The Power of Listening to Yourself through Others - a ‘Daily Inspiration’

3 months ago

November 30 - The Power of Listening to Yourself through Others - a ‘Daily Inspiration’
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We are all One, thus when you are listening to another, you are listening to a part of yourself that has not been able to directly communicate with you. There are very few acts of self-awareness, love, and self-love greater than that of listening to what it is you are trying to tell yourself. We have not been fully listening to ourselves, and thus our sisters and brothers have volunteered, presented themselves to us, so that we may hear what it is our ego’s has been blocking from our own awareness. It is for this reason that patience and gratitude should be our response to our interaction with them. Today when “others” are talking to us, and the ego tries to convince us to judge, be bored, frustrated, or angry by, what others are saying to us and “bringing up,” we will instead practice quieting our ego, sending them a silent blessing, and remembering that our goal today is to be fully present, and listen with patience and gratitude.
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