Biker Stops To Give Ride To A Man Trying To Catch The Bus

6 years ago

"I was headed down the road when I passed a city bus and saw a guy running down the road. I asked him if he was trying to make the bus. He said 'Yeah, the bus.' I explained to come on and get on and I'll take him to the bus stop. He agreed and jumped on my motorcycle. Definitely the first time I ever let a guy on my bike but was worth the cause. It's over 110 degrees in Arizona. He doesn't need to be running or sitting waiting for the next bus. P.S. He did lose his hat. Not on purpose, LOL. I'll find him again and buy him a new one." - explains the biker.
The motorcyclist has an eye for details so when he sees the old man running, he realizes it must be because of the bus. Though he might have enough time to catch it, the biker stops in order to offer him a ride. What a noble and unusual act of kindness. It’s not like he is stopped on the streets every day and offered help. It’s just natural his first reaction to be suspicious because you can never know what is the real intention of somebody you accidentally meet on the streets, so it is pretty normal to feel afraid and awkward. No sooner the man sees that this biker’s intention is solely out of compassion, he decides it is safe to climb up the motorbike. He has definitely made the right call. Instead of sweating in the scorching heat, he makes the way to the bus top shorter and easier and he is grateful for that.

In fact, showing little acts of kindness should be a daily occurrence and we should never forget that small things can provoke strong feelings. Though they may look trivial, they could mean the whole world to somebody. Let’s not forget to do something as simple and kind as this every day since it is a recipe for a cheerful and fruitful life. There is nothing more elevating than making someone happy. After all, it’s inspiring! This good-natured grandma proves that small actions filled with love are good enough to touch people’s heart! Kindness makes the world a better place. And that’s because it’s simply contagious. Think about it: you witness a random act of kindness, and you can’t help but extend the kindness continuum by paying it forward yourself. This makes acts of kindness not just beneficial for the recipient, but for everyone in your community. Kindness is also good for you, the giver. When you display kindness, you increase dopamine to the brain, leaving you feeling happier and more energized. So whether you want to perk up a loved one, coworker, acquaintance, total stranger, or yourself, you’ll accomplish it all in one random act of goodness.

There are indeed many videos on the Internet that appreciate and celebrate sharing love. Take a look at the following one. There are days in our lives when we feel like staying in bed and do nothing else. The sky opens up and starts pouring with rain when the bus driver is left without his bus that has broken down. Standing in the rain, the driver gets lucky when a car driver stops his car, pops an umbrella and gives it to the bus driver. Faith in humanity is definitely restored. It only takes a tiny good deed to make someone else’s day a thousand times better, so don’t ever hesitate to lend a hand.

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