4 dirty secrets about Thyroid Disease

2 months ago

4 dirty secrets about Thyroid Disease ...

Dirty little secret number 1

Can you relate to this?

*Always feeling tired.
*Not sleeping well.
*Or sleeping OK, but when the sun comes up it feels like you have been playing tennis all night?

If this is you, I want you to meet Fiona, my client who suffered from fatigue for 4 years.

*She was only 23.
*She used to be super fit.
*She used to run, exercise and be the life of the party.
*Now you couldn’t get her off the couch even if you paid her a million dollars.
*She was just worn out.
*Fiona had been placed on the contraceptive pill to control irregular menstrual periods 4 years ago.

Her live blood analysis showed that she had thyroid issues and her dry skin, lethargy, puffy eyes and brittle nails were indicators of low thyroid.

I suspected she suffered from hypothyroidism which was exacerbated by the use of the birth control pill.

Initially Fiona was loathe to stop the pill, because she felt that they had helped her painful, irregular periods.

I explained that her uterus wasn’t the source of her pain and problems, it was her thyroid ....

To read Grada's blog in full go to .... https://www.purplehousenaturaltherapies.com.au/4-dirty-secrets-about-thyroid-disease/?_thumbnail_id=33394

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