try to help and no good deed goes unpunished. I did have one person a year later come up to me and thank me profusely. She said I save her and her husband's life. That made me feel like I did a good thing trying to warn people. I also put the gospel on the back of my flyer. Glory to God. for those that listened.
Sadly, they have been so desperate to get this stuff into us, that they have it in the air (nano-dust in chem trails), in our water...in our food (lettuces, tomatoes, etc.)....in the soil, and in other shots, like dental numbing agents (South America is the only place you can have the non-nano numbing agents), flu shots, etc. NO SHOTS FOLKS!!! Do not trust them.
Dr. Yeadon has been screaming this for almost 4 years. Why won’t our lawmakers listen???
Because our law makers are all compromised pedophiles.
they are all pedos and on the take from the big pharma
I have 2 daughters and every year they received sports physicals to participate in their chosen sport. This is the first year that the sports physical added a special box that you sign agreeing to be responsible for getting an EKG to check your child's heart health as we have now had children in our city drop dead on the field. My husband is a veterinarian. He mentioned that covid had been a topic year after year at his continuing education sessions. He says if a horse gets really sick you test for 5 different things. If he's negative of those 5 things he is then diagnosed as having covid. I asked him why you don't just test for covid. He said because there isn't a test for covid. It was very early into lockdowns that we were super skeptical about all that was being spoon fed by our media. And ivermectin was demonized. When ivermectin first appeared on the market it enabled cattle farmers to keep their livestock so healthy that they seldom needed antibiotics. Its cheap and effective as well as being safe for pregnant women. But we couldn't even try to use it to save dying people. Hmmmmm. I'm awake now and common sense lives at our house. God bless you Dr Yeadon for speaking truth about what you know.
Anyone with a brain could see media, politicians and so called experts were accelerating fear. Real leaders calm people down. Real leaders do not pour gas on a small fire.
Arrest Bill Gates and all accomplices. Start a trial at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Netherlands. Who oh who can supply the lawyers.
Thank you dear Michael. This was brilliant . A mention of the self-assembling nanotechnology and the goal of transhumanism would have been good ! Be safe ❤️
Bless you for trying to save the sheeple that trusted evil and lying politicians and a corrupt health system mostly run by lawyers
Thank you SN ♥️
Thank God for this man.
Okay, so I never got the covid vaccine, yet I definitely got Covid, on three separate occasions. Each time I tested positive with a standard nasal swab test and I also checked that the tests gave me a negative result several times when I wasn't sick. I know that I had covid because the symptoms were unlike any I had seen before, including feeling like I was breathing through heavy mucus, almost as if breathing through liquid, and also the onset always involved extreme headaches and pressure in my head. I've never felt sensations like these when sick before. So you say that the pandemic is not real. I'd just like you to clarify what you mean by not real. I know that covid is real, because I had it several times and also people I know had it and described the same symptoms. I don't trust the vaccines whatsoever but you saying that the pandemic wasn't real bothers me, though I respect that you speak out about it, however what I fear is that this is some kind of psyop. Can you clarify what you mean?
It’s just a cold or flu. As they totally disappeared. You get different symptoms too. Covid as such is nonsense
I got, for all intents, an illness with the exact same symptoms (including loss of taste/smell and residual brain fog) ascribed to Covid 19 but in 2016. A couple of my friends (I found out in 2019, had it too). I believe Covid was a thing, but it was a severe flu hijacked to weaken in particular, Western democracies.
CONvid is relabeled SARS CoV2…Covid does not exist…it’s never been isolated.
