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Palme. The Murder, The Motive, The Cover-up.

3 months ago

Renowned authors and analysts Ola Tunander and Gunnar Wall in a meeting about the murder of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme. The pre-history and the consequences for Sweden and the world.
This is a shortened version from a longer meeting with English sub-texts.
Moderators: Mattias Forsgren, Henrik Petersen.
Organizer: Dissidentklubben
Recorded at Teater Tribunalen Stockholm, 13 November, 2024.


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  • Perhaps we should reach out to Donald Trump and ask if he could look for something about Olof Palmes murder when he will reveal who killed JFK , if he still insists on doing this.

    1 like
  • Typo in the subtitles: Egon Bar = Egon Bahr (German SPD politician)