It Finally Rained!! Time To Build Something!

16 days ago

We finally got some rain here in Oklahoma! Enough to keep me out of my range over the weekend. So, time to build something!
At my house, in just 2 days I got about 5.3 inches of rain!!! Massive rain for us. We have not had a good rain since early June if I recall correctly. Very dry summer. So, we needed this! But it did keep me from getting down the dirt road to go to my range. I wanted to work on wind reading, but that was out of the cards.
I have seen something like this in a match video over the winter and I saved a picture of it so I could try to make my own. Theirs looks a lot better! I am not a carpenter, obviously! hahaha.
But, for my needs this should do the job. I will need to improve the feet, but let me know in the comments! Should I leave it wobbly, or go ahead and make it more sturdy. I can see both ways. Wobbly will be more challenging and force me to get better at being stable on shaky props, but more stable will let me get set up better. I think wobbly, but I also think it will be hard enough to get stable on the small edge of a 2x4!! So I might be trying to make it way harder than it needs to be, lol. Let me know what you think.

So, this is what I did over the weekend. I also got the supplies to build 2 tank traps and I tell you about the KYL rack I have being build by MGM Targets. I hope to see that soon. It will be fun to set up on my land and try my hand at the Cortina Blackjack Challenge!!
Maybe if I get it set up well, if anyone close wants to come give it a try sometime we can set up a date for a "Freedom Farm Blackjack Challenge" type of event! I am considering it, let me know if there is any interest in coming to my range someday!

Thank you for watching me struggle through this. I really appreciate your time.
I hope you have a great rest of the day and an awesome weekend!!

This is a private range. All shooting is done in a safe, controlled environment with no people or dwellings within miles to be at risk.

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