Constitution TRUMPS All!

3 months ago

Please....take time to learn about your rights this year.
This is what you OWE PRESIDENT TRUMP.

There's not going to be some blanket of freedom.

You see the insurmountable propaganda mechanisms the deep state bureaucracy has in the media to combat the truth over what you need to learn.

They do not stand up for your rights FOR YOU.

They get your TACIT CONSENT and UNKNOWING CONSENT to the contracts:
Let's list the agencies and illusions of the Matrix:

The State Birth Certificate Registration
The Vaccines

Conceal Carry


Trade licenses.
The Social Security Administration

The DMV, DOT, and Driver's Licenses.
Stop signs, turning right on red, speed signs.

Registering to vote using state issued ID with the legal entity name, and not your give name.
School loans

The value of college degrees.
W-2, W-4, 1099 IRS Forms

That you need and LLC to own your own business.
Corporate Taxes.

The true meaning of the "law". (it's really rules, codes, statutes, and by-laws of corporations)

Auto loans!
Credit Cards!

Home School "registration" to the state.
Permits for your property improvements.

People thought mask mandates were laws.

That a corporation (invisible man) could force you to vaccinate yourself with an unknown, untested, zero liability poison where the ingredients were kept secret.

The many times you are forced to put your signature in places where you have no idea what you are signing, like the magnetic strip in doctor's offices.

The list can go on and on.

The Constitution TRUMPS all of this legal fockery!!

You have your own responsibility of restoring WE THE PEOPLE.

This is how you do it.
Join our Inalienable University to learn how to do this.

It's way more fun and interesting than social media.
Learning is earning!

Our promise is to show you HOW TO KEEP ALL YOUR HARD EARNED money.

Follow us to freedom!

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