Become the Expression of What You Desire to Experience - a ‘Daily Inspiration’

17 hours ago

December 13 - Become the Expression of What You Desire to Experience - a ‘Daily Inspiration’
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Today, let us practice paying closer attention to the thoughts we think. They provide us with the fuel source for what happens in our experience. Let’s pay attention to the thoughts and ways of thinking that are helping us achieve our desired outcome. Then let us support them with our time, focus and energy. Let us also pay close attention to the thoughts that are blocking or impeding our desired outcomes. Then let us stop supporting them. Notice that the fuel that is blocking and impeding your desired outcome comes from within you. But also know that you have the power to undo what you have done. Look inward and weed out thoughts that are not supporting you and the life you want. Today, regardless of how “normal,” “natural,” or “right” the ego insists that you are to judge and condemn, politely decline to proceed.

What you experience is birthed from within you. It does not result from outside forces, but from how you choose to define and react to outside forces. If you do not like the world you see, then it’s time to change the thoughts that color it. As Love’s creation, you are here to create through love in your own unique ways. Love’s expressions are numerous, such as compassion, forgiveness, peace and joy. When you manifest through them, you feel a sense of fulfillment because in essence, you are doing what you were created to do. Also be sure to use another of Love’s expressions, gratitude, and thank your brothers and sisters for being a part of your awakening process. They have helped you see that in any moment, you can choose your thoughts and reactions and thus the expression of your experience.
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