Election 2024 Special Edition | Campaign '84 - ColecoVision | Co-Op - Let's Play

3 months ago

Co-Op Let's Play
Episode 35

Console Co-Op - Campaign 84 (1983)
Sunrise Software
Let's Play - With TheVespor and Ramsis
Duel Playthrough with The Elephant and Donkey
Level 2 - 2 Player Playthrough

The 2024 US Election is upon us and in honor of that up and coming event on November 5th, we are going to go back in time, 40 years to be exact and show you how elections were done in the early 80s. Not by any over complicated and computized and early voting system.. no no. .but through a program on the ColecoVision called Campaign '84. That's how real elections were done back in the day.

The Vespor and Ramsis will show you an example playthrough of how the election process worked back then as the elephant takes on the donkey in a battle to win the chance to be top dog of the 48 states of the United States of America. It's going to take a lot of shaking hands and getting the right number issues to win em over. Be careful though we have a time limit that we can campaign during. But if all goes right and you can get enough states you too can hear Hail to the Chief and win this election.

Here is to a fair and well run election for 2024! Be sure to vote. But before you do, be sure to check out how elections were done 40 years ago as seen only on Vespors Retro Reviews.

If you are a fan of this game of others, that is the game to get. But here on Vespors Retro Reviews we enjoy honoring retro classics such as this for your enjoyment.


As seen on Vespor's Retro Reviews! The latest co-op of Season 4!

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