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Kamala D. Harris Want America People To Know Why Most Black People Are So Stupid
So Joe Biden Stepped Down And President Kamala D. Harris Said I Want All America People's To See This Video And Know... In The U.S.A. Why And How Come Black People Are So Stupid And Why Are All Americans Peoples Are So Stupid Too And President Kamala D. Harris Exposed Her Self After Black Mom Speaks Out About A Real Truth About "Death To America" The UN Run Democratic Party Real UN Agenda 2024 & 2030 True Goals.
This Arrest Is A Set Up As Kamala D. Harris Is Exposed Herself By Calling All The TV Media To Film It... New Papers Etc. Every American, especially the Black Community will praise, support, promote any Lawyer that helps this women sue. I think the whole world wants to see her sue and win. Justice has to be served. I wish this wonderful lady and her lovely daughter all the best. Kamala Harris is a cruel, disgusting person.
Kamala D. Harris Want All America People To Know Why Most Black People Are So Stupid, Ha ha ha ha True Story Behind Kamala Harris' Truancy Program !
Kamala Harris School Track.
During her tenure as San Francisco District Attorney (2004-2011), Kamala D. Harris implemented the “In School On Track” program, a pioneering initiative aimed at redirecting first-time, non-violent drug offenders into education, job training, and life skills classes instead of incarceration. This program was considered one of the most successful implementations of its kind.
The program’s goals were to:
Keep students in school and on track with their education.
Provide alternative sentencing options for non-violent drug offenders
Offer rehabilitation services, including counseling, job training, and life skills classes.
Reduce recidivism rates and promote positive outcomes for participants
Harris’ “In School On Track” program demonstrated a significant reduction in recidivism rates among participants, with many going on to complete their education and lead productive lives. This innovative approach to criminal justice reform showcased Harris’ commitment to addressing systemic issues and promoting positive change.
Key Takeaways
Kamala D. Harris’ “In School On Track” program was a groundbreaking initiative in San Francisco’s criminal justice system.
The program aimed to keep students in school and provide alternative sentencing options for non-violent drug offenders.
It offered rehabilitation services, including counseling, job training, and life skills classes.
The program demonstrated a reduction in recidivism rates among participants, promoting positive outcomes and showcasing Harris’ commitment to reform.
While President Kamala D. Harris she is 25% a black woman & 75% Indian woman and she has made no efforts to address the root causes of migration and promote any border security, her false statements and taking no actions do not support the true claim that there is no border crisis at all. The search results demonstrate a more nuanced understanding of her stance, which acknowledges the complexity of the issue and the need for a balanced approach to enforcement and legal pathways for migrants per UN Agenda 2030 Planning For 100 Million Illegal Immigration To Be Let Into U.S.A. By 2030.
Kamala D. Harris has long identified as South Asian American. Her mother, Shyamala Gopalan, was an Indian immigrant from Tamil Nadu, and her father, Donald J. Harris, is a Jamaican American. Harris’s heritage is a combination of Indian and Jamaican ancestry.
Kamala D. Harris and her racial identity is rooted in her Indian and Jamaican ancestry. Any claims suggesting otherwise are inaccurate and have been repeatedly fact-checked and debunked... So Kamala D. Harris is not a black woman at all.
Kamala Harris did live in Canada for a period of time during her childhood. According to multiple sources, including news articles and Kamala Harris lived in Canada from the age of 12 to 18, specifically in Montreal, Quebec.
Shyamala Gopalan, the mother of Kamala Harris, was not explicitly identified as a communist. However, she was involved in the 1960s Civil Rights movement at UC Berkeley, where she met her future husband, Donald J. Harris, a Marxist economics professor.
There is no direct evidence to suggest that Shyamala Gopalan was a member of the Communist Party or held communist beliefs.
Why Are Most African Americans Democratic Voting So Stupid Plantation Then & Now Democratic Party.
Based on the provided search results, here is the information on the percentage of African Americans who voted for the Democratic Party in the 2012, 2016, and 2020 presidential elections:
2012: 93% (according to the snippet “Today, African Americans have stronger support for the Democratic Party than any group has for either party, voting 93% Democratic in the 2012 presidential election…”)
2016: 89% (according to the snippet “Today, African Americans have stronger support for the Democratic Party than any group has for either party, voting 93% Democratic in the 2012 presidential election, 89% Democratic in the 2016 presidential election, and 87% Democratic in the 2020 presidential election…”)
2020: 87% (according to the snippet “Today, African Americans have stronger support for the Democratic Party than any group has for either party, voting 93% Democratic in the 2012 presidential election, 89% Democratic in the 2016 presidential election, and 87% Democratic in the 2020 presidential election…”)
Note that these figures are based on nationwide exit polling among African Americans and may not reflect the exact percentage of African Americans who voted for the Democratic Party in specific states or local elections.
Keeping kids in school, out of gangs.
BUENA PARK – Toya Daniels’ apartment building is around the corner from Whitaker Elementary School – a 10 minute walk or a minute drive.
But as of March, her child has had 17 unexcused absences; a rate officials said was unacceptable. On Thursday, Buena Park police put Daniels, 38, in handcuffs as part of a countywide truancy sweep that resulted in six arrests. Parents of children with chronic absences who had also failed to take part in a variety of community services were charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor and failing to supervise or encourage school attendance.