It is not a real pandemic as he said. You were poisoned. It was put in the water, and probably other ways so that people would get sick so that they could sell the vax. There is so much more info that he did not include. You need a nicotine patch. Watch Dr. Ardis - website: www.thedoctorardisshow.com
Dr. Ardis convinced me to order two boxes of nicotine patches. I followed his instructions regarding brand and dosage. Unfortunately I am allergic to the adhesive! Symptoms were itching and redness no matter where the patch was applied on my body. Now, I am considering buying organically grown tobacco to smoke in a hand rolled cigarette or a pipe.
nothing more than a bad cold/influenza, for me when i get a bad cold which is rare for me, i lose my taste among other things for a few weeks,,, long before "covid" ever showed up
You were microwaved thru 5G antennas, radiation sickness. That's why they put the 5G towers up in mass. Also dropping substances in the chemtrails.... The two work together..... and amplify sickness. I live in the country and didn't get covid
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I think Dr. Yeadon is spot on regarding the Covid jabs. I only disagree on one point...I do believe Covid-19 virus was and is very real and that it is a biological weapon designed to kill and also to exert control on world populations. Additionally, the virus set in motion the "reason" for the "vaccines" which, obviously were also designed to injure, sterilize & kill the recipient. Don't deny that Covid is real & that it leaked from the Wuhan biolab, because it decreases credibility.
It never leaked from any lab because it doesn’t exist. It is a psyop.
never existed, so the flu just completely disappears for 1 year and then come back the next year? your "covid" was actually the influenza or common cold, nothing more than a psyop
Much of it was snake venom and put in the water supply. A nicotine patch (Is not a toxin, it is food, in tomato's and potatoes and celery.) dislodges the toxin from the cell receptors, in favor of the nicotine. Nutrition cures. We never got the clot shot, but started using the patch anyway and should protect somewhat from the shedding of the vax by others. There are other benefits to the nicotine, such as fixing Parkinson's disease, giving more energy, having less stress over the little things, and I call it the happy patch. Check out "www.thedrardisshow" website and watch a couple videos explaining this.
I agree with you. We didn't get the vaccines but had Covid and have never quite been the same. My husband has struggled with mind fog that is slowly improving and both of us have overall lost energy and vigor.
Covid-19 SARS-Cov-2 has never been isolated. For a virus that is estimated be 1.6 times larger than the average virus you would think it would be easy to isolate. 15,000 samples said to contain the virus, all that was found was Flu types A and B. Everything you think you know about it is a lie.
My wife is an RN and because her job mandates/requires the injections, we have been trying to have a child or 2 if possible, I thoroughly believe her fertility is affected by these poisons, However i try to show her proof about these vaccines, she passes it off as lies or conspiracy theory. I have become somewhat used to the fact that we may never be able to have a child, i was in my mid 20's when i stopped taking ANY shots, my wife is 16 years younger than myself, I think i need to have her go to a fertility clinic and have her get checked out
She's been an RN all this time and still sees the jab as conspiracy theory? wow
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I've noticed a significant difference in video presentation very bazaar behavior since covid, heart attacks in young athletes, and all sorts of very different behaviors.is it a coincidence that covid vaccines were mandated soon after covid happened?
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NYS tried to pass quarantine camps but it failed, so Governor Hochel gave a directive to the health department to create rules that achieved her goals to lock up people who refuse the vaccines.
Political 'leaders' will not hear this as they are all in on this deception. Huge amounts of money are involved as the Pharma industry is one of the biggest, if not THE biggest lobby force in the country. It donates massive amounts of money for campaigns. The movement for government funded campaigns was an important and great project but seems to have lost steam. Where it was applied in smaller elections there was a much bigger diversity of people who ran for office and won, people of lesser wealth, working class people. Ending Citizens United is another major campaign that needs greater empowerment: remember is opened the flood gates for corporate donations to political campaigns. A third goal needs to be ending the Electoral College in favor of a national majority vote. And a fourth effort should be for representative government with more than 2 corporatist/fascist Parties controlling everything. These campaigns for change are not new but need more backing and publicity.
What dangerous language. A majority vote is democracy and that is 2 wolfs and a sheep deciding what to eat for dinner. The electoral college is what give the people in the states more power over the larger populated states. That is what the supreme court did to the county in each state back in 1964. They made the state republics into democracies and now, 1 or 2 counties with large cities control all the other counties of the state. Your thinking is skewed - deliberately destructive or ignorance is a foot in your thinking.
