Bergoglio’s next crime – approval of the Mayan rite /Part 1/

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On 8 November 2024, the Vatican approved the Mayan rite of the Mass which will involve ritual dancing, women taking the place of the priest in incensing the altar and leading certain prayers in the liturgy.
The Vatican occupied by Bergoglio is transforming the Church into a pseudo-church of the antichrist in this next stage as well. In this sect of his, which he wrongly calls the Catholic Church, he is rooting the spirit of antichrist even deeper through the so-called Mayan rite. Bergoglio has personally dedicated himself to Satan in Canada and, through Fiducia supplicans, has transformed the Catholic Church into a synagogue of Satan with a sodomite anti-gospel. What to do for salvation?
At this stage, every true bishop, priest and believer must radically come out from under the usurper and his sect. Bergoglio abuses the supreme authority and power of the ecclesiastical structure to bring the Catholic Church to self-destruction and to rebellion against God. He now aims to expel the Holy Spirit even from the last members of the Catholic Church through the satanization of the liturgy. He is therefore gradually turning the liturgy into a pagan ritual with its typical gestures of demon worship. At the same time, Bergoglio is pursuing the gradual ordination of women as deacons and priests and the abolition of celibacy. These three changes – changing the liturgy, the ordination of women and the abolition of celibacy – are to be implemented by June 2025.
Mexican Cardinal Arizmendi wrote about the so-called Mayan rite: “The Vatican’s approval is ‘the official recognition of the Church by which these adaptations are approved as valid and legitimate’.”
This approval by Bergoglio’s Vatican is invalid and illegitimate. It is yet another abuse of usurped papal authority. According to the dogmatic bull Cum ex apostolatus officio, all actions or enactments of a heretic, whether bishop or pope, are null and void. Moreover, the approval document of 8 November 2024 is against the spirit of Scripture and Tradition. Therefore, it is heretical and invalid and every true bishop or priest is bound in conscience not to respect it.
Quoting the Cardinal on the Mayan rite: “They are the liturgy of the Church, and not just customs and habits that are viewed with suspicion.”
The pagan customs and habits, behind which is the pagan spirit, i.e. demon worship, have been invalidly elevated to the level of the liturgy of the Church by Bergoglio’s apostate Vatican. Bergoglio regards Christianity and pagan cults as equal paths to salvation, as evidenced by the Amazon Synod and his speech in Singapore. He is committing a sin against the Holy Spirit. He includes pagan customs and habits in the liturgy as if the Holy Spirit were working through them. But it is the demonic spirit that is working through them! And this deliberate confusion is the sin against the Holy Spirit. When Jesus cast out demons by the power of God, He was accused of doing it by the power of Beelzebul, the devil. The essence of the sin against the Holy Spirit is that the power of God is deliberately attributed to the devil, and vice versa, the manifestations of the devil’s power are attributed to God.
Arizmendi was keen to highlight the significance of the development, since it is indeed only the second such rite since the Second Vatican Council which has been approved, the other being the Zaire rite in Africa.
Why highlighting the significance of the development? Because after this approval of the Mayan rite we may expect subsequent approvals of such rites, up to the complete displacement of the essence of the liturgy by the pagan rites, behind which is the spirit of antichrist. This spectacle, in fact the worship of demons and the devil, has nothing to do with the liturgy – with Christ’s redemptive sacrifice on the cross.
Quoting the Cardinal: “... (such rites) are a form of incarnation of faith in expressions that are very specific to these cultures.”
We ask: The incarnation of what faith is very specific to pagan cultures? The faith that is associated with pagan cultures is the faith in demons and their influence. These so-called Catholics, who have retained very specific ancestral cultures and associated beliefs, do not really have a saving faith. Whether their ancestors were Mayans or Aztecs, they offered human sacrifices to demons, even 20,000 a year. Their chests were cut open alive and their hearts sacrificed to the demons. These are the very specific pagan cultures.
Nominal Catholics, who have the spirit of their very specific culture associated with magic, divination, superstition and other pagan practices, do not have the Spirit of Christ, but the spirit of paganism. It is a tragedy that Bergoglio’s apostate hierarchy, in the spirit of Vatican II’s Nostra aetate, is deliberately returning to pagan customs and habits and introducing them directly into the liturgy. The missionaries, on the other hand, led the indigenous people out of the bondage of paganism and superstition. They radically renounced the spirit of paganism and the very specific culture of death associated with it. Then they wholeheartedly accepted Jesus Christ as their only Saviour.
Quoting the Cardinal: “We did not invent them (the rites), but we adopted what they live and which is in accordance with the Roman rite.”
No one doubts that you did not invent pagan rites. But you deliberately put them in the centre under the cover of culture. The so-called Catholics who would live these pagan rites would actually have the spirit of paganism and not the Spirit of Christ. The tragedy is that you apostate prelates, headed by Bergoglio, have adopted the spirit of paganism and are incarnating it in the liturgy. In this way you are preventing pagans, whom you have only formally baptized, from becoming true Christians and saving their souls. You keep them in spiritual darkness. Moreover, you incarnate the spirit of paganism, even paradoxically through the liturgy, into the whole Church. This is a truly heinous crime! You still do not want to admit that this apostasy is the fruit of Nostra aetate of the Second Vatican Council.
The term Roman rite applies to the Latin liturgy, which was the liturgy for the whole Church until the Novus Ordo. Bergoglio has now approved the Mayan rite with pagan elements, incensing and demon worshipping ritual dances performed by women, and you hypocritically claim that this is in accordance with the Roman rite. For one thing, it is contrary to the Roman rite, and moreover, Bergoglio categorically forbids the Latin Roman rite. However, he establishes the Mayan rite as a precedent. The 8 November 2024 approval belongs to the implementation phase of the Synod on Synodality. This approval was preceded by the Instrumentum laboris of the Amazon Synod with the provision for the introduction of pagan rites into the liturgy.
However, the documents of the Amazon Synod also include the ordination of women as deacons, then as priests and finally as bishops, and the abolition of celibacy. In general, these documents have promoted the introduction of pagan rites into the liturgy, which in practice serves to destroy the essence of the mystery of the Eucharist associated with the Consecration, which is the making present of Christ’s redemptive death on the cross. The worship of demons in pagan cults and the mixing of these rites with the pure sacrifice of Christ is a gesture of rebellion against God and a blasphemous mockery of the atoning death of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Quoting the Cardinal: “If there are deviations in some indigenous customs, we can help them to reach their fullness in Christ and in his Church.”
What Arizmendi calls deviations may seem like an innocent term, but it is in fact the spirit of paganism, which worships demons and not God. It is associated with certain pagan rites and gestures. The Apostle clearly says: “There is no communion of Christ with Belial, nor of light with darkness.” (cf. 2Cor 6:14-15) To say that the spirit of paganism can reach its fullness in Christ is an absurd heresy! But this heresy is based on the declaration Nostra aetate of Vatican II and on the so-called interreligious dialogue.
With Bergoglio’s legalization of the sodomite anti-gospel in Fiducia supplicans, deceived Catholics were secretly drawn into his anti-Christ sect. Bergoglio is now introducing an anti-liturgy for his sect, the essence of which is the spirit of paganism, worshipping demons and Satan. No true Catholic bishop, priest or believer can remain in this Bergoglio sect any longer. God’s word is binding on this situation: “My people, come out of Bergoglio’s Babylon!”

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops

23 November 2024

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