Online Monopoly Sh###y experience #45

2 months ago

Here we have another classic type.
The disconnect after the host looks thru your properties.
Seems likely that it's a judgement or just a poor sport
The host has the ability to kick you out, and I've done it plenty of times but not because a player was safe on 5 color sets. Which was the case here.

But it's a common objection, to someone collecting blocker properties.

Nothing surprizes me with the Monopoly online gamers,
I have never once made it to the end of any game
and that is because as far as I can see, the online gaming community is full of a lot of hacking into the systems over the PNP ganing interface, either hacking the netBIOS or hitting us with DDOS attacks.

I have hardly made it to the completion of any games online. It really isn't done. But remember these are all strangers.

UBISOFT also hacked me when I tried to change my name. Their interface says the name change can only be made once a month. As I clicked to change the name they disconnected my interface. When I got back on, it said I had used my monthly change in my name, but my name wasn't any different. Still IrritatedCats00. Really an annoying thing trying to play with the online gaming community.

You can be sure you're being hacked, and also talked about in private someplace.

Exercise in futility I have been disconnected absolutely every time I started to win the game, for instance when the dice roll is lucky.

I also have begun to just quit the games when I am being insulted by one of the online players' actions. For instance when they start to pile up an amount of my money in trade and deeds. Worthy of disconnect there. If they do it with their own stuff I will kick them out, cause I don't play that game.

I realize it could be anyone out there, and kids do annoying shit. Personally I think that Monopoly should have some sort of "why are you playing this" section, so old people like me who just want to take it easy and don't have a problem playing a game this boring, can complete our games if we want, without all the nasties out there coming in and insulting and hacking us. And the bitches can have their bitch slap game where all they do is bitch slap with intangibles that have nothing to do with the game.

Well here is another game with just a bitch slap at the end by Lucia. Noting that it's also possible that I got disconnected by my network or hers or that AI is coming in and doing it, or the MODS or ANYONE who hates me. Just in case you weren't paranoid enough.

On this game I play first myself in a private no room code visible (cross play set to off) game, I play 50 minutes online, but then the game froze around 53 minutes while I was doing some operation during my turn, (I have seen this glitch several times lately) so all I could do was quit to menu.

Then check out the quick token selecting sequence at 54:58. I am disconnected by host as the system message states. Some of the ones who I never saw the name but now I know the name. @Scannaporci93.

Right after that comes the match with @lucia (whom I never heard of before in all my games) which gets disconnected toward the very end.

The final match I quit from with some one person I never saw after just about 10 seconds I decided to just quit (end of the video comes shortly after that one) cause the name was in allcaps and sounded slightly like an insult. At any rate not a name I want in my sight.

In fact almost all these names I never saw previously though about 3 weeks ago to 1 week ago I played in or began about 50-100 matches over that time span and saw the same names repeatedly. Looks as though some may have gone in and changed their names.

The earlier matches where I saw the names over and over again, as I mentioned, none went to completion because the online gaming "community" (strangers to me) treats me worse than you'd treat your worst enemy.

From what I can tell it's the same group of criminals who occupies all comment sections or other communications interface I go on, spams me in public message boards without identifying me or themselves except by shadow mentions of any known events and other properties of made or mentioned, data gatherable, observations during my times. The parties which disable my communications at all costs everywhere and have for over 2 decades.

They are no doubt part of the political parties who are fully aware that I hate them and want to string their operatives up in the town square for their many well known jab genocides.

Which is no different than anyplace else I go online. Forums, comment sections, paid services that cheat me after I pay. The online experience is garbage.

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