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15 seconds

CUN 41 !

Streamed on:

Christians UNITE NOW!, Today Is St. Andrew's Day!, A Physical Confrontation with a Next-Door Neighbor Ends Peacefully (Did Christ-Prince of Peace-Bring This Peace?), Two Feet of Snow and Freezing Temperatures (an " Arctic Blast ") Hit the Midwest and Northeast Over the " Holiday Weekend " (GOD's Judgment?)


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  • Hello, Ken. Watched your Rumble on Sunday evening. It was twenty degrees this morning when I came out of the house. It was very interesting to hear you speak about Saint Andrew's Day. Sorry that you had the incident with your neighbor, but it sounds like you handled it the right way by defusing the situation with your kind words. I pray everyday for the Lord to give me the wisdom, courage and strength to make the right decisions in my life. Thankful to come to know you after all of these years.

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  • I've heard of TLB and have read some verses from it. Definitely worth considering. Thanks, Mike.