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World on Edge: Major Updates on NATO/Ukraine vs Russia War, & Lebanon-Israel Ceasefire

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Fiorella Isabel Show
November 27, 2024

Fiorella discusses the latest updates on the Russia-NATO war and the ceasefire between Israel and Lebanon.

"Fi" Fiorella Isabel:
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/FiorellaIsabelM
Fiorella Isabel on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-5021915
Fiorella In Moscow YT: https://www.youtube.com/@FiorellaInMoscow

Jayme "CheeseSlice" (Producer/Engineer):
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/jthysell
CashApp: https://cash.app/$JaymeThysell
Buy Me a Coffee (Cheese): https://www.buymeacoffee.com/cheesesliceoflife
CheeseSlice Of Life: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNKizfoPsPHhtbp_UQ0Q5gQ

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  • 0/2000
  • Thank you Fiorella. ☮️💟✝️🗽⚖️

  • Hezbollah was whipping Israel and that is why Netanyahu wanted a ceasefire. What happened to no ceasefire until the hostages are released LOL. Palestine is the birthplace of Christianity, not only Muslims are being massacred but Christians are too America! Muslims accept Jesus as a chosen one of God, unlike the Israelis who murdered Jesus over Barabas. If you believe in God, please help make this song go viral to help end the killing of children in Palestine… CHRISTMAS WON’T BE CHRISTMAS WITH ALL THE CHILDREN GONE. Christmas won’t be Christmas with all the children gone. This New Year so many parents will be sad and all alone. No need to go shopping for gifts and toys. When the children are all dead, the little girls and boys. The surviving children all want to know where their sister or brother has gone. As they are starving and asking what did I do wrong. Please no snow this Christmas as they are freezing without a home. No stocking this Christmas as their little feet are frozen to the bone. Christmas won’t be Christmas with all the children gone. No Christmas carol singing, only bombs exploding all night long. Instead of bright red poinsettias, there are only small bloody bodies in the street. Instead of bright lights and garland, all I see are burnt separated hands and feet. If Rudolph tried to visit us, he probably would be shot down. For nowhere in Palestine is there any joy to be found? Christmas won’t be Christmas with all the children gone. As little children are crying and screaming asking Santa, was I naughty, what did I do wrong? Gregory St. James Mundy (author of I LOVE GOD) 702

    1 like
  • we are lucky to have Vladimir putin ' he is predictable ' wise' calm headed. we are lucky we don't have a real hard line Russian president

  • we are lucky to have Vladimir putin ' he is predictable ' wise' calm headed. we are lucky we don't have a real hard line Russian president