i don't say things to purposely be either offensive or inoffensive

3 months ago

making sounds ain't all that profound
if you get sumin out of it then it's worth it
this ain't hurting me tho
God must want me to have this so i can explain it
ag will teach you what yer heart is for
fear will keep you a slave
flaying not flayling amy
a woman that can actually make a decision really is sumin
i get meowed at all the time thanks to me
why would you wanna be away from yer babies i don't understand
public school/daycare have been established in our society for awhile now
society has standards?
the oddball that's full of logic n reason in spite of the vagina
the outcast is smarter than the entire group
the outcast doesn't care about being liked
those that wanna be liked are typically liars
nobody really cares if they hurt somebody else
no point in saying what will only stroke my ego

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