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15 seconds


Streamed on:

Any music you hear is provided by https://ocremix.org/.
They're not a sponsor, but they have many great artists that provide great remixes of fantastic music from great games we've all enjoyed.
Check 'em out!

Playing some Phasmophobia solo or with friends. Please check out https://www.youtube.com/@SavageTalk ; on Sundays at 4pm EST, for a TTRPG Rifts campaign. He's a cool guy, and his new show could use the support.

Please come see me on Mondays on at 6:30pm CST on Trucker Rob's TableTop game. https://kick.com/trucker-rob-verdantmint I play Brega the Bard, and Baxter the Butler. I'd love to have you there in the audience!

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