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New X22 Report: PANIC in DC, Trump Will Take Full Control | Don't Worry

3 months ago

New X22 Report: PANIC in DC, Trump Will Take Full Control | Don't Worry

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • Please be guarded with your total unconditional support for Trump. We can all love the exposing of the Satanic deep state DemonRats, RINOS, PLANDEMICS, IRS, The Fed, Stolen elections, 9-11, and so much more. But Mar a logo (fake) Trump has shown to cover or support the top #1 Zionist operation at the time it's happening over and over. Like the Plandemic, the vaccine, Ukraine, D.E.W. and weather attacks. Satanic deep state Zionist Bitcoin and Israel with their genocide and starting WW3. And now full support for the federal reserve note. The petro dollar/world reserve note. The heart of Satanic deep state power. That we all know has to be destroyed to bring in Gesara/Nesara. Please do not support Satanic deep state Zionist Israel, Bitcoin, or the Federal reserve. And do not support Trump supporting Israel, Bitcoin, or the federal reserve. Sadly he is again appointing many more Zionist, Israel, Federal reserve supporters . Thank you ,.