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No Coincidence https://drsambailey.substack.com/p/the-corruption-is-real-and-sickening
WHY??? https://drsambailey.substack.com/p/the-corruption-is-real-and-sickening
IYH Dr. Mike Yeadon makes several points that the COVID-19 pandemic was not a true public health emergency and that the vaccines were intentionally designed to harm people. Here are his key points and the evidence he presents: **1. There Was No Pandemic** * Yeadon argues that there was no real pandemic or public health emergency in 2020. * He claims that the World Health Organization (WHO) falsely declared a pandemic * He asserts that the increased death rates attributed to COVID-19 were actually caused by changes in medical practices, such as the use of ventilators and sedatives for patients with flu-like illnesses. * He claims that these practices were deliberately implemented to cause deaths and create the illusion of a pandemic. **2. COVID-19 Vaccines are "Injected Poisons"** * Yeadon asserts that the COVID-19 vaccines were not developed through proper scientific processes and are essentially "injected poisons." * He claims that it's impossible to create a safe and effective vaccine in the short timeframe in which the COVID-19 vaccines were developed. * He argues that the vaccines were designed to cause toxicity, injury, death, and reduced fertility. **3. Evidence of Intentional Harm in Vaccine Design** * Yeadon points to the use of spike protein in the vaccines as evidence of intentional harm. He claims that injecting the genetic sequence for spike protein causes the body to produce a foreign protein that the immune system attacks, leading to widespread cell death. * He highlights the known toxicity of spike protein, citing studies that show it can cause blood coagulation, nerve damage, and heart tissue damage. * He argues that the use of lipid nanoparticles in the mRNA vaccines was a deliberate choice to ensure the vaccine components would spread throughout the body and accumulate in the ovaries, leading to reproductive harm in women
A study published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research analyzed vials from AstraZeneca/Oxford, CanSino Biologics, Pfizer/BioNTech, Sinopharm, Moderna, and Sputnik V using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) https://doi.org/10.56098/mt1njj52 The study found a total of 55 undeclared chemical elements across these vaccines [3]. Here's a breakdown of some notable findings: Lanthanides: The study detected 11 out of the 15 lanthanides, a group of elements used in electronics and optogenetics, but not typically found in biological applications [2, 4]. Their presence in the vaccines raised concerns due to their potential cytotoxic effects [4]. Heavy Metals: The analysis also revealed the presence of heavy metals in varying percentages across the vaccine samples: Chromium: Found in 100% of the samples [2] Arsenic: 82% [2] Nickel: 59% [2] Cobalt and Copper: 47% [2] Tin: 35% [2] Cadmium, Lead, and Manganese: 18% [2] Mercury: 6% [2] Combining the ICP-MS findings with previous research using Scanning Electron Microscopy Coupled with Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDX), a total of 62 undeclared chemical elements were identified in these COVID-19 vaccines [5, 6]. Notably, elements like boron, calcium, titanium, aluminum, arsenic, nickel, chromium, copper, gallium, strontium, niobium, molybdenum, barium, and hafnium were found in all the brands [7]. The consistent presence of these undeclared elements across various brands and lots led researchers to believe that these were not due to contamination or accidental adulteration [8]. They suggested that the findings might indicate a global technological experimentation possibly involving nanotechnology [8]. This discovery raises significant concerns regarding the safety and transparency of the COVID-19 vaccine development and manufacturing processes.
Thank you Dr Yeadon. Have you looked into people who claimed they felt their soul leave their bodies right after injection?
I'm still a #Pureblood and I can tell you it's wild to see everyone sick as a dog at work and I just keep my mouth shut. It's non-stop too. Used to be people got sick once of twice a tear or so now it's whenever there's a season change like clockwork.