“Kids have the right to an education,” Assistant District Attorney Tracy Rinauro said. “If they don’t get an education, the chance of them being criminals or joining a gang increases.”
Holding parents accountable for truancy is part of Orange County’s Gang Reduction Intervention Partnership, a program involving local schools, law enforcement, the District Attorney’s office, Community Services Programs and the Orange County Probation Department. Since the beginning of the year, police in cities from Anaheim to San Clemente have identified 43 schools where students are exposed to gang activity. When any of the fourth through eighth graders at the schools start showing problems with behavior, academics or attendance, teachers, counselors and police step in.
Offered mentors
Students are offered mentors through Big Brothers Big Sisters of Orange County as well as an afterschool homework program, and parents may take part in parenting classes, counseling and other support services. The intervention program has worked with about 100 at-risk kids at each school so far this year, Rinauro said, and the success rate has been remarkable.
“Most of the time, we find the kids just want to go to school,” she said.
The six parents who didn’t cooperate with case workers’ plans were booked in Orange County Jail and expected to be released before their children came home from school Thursday afternoon. A misdemeanor conviction could result in a year of probation or jail time as well as a $2,500 fine. In the five years the program has been active in O.C., Rinauro said only 11 parents have been arrested.
“It’s not our goal,” she said. “Our goal is to provide the resources we can to change the dynamics – get the kids to go to school and have ties to the community.”
Children who continuously miss school begin to fall behind, she said. They begin to believe they’re not smart and are more likely to go on to commit crimes as they grow older. Rinauro said truancy was the first crime for 76 percent of those in California prisons. Since the program began locally, she said she’s seen positive changes.
“We’ve seen crime around the schools go down, vandalism go down,” she said.
At the beginning of the school year, Veronica Ayala said her son, a student at Kinoshita Elementary School in San Juan Capistrano, was doing terribly. He wasn’t doing his homework, and he lied to her about it. During a parent-teacher conference, Ayala learned he was at risk of becoming a gang member.
“I immediately burst into tears and said, ‘no,'” she said. “I will do anything it takes to keep him out of that.”
Her son’s teacher told her about the services offered through GRIP, and Ayala said she was determined to get whatever help was possible. She took parenting classes, and her son began spending time with a Big Brother. She started communicating regularly with his teacher, and in the mornings, she volunteered as a GRIP greeter, a neighborhood-watch type program to discourage gang activity near schools.
“It has completely turned him around,” she said.
Making time to get involved wasn’t easy for Ayala, who works, is in school and has three other children. Discussing issues with his teacher and using consistent discipline at home was worth the extra responsibility, she said. Now, she said she’s excited about watching her children improve their grades and overcome bad behavior.
“I’m still a single parent, but I don’t have that stress anymore,” she said.
Wide-ranging program
Counting teachers, volunteers, case workers and law enforcement, Rinauro estimated 10,000 people are involved with GRIP’s various programs, which also includes sports camps and the parent greeters. Police officers meet regularly with families, and Rinauro said their first-hand experience with the results of gang violence makes them especially compassionate in working with kids.
“They don’t want to see them die anymore,” she said.
Det. James Woo of the Buena Park Police Department he’s been happy to shift to a preventative approach with the GRIP program.
“I truly believe in it,” he said.
On detectives’ days off, they’ll play basketball with neighborhood kids. Getting to know local families has inspired him and helped him be open-minded in his work, he said. And working with the kids keeps him feeling young, he added.
Now, when he and his partner drive through the neighborhood, they’re greeted by kids by name. Parents are more likely to bring problems to them, and when someone is in need, the community relationships exist to provide help.
“Building that trust with the community is really important,” he said. “It helps us with investigations when we’re dealing with gang-related incidents.”
Above all, though, the goal of the program is to show kids they have choices outside of joining a gang or using drugs. In the students he works with, he’s seen improvements in behavior and grades since the beginning of the school year.
“We want to give that opportunity to them,” he said.
Francisco Reynoso, an investigator with the District Attorney’s office and a father himself, agreed that focusing on truancy could change kids’ lives.
“If they’re not in school, they’re not learning,” he said. “They’re not getting the fighting chance.”
Buena Park police officers Luis Garcia, left, and James Woo, escort Cheree People, 33, to their patrol car, handcuffed and under arrest after ignoring several attempts by law enforcement, school officials and members of the District Attorneys office to help her get her elementary school child's high truancy rate reduced. The child had accumulated 20 unexcused absences as of January. Peoples was arrested at her home and charged with one misdemeanor count of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and one misdemeanor count of failure to reasonably supervise or encourage school attendance. If convicted, Peoples faces a sentence ranging from probation up to one year in jail and $2,500 in fines.
After arresting Toya Latrice Daniels, Buena Park police officer James Woo, left, walks Daniels in his patrol car for transportation to the Buena Park Police Department. Daniels was charged with one misdemeanor count of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and one misdemeanor count of failure to reasonably supervise or encourage school attendance. By March of the school year, her elementary school child had accumulated 17 unexcused absences.
Thursday morning, parent Cheree People, 33,was handcuffed and placed under arrest by Buena Park police officers, charged with one misdemeanor count of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and one misdemeanor count of failure to reasonably supervise or encourage school attendance. People's child had accumulated 20 unexcused absences as of January.
