GC Nat'l Dropbox Monitoring Initiative-Konnech-open.ink fusion center-CCP Social Credit-FractalGrift

3 months ago

Mules and Hubs, getting drop box cams from Colbeck ONLY IF YOU DEPLOY THEM, 1m breakdown of 2020 thousand front war, tons of interesting stuff here incl Gregg was able to look inside China's tiered social credit system at the 2nd or 3rd level and there are Americans in it.
Jay Valentine is trying to make money... Do you really think you need to give him your floorplan to fix elections? That whole thing sounds to me like a Deep State surveillance program marketed as election integrity, and I don't like that he grifted from Lindell to start it, so he can make money for himself trafficking information about our properties.
Major exposure coming for election integrity, True The Vote partnering with Channing Crowder, that's what I'll be watching on Election Day.

#Catherine Engelbrecht #Gregg Phillips

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