Ep. 41 I Defended Mormonism for a Living, Until I Had A Rood Awakening: Jake Hilton

3 months ago

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Jake Hilton was a seventh-generation Mormon who became a professional Mormon apologist, defending the faith against all attacks, until he had A Rood Awakening jolt him out of what he calls "indoctrination" that started at childhood.

Jake walks us through what he saw in Mormonism that made him realize that Joseph Smith was a false prophet and why the religion was inherently anti-Biblical. Jake started Sword of YHVH once he exited Mormonism and now hosts The Sword of YHVH on A Rood Awakening Wednesdays at 8pm.

NOTE: It came to our attention that Jake doesn't believe Yeshua is deity. We believe this is unscriptural. We select podcast guests because we believe they have something of value or of interest to say to our community. Having a guest on the show is not an endorsement of that person’s entire set of beliefs.

Connect with Jake:
- Sword of YHVH YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/YHVHsword

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