After arresting Toya Latrice Daniels, Buena Park police officer James Woo, right, walks Daniels out her home and to his patrol car for transportation to the Buena Park Police Department. Daniels was charged with one misdemeanor count of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and one misdemeanor count of failure to reasonably supervise or encourage school attendance. By March of the school year, her elementary school child had accumulated 17 unexcused absences.
Buena Park police officer James Woo, left, Orange County District Attorney investigator Francisco Reynoso, center, and Buena Park police officer Luis Garcia look over their paperwork before approaching a Buena Park resident who was arrested in a truancy sweep Thursday morning.
After arresting Toya Latrice Daniels, 38, Buena Park police officer James Woo, right, walks Daniels out her apartment complex and to his patrol car. Daniels was charged with one misdemeanor count of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and one misdemeanor count of failure to reasonably supervise or encourage school attendance. By March of the school year, her elementary school child had accumulated 17 unexcused absences.
After arresting Toya Latrice Daniels, Buena Park police officer James Woo, left, places Daniels in his patrol car for transportation to the Buena Park Police Department. Daniels was charged with one misdemeanor count of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and one misdemeanor count of failure to reasonably supervise or encourage school attendance. By March of the school year, her elementary school child had accumulated 17 unexcused absences.
Buena Park police officers Luis Garcia, right, and James Woo, knock on the door of parent Cheree People, 33. They had come to arrest her for misdemeanor charges of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and one misdemeanor count of failure to reasonably supervise or encourage school attendance. According to Orange County Deputy District Attorney Tracy Rinauro, People's elementary school child had accumulated 20 unexcused absences from school by January of the school year. Rinauro said that People had failed to use the resources offered to her to help correct the truancy problem.
Thursday morning in Buena Park, Francisco Reynoso, an investigator with the Orange County District Attorney's office, uses caution as he enters the home of a parent that was arrested inside for failure to respond to numerous interventions to reduce the truancy of their elementary school child. A women was arrested and charged with one misdemeanor count of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and one misdemeanor count of failure to reasonably supervise or encourage school attendance.
Thursday morning in Buena Park, Francisco Reynoso, an investigator with the Orange County District Attorney's office, accompanied Buena Park police officers as they arrested two parents for the high truancy rates of their children. Reynoso works with the Orange County Gang Reduction Intervention Partnership (OC GRIP).
Keeping Kids Out of Gangs
In Orange County, the Orange County Public Schools (OCPS) and law enforcement agencies are working together to address the issue of gang activity and its impact on students. According to the OCPS Policy JFCE, students are not allowed to engage in gang activity on school grounds, on school buses, or during school-sponsored activities. The policy defines a gang as any group of three or more persons whose purpose includes promoting or furthering the interests of a gang.
To prevent students from joining gangs, OCPS staff suggest keeping children occupied with after-school activities offered through the district. These activities can help build self-esteem and provide a positive outlet for students’ energy and interests.
In addition, the Orange County District Attorney’s Office has implemented gang injunctions, which are civil court orders that restrict the public activities of active participants of criminal street gangs in defined areas. The office also offers assistance programs to help individuals petition for removal from a gang injunction if they can demonstrate that they should not be part of the injunction.
The OCPS and law enforcement agencies have also held community meetings, such as the Parent Academy series, to educate parents and caregivers about the signs of potential gang activity and how to prevent their children from getting involved. Some of the advice given includes:
Building self-esteem through positive reinforcement and encouragement.
Learning the characteristics of local gangs to recognize potential gang activity.
Having an open dialogue with children about their activities and associations.
Encouraging participation in after-school activities and extracurricular programs.
By working together, the OCPS, law enforcement agencies, and the community can help keep kids in school and out of gangs, providing them with a safe and supportive environment to thrive.
California Penal Code 270.1
According to California Penal Code § 270.1, a parent or guardian of a pupil aged 6 or older, who is enrolled in kindergarten or grades 1-8 and subject to compulsory full-time education or compulsory continuation education, is required to ensure the pupil’s attendance and participation in the educational program.
Key Points:
Applies to pupils aged 6 or older in kindergarten or grades 1-8
Parents or guardians are responsible for ensuring attendance and participation in compulsory education
Failure to comply may result in consequences, although specific penalties are not outlined in this code section
Note: This code section does not address child neglect or abuse, which is covered under Penal Code § 273d PC. Calif. Penal Code § 270.1 focuses solely on compulsory education requirements for elementary school-aged children.
Penal Code - PEN
PART 1. OF CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS [25 - 680.4] ( Part 1 enacted 1872. )
CHAPTER 2. Abandonment and Neglect of Children [270 - 273.75] ( Chapter 2 enacted 1872. )
(a) A parent or guardian of a pupil of six years of age or more who is in kindergarten or any of grades 1 to 8, inclusive, and who is subject to compulsory full-time education or compulsory continuation education, whose child is a chronic truant as defined in Section 48263.6 of the Education Code, who has failed to reasonably supervise and encourage the pupil’s school attendance, and who has been offered language accessible support services to address the pupil’s truancy, is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars ($2,000), or by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by both that fine and imprisonment. A parent or guardian guilty of a misdemeanor under this subdivision may participate in the deferred entry of judgment program defined in subdivision (b).
(b) A superior court may establish a deferred entry of judgment program that includes the components listed in paragraphs (1) to (7), inclusive, to adjudicate cases involving parents or guardians of elementary school pupils who are chronic truants as defined in Section 48263.6 of the Education Code:
(1) A dedicated court calendar.
