November 3, 2024, 1 Kings 3:4-9 (Full)

4 months ago

1 Kings 3:4-8, Solomon understood that he lacked wisdom and experience, as he was given the massive responsibility of replacing his father (David) as king.
1 Kings 3:5, Solomon had to carefully consider God's offer of giving whatever he (Solomon) desired
1 Kings 3:9, Solomon settled on asking God for wisdom, so that he could perform his duties effectively. He wanted God to work with him (not just with others), to work through him (not just around him), and to work inside him (Solomon)
1 Kings 3:4-9, Solomon had to first acknowledge his issues before being honest with God

Ephesians 5, Genesis 3:11-12, the responsibility of the husband and the wife also means neither is without blame. People will naturally not admit their issues, and will naturally blame others.

1 Kings 3:9, what Solomon asked for, would actually benefit others (his people)- if the king would make sound decisions (authority impacts everyone under it) and lead the people safely. As God works through His servant, other people become blessed (besides just the servant), and also become aware of God's goodness.

1 Kings 3:12-13, God's response went above and beyond Solomon's humble request.

Ecclesiastes 12:8, vanity of vanities: life is hard, and all of its material temptations are misleading. Solomon had everything, but experienced his own shortcomings (especially during the times when he did not follow God), which would reveal the challenges in life. The challenges in life when sinners choose to stop following God and when sinners try to return to God.
Ecclesiastes 12:1,13, the lesson learned from a hard life, was to fear God and keep His commandments

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