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15 seconds

Leg Day

3 months ago

Total workout time: 1hr 10min
I was never into sports as a kid, all I ever played was the occasional pickup game of football, basketball, etc. Also, I didn't really start lifting weights seriously until I was 24 years old. Then I didn't get good at it until I was about 28. Trial and error has helped me understand what I needed to implement into my training routine. Starting out I was definitely the guy spending 2 hours in the gym for a leg day doing an excess amount of accessory work. As I "matured" in the gym I realized that if I focus on compound movements I would get more bang for my buck and have more free time.

Warmup...3 sets of 6
-Good Mornings

Workout breakdown:
Back Squat
-2 sets of 12(135lbs)
-4 sets of 3(225lbs)
Hack Squat
-2 sets of 8(185lbs)
Jefferson Squat
-3 sets of 8(135lbs)
Single Leg Extension
-3 sets of 15(30lbs)
Kneeling Leg Curl
-3 sets of 15 (30lbs)
Calf press on Leg Press (Not Shown)
-3 sets of 15 (90lbs)
Glute Ham Raise(Not Shown)
3 sets of 8 (Bodyweight)

**I don't own any rights to any music in this video**

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