(2) Leadership by a judge of the superior court in that county.
(3) Meetings, scheduled and held periodically, with school district representatives designated by the chronic truant’s school district of enrollment. Those representatives may include school psychologists, school counselors, teachers, school administrators, or other educational service providers deemed appropriate by the school district.
(4) Service referrals for parents or guardians, as appropriate to each case that may include, but are not limited to, all of the following:
(A) Case management.
(B) Mental and physical health services.
(C) Parenting classes and support.
(D) Substance abuse treatment.
(E) Child care and housing.
(5) A clear statement that, in lieu of trial, the court may grant deferred entry of judgment with respect to the current crime or crimes charged if the defendant pleads guilty to each charge and waives time for the pronouncement of judgment and that, upon the defendant’s compliance with the terms and conditions set forth by the court and agreed to by the defendant upon the entry of his or her plea, and upon the motion of the prosecuting attorney, the court will dismiss the charge or charges against the defendant and the same procedures specified for successful completion of a drug diversion program or a deferred entry of judgment program pursuant to Section 851.90 and the provisions of Section 1203.4 shall apply.
(6) A clear statement that failure to comply with any condition under the program may result in the prosecuting attorney or the court making a motion for entry of judgment, whereupon the court will render a finding of guilty to the charge or charges pled, enter judgment, and schedule a sentencing hearing as otherwise provided in this code.
(7) An explanation of criminal record retention and disposition resulting from participation in the deferred entry of judgment program and the defendant’s rights relative to answering questions about his or her arrest and deferred entry of judgment following successful completion of the program.
(c) Funding for the deferred entry of judgment program pursuant to this section shall be derived solely from nonstate sources.
(d) A parent or guardian of an elementary school pupil who is a chronic truant, as defined in Section 48263.6 of the Education Code, may not be punished for a violation of both this section and the provisions of Section 272 that involve criminal liability for parents and guardians of truant children.
(e) If any district attorney chooses to charge a defendant with a violation of subdivision (a) and the defendant is found by the prosecuting attorney to be eligible or ineligible for deferred entry of judgment, the prosecuting attorney shall file with the court a declaration in writing, or state for the record, the grounds upon which that determination is based.
(Added by Stats. 2010, Ch. 647, Sec. 2. (SB 1317) Effective January 1, 2011.)
As This Channel (What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie?) The mainstream media is working overtime to hide the most radical presidential ticket in U.S. history in Harris-Walz. America has seen socialists run for president before, as fringe third or fourth-party candidates. But now we have radical left-wing socialists at the TOP of a major party ticket.
While Kamala Harris has never openly admitted to being a socialist, her Senate record gives it away. She scored to the left of Bernie Sanders! The Story Behind Kamala Harris' Truancy Program.
Our latest episode of Code Switch, we took a look at vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris's record as a prosecutor, and how she used her power as San Francisco's district attorney and later, as California's attorney general to shape the criminal justice system.
And of that record, one of the initiatives that has drawn the most attention is the truancy program that she pushed for in the state legislature. Passed in 2011, the law allowed district attorneys to charge parents with a misdemeanor if their children missed 10 percent of the school year without a valid reason.
In 2019, HuffPost reporter Molly Redden wrote about the families affected by this truancy program, including a Black mother named Cheree Peoples, who was arrested in April of 2013. She came on the show to help explain why this program, which initially launched without much criticism, ended up becoming so controversial, and why it disproportionately affected families of color. Here's the extended cut of our conversation, which has been edited and condensed for clarity.
So I guess we should start with Cheree Peoples. Who was she, and how did she get ensnared in this truancy program?
Cheree is a mother in California, and her daughter has a chronic illness. Her name is Shayla, and she has sickle cell anemia, a really painful genetic disease that causes lots of complications. It's pretty typical for people who live with this disability to miss a lot of school if they're children. As her daughter missed a lot of school for valid medical reasons, Cheree and the school were in a dispute about how to accommodate and account for those absences.
She lived in Orange County, which is a fairly conservative, "law and order" type of county. The district attorney there was up for reelection, and he did a big truancy sweep under this law, which Kamala Harris had fought for when she was the D.A. of San Francisco and oversaw its implementation when she was attorney general. There was a big sweep, and one of the parents arrested that morning and perp-walked in front of some cameras was Cheree Peoples.
Take us through this perp walk. What happened?
She was in her house one morning, and the police showed up and handcuffed her. She had time to put on a jacket over her pajamas. And when she was walked by the police out of her apartment where she lived with her daughter, there were news cameras waiting, and she was booked by the police. What she said to me was that she was shocked. She was really floored. And she said to me, "You'd swear I'd killed somebody." It felt to her like a really excessive show of force for what was essentially a misunderstanding between her and her child's school.
So she sort of became the face of the truancy program in a way, as one of the most visible "perpetrators." Can you walk us through Harris's truancy program: what it was, how it came to be, how it worked?
[Harris] fought for this law, which raised the financial penalty and made it a criminal misdemeanor for parents, up to a year in jail, when their children missed at least 10 percent of school time. Big picture, [Peoples's case] was one of the most extreme examples of how this law was used. More broadly, what the law did was create a more standardized way for local law enforcement officials to get involved with making sure kids go to school every day. And so very few parents were arrested and perp walked in this really punitive and splashy way. But what did happen to a lot of families is that they were ushered into a system that asked parents: Why can't why can't you get your act together? Why can't you send your kids to school?
