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Seeking a Culture of Honor and Integrity with Charles Hugh Smith, Ep #64

3 months ago

Today, I want to share a message of hope—one that invites us to reflect on what progress truly looks like in our world today and how it should look moving forward. To help explore this topic, I’m joined by my business partner, Amy LeNoble, and returning guest Charles Hugh Smith.

Charles has been writing about social, economic, and technological trends since 2005 on his widely followed blog. He’s also the author of several thought-provoking books, including his most recent, “Mythology of Progress, Anti-Progress, and a Mythology for the 21st Century.”

In this episode, Charles challenges us to rethink the foundation of our hope. He shares a powerful insight: hope is essential to humanity, but when it’s based on fantasies or delusions, it becomes false hope. He explains how our understanding of progress—both its perception and its reality—plays a critical role in shaping genuine hope.

We’ll unpack the core ideas from Charles’s latest book and discuss the broader implications of progress for individuals and humanity as a whole.



[3:40] Where is society now, and how it got here in terms of progressive society
[10:00] How is progress defined, and how that gave us a loss in our purchasing power
[18:30] Real progress is the wellbeing and sustainability of life
[24:40] What triggers social change
[42:30] Looking for a solution to profit over individual
[47:42] Hope in knowing change is achievable

The Imbalances that create the illusion of progress

There are two key imbalances that shape our perception of progress. The first emerged in the 19th century, when industrialization and new technologies began to have global implications.

Before this period, technology and individual societies had minimal impact on the broader world. However, the global reach of these advancements has created an imbalance between technological growth and what humanity and the planet can sustainably support.

The second imbalance lies within the global financial system, which prioritizes capital over wage earners. This dynamic shifts power toward those who own assets and profit from them, leaving individuals who rely on wages at a disadvantage.

These imbalances highlight an important truth: progress is defined by the metrics we choose. Today’s society often equates progress with profits, but this focus no longer serves the well-being of people.

Progress as a sickness

We often equate progress with corporate profit, viewing it as quick relief or instant gratification—a "pill" to mask symptoms rather than addressing their root cause. In this model, medicine, or any solution, ceases to progress if it makes people sicker. Temporary fixes that foster dependency are more profitable, but their true cost—environmental and societal—is far greater than it seems.

Capitalism thrives when monopolies combine with consumer addiction. A product becomes most profitable when people are dependent on it and lack alternatives.

Progress isn’t just about reliance on corporations to meet our needs; it reflects a deeper issue—a "disease of consciousness." We increasingly depend on the media, institutions, and corporations to dictate our choices, losing sight of our individual power and autonomy.

A Path to Meaningful Change

Society has the power to reject the current perception of progress and redefine what we truly value. By embracing the consequences of collective, intentional actions, we can shift from a profit-driven model to one that prioritizes community, nature, and human well-being.

Hope lies in recognizing your individual power to drive change. Amy reminds us that change begins by honoring our design—treating others as we want to be treated.

Charles highlights that wealth and equality will inevitably rebalance. The most peaceful and effective path is a revolution of values, where what was once acceptable becomes unacceptable, sparking meaningful transformation.

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The Mythology of Progress, Anti-Progress by, Charles Hugh Smith: https://www.oftwominds.com/CHS-books.html



Charles’ blog: https://charleshughsmith.blogspot.com/



Website: www.CIAdvisers.com


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