I am so greatful for people like this THANK YOU
Thank you for speaking out x
None of the mandates made sense. especially the mask which affected me. due to allergies and a deviated septum that all but closed off one nostril. Read every study on surgical masks that I could find before they disappeared. Not one said they would work against a virus. For 3 years doctors lied to me about the studies. Before the mRNA jab real experts warned us about it and I thank each and every one of you that did. I wouldn't have taken it anyway. I've learned a lot about real vaccines and the harm they cause over the years.
When good people work together around the World for the Love of Humanity and Life Itself, many Problems can be Solved, many Cures can be Found, it Only takes Good People , then Justice can be Served. How to Check Disclosure of Vote Rigging on an Industrial Scale. www.Sleazeexpo.wordpress.com Go in Peace, as Light Awakens the Truth. God Bless all the Good People working for the Love of Humanity and Life Itself.
What is this worldwide Bird Influenza, how can it happen worldwide, what tests are being done, who is pushing plandemics ?
If not an injection, it will be in the food, water, air. We will have a hard time avoiding it I'm afraid...
Thank you dr Yeadon. I listened to you early on and did not get the covid jab. Unfortunately, my husband, siblings and friends were coerced to get it so they would not loose their job. I knew a vaccine could not be made in 4 months. How could you know of long term side effects for starters? I no longer trust the medical/pharmaceutical world. I know evil is alive and well in our world.
I have read that Bill Gates has Trump’s ear on making an MRNA VACCINE FOR CANCER.
No injections for me! I had covid in April 2020, and in reply to those who say covid was just a bad case of flu, you are very wrong! Whatever I had was way worse. I’ve never been that deathly sick before. 10 days with no support at all—then I could feel my body recovering. Since then Ivermectin (for horses), dosed for my weight of 112 pounds, has kept me healthy. A video presentation by Dr. Ardis convinced me to order two boxes of nicotine patches. I followed his instructions regarding brand and dosage. Unfortunately I am allergic to the adhesive! Symptoms were itching and redness no matter where the patch was applied on my body. Now, I am considering buying organically grown tobacco to smoke in a hand rolled cigarette or a pipe.
If you have an old android phone with android version 5 or 5.1, ( it was named LOLLIPOP) ( some version 6 will work as well) charge it up and take it out in a crowd or a street or anywhere, even your bedroom. Turn on bluetooth and the MORE button. You will see many many addresses pop up with no identity as to what the address refers to. Take out your normal phone Android or apple. I will see 20 or more MAC adresses on the android and one or two on a new phone. CHeck the Bluetooth display and compare the 2 phones. I hate to use the word "shocked" but you will be when you see how many people are radiating addresses. It is not just rings and watches and phones as they do not identify the manufacturer. It is more. Then take only the old android to a remote area where only you are present and check for BT addresses. If there are none your body is not radiating a MAC address. We go out to deserted places around Toronto with no BT anywhere and when hikers approach us they usually light up with MAC addresses. I have heard that dead bodies in graveyards give off MAC addresses and have tested this and cannot confirm this is true although I tested this have tested it. If a body is drained of fluids it no longer has the capacity to generate electricity which would be required to power a bluetooth transmission. It is very difficult to get away from BT sources these days but I am convinced people are giving off random MAC addresses all the time. I first observed CHEMTRAIL spraying in 1998. Nobody believed me. Shunned me all these years and now many people are aware of the sun dimming that is going on. No sun = no life ( food) . No health.
Das angebliche Sars-Covid 2 Virpritzen existiert nicht, alles wurde inszeniert, um uns in diese Spritzen zu treiben https://odysee.com/@Jonnys_Truth:d/Dringende_Botschaft_-_Graphenoxid-mobil:d
Das angebliche Sars-Covid 2 Virus existiert nicht. Alles wurde inszeniert, um uns in diese Spritzen zu treiben https://odysee.com/@Jonnys_Truth:d/Dringende_Botschaft_-_Graphenoxid-mobil:d
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