I thought it was really interesting to look at [Harris's] involvement in this issue, because she didn't invent the idea of punishing parents when their kids miss school. California already had a law on its books. Her innovation was to build a really standardized way for local district attorneys to get involved in pressuring parents to make sure their kids go to school. And a lot of education advocates were happy that she brought attention to the issue, because they say attention is actually the number one way we solve truancy. They think it's really important to call people's attention to the fact that, Hey, it adds up when your kids miss school.
What Harris also intended to do was to build a system where the school district officials, teachers and parents could all sit down and talk through the problems: Why isn't your kid coming to school? What are the resources that we could give you to help make sure that your child goes to school every day? And what she sort of layered on top of that was, You will get a series of increasingly scary warnings from the district attorney if this problem doesn't get solved. And that's what people really put their finger on as what they disliked about this program: As the [absenteeism] issue continues, the blame increasingly turns toward the parents. The message becomes: We're giving you everything. Why can't you make this work?
And the reality is that the reasons why kids miss school so often are not totally under the parent's control. But we just increasingly blame the parents. And that is a very typical American way of dealing with school. I mean, that goes back decades, and even hundreds of years. So it's not fair to lay that all at Harris's feet. But what people would say in response is that when you use the criminal justice system to solve social problems, you will criminalize people no matter how good your intentions were.
Just hearing how this plan was conceived, it was not hard to sort of surmise who was going to get caught up in the system. It was probably going to be mothers of color, probably mothers with disabilities or mothers of children with disabilities, mothers who might be housing-insecure or who were experiencing homelessness. Is that who ended up getting tangled up in this initiative?
It's a little bit hard to answer that question, because California also hasn't kept great data on who got caught up in this initiative. Harris wanted them to keep better data, but she didn't get everything she wanted. But generally, when you look nationwide, all of the studies of truancy have found that the children most likely to be labeled truant are Native American children and Black children. And I think what's really important to keep in mind is that education advocates have started talking about the issue as one of chronic absenteeism, rather than truancy. And part of the reason why is because if a child misses school for a valid reason, like they're sick a lot, that's an excused absence. But those missed days of education still add up, and still can cause some problems.
Truancy is more of a measure of blame rather than a measure of how much you've missed school. It's saying; How much did you miss school? Oh, and it's your family's fault. And blame is subject to a lot of kinds of biases when we start making judgments about why kids go to school. And then there's the fact that the reasons why children tend to be absent are all issues that impact people of color more and uniquely, like chronic illness, facets of poverty, access to reliable transportation. Everything that contributes to truancy is a factor that tends to overly impact Black and Native American families.
So when Kamala Harris is spinning up this idea in San Francisco, who supported it, and who was opposed to it?
I think she zeroed in on this for a couple of reasons. When she was the San Francisco district attorney, she was learning things about who were the city's homicide victims and who was committing homicides. And in both cases, she found that a lot of them were high school dropouts. And that's when she started to think about truancy, because missing a lot of school is linked to dropping out of school.
The way she described why she wanted to get involved was, "We need to do things differently." But I also think she knew that, at the time in the mid-2000s, there wasn't really a political downside to saying, "These parents are not meeting their responsibilities, it's causing problems for society at large, and we should crack down on them for the good of the children."
The law passed with pretty broad support. But some public defenders and others were like, Hey, wait a minute. Don't you think that this is just going to be another way we crack down on people of color, on parents who are facing a whole lot of issues, some of which the state has caused? But at the time, those were not calls that were echoed more broadly. The skepticism was fairly limited.
It's interesting if you think about the sort of conclusion she's making. So if you don't complete high school, you have a much higher likelihood of being the victim of violent crime or to perpetrate violent crime, and to have all this contact with the criminal justice system. And she was like, Okay, the solution to that is to open up another opportunity for them to have contact with the criminal justice system.
This is really, really common, right? I think it's a case of looking at two symptoms of a really complicated web of problems and treating one of the symptoms. It speaks to the fact that she was a prosecutor, and so she had only the tools of a prosecutor. Part of the reason why she was looking at the symptoms and treating the symptoms [instead of the root problems], is that's what we make law enforcement do in this country. We don't spend money and commit resources to fixing the host of problems that precede that.
Kamala Harris's record as a prosecutor had come under a lot of scrutiny even before she was named as Joe Biden's running mate. So how has she addressed this program?
After we reported on Cheree's case, Harris talked about regretting that some district attorneys had used this law, which she had fought for with good intentions, to crack down really hard on and to criminalize the parents. She has talked a lot about how her law was intended to give schools the tools to make sure parents work with them to solve these problems. But the general response to that has been something that you mentioned earlier, which is that this law brings parents and students into contact with law enforcement, often at a time when these families are really vulnerable, having issues with job loss or moving because of housing instability.
Part of why I wanted to look at this also was because to me, it kind of speaks to the limits of using the criminal justice system,which Kamala Harris has been a part of for so much of her professional career, to solve really big overarching problems. She's talked about working from within the system to change it. And I think this is a really clear case of how there are limitations to that.
What is the legacy of the program? Is it still in place in some capacity?
