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Excerpt - Dr. Paul Thomas Warns FDA Approved HPV Vax Dangerous

2 months ago

This excerpted segment was found at Telegram Dr. Judy Mikovits (https://t.me/dr_judymikovitss) posted on 11/27/24 (https://t.me/dr_judymikovitss/1967).

Dr. Judy Mikovits Description:

“If you're thinking about giving your child the HPV shot, you need to see this video.

Dr. Paul Thomas warns, “There will be more deaths from that [HPV] vaccine than there will ever be from cervical cancer. You just look at the number of studies and the number of deaths, and it’s horrendous.”

In a separate exposé on the HPV vaccine, Dr. Peterson Pierre revealed, “The number of HPV-related cancers has not DECREASED even though the vaccine has been widely adopted by men and women. In fact, the CDC has noted that in the past 15 years, HPV-related cancers have significantly INCREASED.”

So, there's two big takeaways here:

1. The HPV shot is not as safe as the CDC would like you to believe, according to a tsunami of VAERS reports.

2. The HPV shot is not as effective as the CDC claims. If it were, then how come HPV-related cancers have INCREASED since it was introduced in 2006?”


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