The law she passed is still in place, and there was another truancy law on the books before she passed this one. For jurisdictions that mainly use the law to cite parents and take them to court, they've tended to use the law Harris fought for to bring up more serious charges. Other jurisdictions have embraced the spirit of her program, and use the law that she passed as the threat, in order to get parents to come to conferences and sit down with school officials and talk through what the issue is. So both things are happening.
I visited one jurisdiction where they've set up truancy courts, usually under the auspices of the existing family court. And that's a place where they can get parents to come in on a regular basis, and the judge checks and makes sure that they're complying with attendance requirements. And then once that happens, usually it goes off their record and doesn't end with a fine or jail time.
An unfortunate thing is that California keeps changing the way that it measures truancy. Part of that is to keep up with our evolving understanding of what is actually important to measure. But they keep changing it, ask schools to measure it, and then they don't really centralize that data very well. So we can't really say if the law that Harris fought for brought the truancy rate up or down or made no change, because they're not counting very well. And that's not on her; she wanted the state to keep count. But it's telling about the way that we approach criminal justice a lot in this country. We identify a problem. We pass a law. It goes into the bureaucracy. And now with Harris's case, there's a law on the books, and we don't really know how this is impacting people's lives.
What happened to Cheree Peoples and her daughter?
Cheree Peoples wound up fighting these charges in court for a really long time. They got passed among different prosecutors and detectives, and for a long time, there was pressure on her to plead guilty to this. And she wouldn't do it. She felt like this was really unfair. She knew that the issue wasn't that her child was skipping school willy-nilly; she had a good reason that the school was aware of, and that the issue was that she and the school needed to come to an agreement about accommodating her daughter's disability. She held fast, and eventually the charges were dropped. To this day, she doesn't completely know why.
While she was fighting this in court, she was also caring for her daughter. She struggles with employment because her daughter's illness really takes a lot of care and management. It can be all-encompassing in their lives sometimes. This was a really tough time for her.
Pledge of Allegiance Is Now To Be Replaced in Arabic, replacing "One nation under God," with "One nation under Allah". And All New U.S. Coins To Be Replaced from "In God We Trust" to In The Name Of Allah".
Kamala Harris Said if a man is married... i do not care at all about it... As everyone know i have no morals.
Kamala Harris Said i lie all the time. i have been told i lie 1,000s of time... my top 25 lies below... i know I lie about them all the time... but i will keep lying if i want to... but i will keep repeating them my lies... over and over and over again... i do not care at all about my lies... everyone know i have no morals.
You Need To Remember I'm A Former Sex Worker & Prostitute VP Kamala D. Harris Said “No One Is Above The Law” But Me... ha ha ha...
25 Lies Kamala Harris Told In Her Debate Against Trump Sept 11 2024 -
Kamala Harris’s Debate Performance: 25 Lies and a Masterclass in Misinformation and Reality Evasion
We factchecked Kamala and found her to lie 25+ times in last night's debate.
Kamala's lies....
1. Inflation Denial: Harris claimed Trump presided over rampant inflation, while inflation during Trump’s term was far lower than under the Biden-Harris administration.
2. Opportunity Economy Claim: Harris said she was the only one with a plan to lift the middle class, ignoring Trump’s 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which benefited millions of middle-income earners.
3. Marxist Father: Harris dodged the fact that her father, Donald Harris, was a Marxist professor, a fact confirmed by Snopes.
4. Border ‘Security’ Bill: Harris falsely blamed Trump for the failure of a border security bill, which still would have allowed 1.8 million new illegal aliens to enter this country per year and every year by law.
5. Trump’s Claim About Haitians: Harris implied Trump’s comments about Haitians eating pets were baseless, despite reports from local residents about Haitians hunting and eating geese.
6. ‘Trump Abortion Bans’: Harris called state abortion restrictions “Trump abortion bans,” even though the states made these laws post-Dobbs, not Trump.
7. Weaponization of DOJ: Harris denied the Biden administration’s role in pursuing legal cases against Trump, despite former Biden officials working on these cases.
8. Dictator on Day One: Harris twisted Trump’s joke about being a dictator for a day to close the border, taking it completely out of context.
9. No Late-Term Abortions: Harris claimed no women are getting late-term abortions, ignoring the fact that six states and Washington, D.C. allow abortions with no gestational age restrictions.
10. Tax Cuts for the Rich Only: Harris accused Trump’s tax plan of benefiting only the wealthy, despite significant benefits for middle-class Americans.
11. Trump Thanked Xi Jinping: Harris criticized Trump for thanking Xi during COVID, but ignored how Trump later condemned China for the pandemic.
12. Presidential Immunity: Harris falsely claimed that Trump would have immunity from prosecution if he returned to office, misrepresenting a Supreme Court ruling.
13. Terminate the Constitution: Harris accused Trump of wanting to “terminate the Constitution” based on a twisted interpretation of his Truth Social post about election fraud.
14. Charlottesville ‘Very Fine People’: Harris repeated the debunked claim that Trump referred to white nationalists as “very fine people,” ignoring Trump’s clear condemnation.
15. Defund the Police: Harris denied supporting defunding the police, despite previously advocating for reallocation of police budgets.
16. Jan. 6 Attack Comparison: Harris exaggerated the Capitol riot as “the worst attack since the Civil War,” ignoring historical attacks like the 1954 Puerto Rican terrorist shooting.
17. Weak Deal with Afghanistan: Harris called Trump’s deal with the Taliban “the weakest ever,” despite Trump’s conditions-based negotiations preventing U.S. casualties.
18. Transgender Operations for Illegal Immigrants: Harris denied wanting to perform transgender surgeries on illegal immigrants in prison, despite supporting this policy in 2019.
19. Project 2025: Harris falsely linked Trump to Project 2025, despite Trump distancing himself from the plan.
20. Trump Overturning Dobbs Was ‘What Everybody Wanted’: Harris claimed Trump was wrong to say “everyone” wanted Dobbs, ignoring the majority of Americans who support abortion restrictions.
21. Trump-McCain Schism: Harris omitted that McCain campaigned on repealing Obamacare before voting against its repeal, contributing to Trump’s criticism.
22. Crime Down in Venezuela: Harris ignored how declining crime in Venezuela may be linked to criminals leaving the country and entering the U.S. illegally.
23. Gun control: Harris denies the claim, and yes she stating lots of time... she is for a mandatory buy back program for all guns by law.
24. You could play this proof and these insane democrats would still think it's fake!? Yes Their Are Some dumbass people in this world for letting them continue to lie and never answer anything ever.
25. Radical Harris-Walz Media Agenda U.S.A. They talk in retarded circles. We have a plan. what's your plan? we're going to implement our genius plan that everyone will love it. What's your plan? We're going fix these issues. How will you fix the issues? We have a plan to fix them. How? Implement the plan? Now? WTF and Yes the dipshit media to just goes on and on, ohh ok its all fine. So Lets all vote for them!? Because We At The Democratic Party Have A Plan ! Yes Their Are Some dumbass people in this world today for letting them continue to lie, lie, lie and never answer anything to anyone ever to this day.
The Fix Is In Pedophile Joe Biden Win Election In 2024 100% Proof Voter Fraud In Election -
The Fix Is In Pedophile Joe Biden Win Election In 2024 100% Proof Voter Fraud In Election 2020-24 Democrats Still Say Trump Will Be Assassination Period ! Yes Its True (Unmasked) 100% Proof of Voter Fraud in USA 2020 Election In U.S.A. Yes On July 18, 2024, Former President Donald Trump Accepted The Republican Party’s Nomination For President At The Republican National Convention (RNC) In Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Extensive Research Reveals Addressing Voter Fraud and Identity Theft Concerns -
Addressing Voter Fraud And Identity Theft Concerns And Extensive Research Reveals That Voter Fraud Is Not Rare At ALL. Yet repeated, false allegations of fraud can make it harder for millions of eligible Americans to participate in elections. Based on the search results, it’s essential to acknowledge that voter fraud and identity theft are complex issues with varying degrees of occurrence. While not rare today, fraud does happen, and it’s crucial to address these concerns to maintain the integrity of the electoral process 2024.
So This November 2024 General Election Will Be J.D. Vance Vs. Kamala D. Harris... So After Trump Win Nomination... Democrats Hold A Secret Meeting Last Night At Midnight (Trump Is Dead & Biden Will Step Down) And Yes 100s Others Democrats Now Said Today July 19-2024... Former President Donald Trump Must Be Killed Now (So Lets Try "Again & Again & Again)" We Will Stop Trump At All Cost That It Period. 100s Democrats Again Said Yes... Kill Him. As The People Democrats Party U.S.A. We Must Save The Nation At All Cost At This Midnight Meeting.
In light of recent events, the Democratic Party has reaffirmed its dedication to safeguarding the United States at all costs. This commitment is reflected in its 2024 platform, which emphasizes the importance of unity, resilience, and effective governance.
Addressing the Threat of Trumpism
The platform explicitly acknowledges the ongoing threat posed by Trumpism, recognizing that the former president’s divisive rhetoric and policies have weakened the nation’s institutions and social fabric. Democrats are committed to countering this toxic ideology with a vision of inclusivity, equality, and democratic values.
Strengthening Democratic Institutions
To achieve this goal, the party is focused on rebuilding and strengthening its own institutions, including the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and state parties. This effort aims to create a robust grassroots network, capable of mobilizing voters and promoting a positive agenda.
Protecting American Democracy
The platform also emphasizes the need to protect and defend American democracy, including the integrity of elections, the independence of the judiciary, and the freedom of the press. Democrats recognize that these institutions are essential to the nation’s well-being and are committed to preserving them from erosion or attack.
Leadership and Unity
In the face of adversity, Democrats are rallying behind their presidential nominee, Joe Biden, who has demonstrated his commitment to the party’s values and principles. Many party leaders and rising stars have publicly endorsed Biden, citing his record, principles, and 2020 victory against Trump.
Coalition Building
The party is also working to build a broad coalition of supporters, including minority communities, labor unions, and progressive organizations. This effort aims to create a united front against Trumpism and promote a shared vision for the nation’s future.
In summary, the Democratic Party is committed to saving the nation at all costs by: Democrats Paid For Assassination Attempt Against Donald Trump Failed So Sad ? -
Democrats Party Secret Service Wait 42 Seconds Fire On President Trump's Assassin -
Countering Trumpism with a positive vision of inclusivity and democratic values.
Strengthening its own institutions and grassroots network.
Protecting American democracy and its institutions.
Rallying behind Vice President Kamala D. Harris... and building a broad coalition of supporters.
By pursuing these goals, Democrats aim to restore the nation’s unity, promote the common good, and ensure a brighter future for all true Americans.
Yes The Fix Is In & Why Did The Democrats Party Order Secret Service To Stand Down And Wait 42 Seconds To Fire On President Trump's Assassin And Why Did Democrats Paid For Assassin After They'd Been Alerted A Man On A Roof With A Rifle ? Yes The New World Order Is Diving Into The Unanswered Questions Around The Democrats Party Paid For And Order The Attempt On Trump's Life. No Question Its A Inside Job By CIA, FBI, NSA, SS, Must Be Investigated. Only 150 yards away on a platform where he could be seen, people yelling to policeman that there's a guy on the roof with a gun. No brainer!
Based on the provided information, Kamala Harris is a highly accomplished individual with a strong educational background and professional experience. She holds a Bachelor’s degree from Howard University and a Juris Doctor (JD) from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law.
Forbes listed Kamala Harris as the third most powerful woman in the world in 2020, recognizing her position as Vice President of the United States.
While it is difficult to definitively declare Kamala Harris the “smartest woman in the world,” her impressive educational background, professional experience, and recognition by reputable sources demonstrate her exceptional intellectual abilities. However, it is essential to acknowledge that intelligence is a multifaceted trait, and various individuals may possess different strengths and expertise.
Kamala Harris Orders Secret Service Breaks Into Massachusetts Salon To Use Bathroom -
This Is America Today July 27 2024 Vice President Kamala Harris Orders Secret Service To Breaks Into A Massachusetts Salon For Her To Use Bathroom Kamala Harris Said “No One Is Above The Law” But Me... As She Laughing Her Ass Off... No Jail Time For Anyone... Kamala Harris Say I'm Above The Law & Its O.K. To Break-Into Anyone Home Or Business At Anytime If You Need To Go Pee.
“First, the Secret Service is behind the plot to assassinate President Trump, and now they are attacking American businesses. It’s time to clean out the Marxist administration,” another user said.
Unpacking Secret Pedophile Kamala Devi Harris's Cackling Idiocy Bumbling Woman -
Unpacking Secret Pedophile Kamala Devi Harris's New World Order Year Zero has issued a warning about “dangerously race-obsessed” Kamala Harris amid speculation she’s expected to replace Joe Biden who now have stepped down as president. “We may any day now, any minute now, have the comprehensively inept bumbling giggler in chief Kamala Harris installed as the leader of the free world and the Democrats 2024 presidential candidate,” she said. “When looking at Kamala Harris, it’s easy to be distracted by the ineptitude, the cackling idiocy, but mark my words, this is a dangerously race-obsessed neo-Marxist politician whose voting record is among the most radically far left in the Senate. “Kamala’s reckless race-baiting is really never mentioned by the US media, not by the overwhelming majority of them anyway.”
She began her political career in Willie Brown’s bedroom. Willie at the time was a womanizer but also the Speaker of the California House and the boss of the Democrat Party in that era. She spent some time with Willie and he helped her in her early campaigns. The Dems have had a hard time living down their past because Democrat men have long bragged about how easy their women are. And of course during the Kavanaugh hearings we heard thousands of Democrat women telling us how poorly their men treated them. They also supposedly love blacks but spent all summer burning down and looting their black communities. The Dems are definitely a weird party.
She had an affair with a married man over twice her age to get her start in politics. That’s fact. While she certainly spent time in bed, there’s debate on how much sleeping was involved.
She got her job as the DA in San Francisco because she was sleeping with Willie Brown, that’s why people say that. She got her job as VP because she is a minority, not because if any qualifications she has.
Willie Brown was a long time member of the California Legislature, a major power broker in the state. And a married man. Kamala owes her advancement in politics to him and the affair she had with him. She certainly didn’t advance on merit.
Anybody that hasn’t been living in a cave knows that. The only difference between her and the hookers standing on the street corner is she got paid much better.
Her own personal greed and lust for power. It sure as hell isn't for the betterment of America.
She whore her way to top because that's the only way she could get anywhere and it didn't take her far that's why I wonder why she had both of her knees operated on and biden said cum on man its not true !
Unpacking Secret Pedophile Kamala Devi Harris's (born October 20, 1964) is an American politician and attorney who is the 49th and current vice president of the United States since 2021, under President Joe Biden. She is the first female vice president and the highest-ranking female official in U.S. history as well as the first pedophile woman of colours working as a whore and prostituting themselves out to anyone (men-women-young kids) with money and also first African-American and first Asian-American vice president.
HARRIS, KAMALA DEVI, A Senator from California; born in Oakland, Calif., October 20, 1964; B.A., Howard University, 1986; J.D., University of California, Hastings College of the Law, 1989; admitted to the California bar in 1990; deputy district attorney, Alameda County, Calif., 1990-1998; managing attorney, San Francisco District Attorney’s Office; chief of the San Francisco City Attorney’s Division on Children and Families; district attorney of San Francisco 2004-2011; attorney general of California 2011-2016; elected as a Democrat to the United States Senate in 2016 and served from January 3, 2017, until January 18, 2021, when she resigned to become Vice President; was an unsuccessful candidate for the Democratic nomination for president in 2020, but was elected Vice President of the United States on the Democratic ticket headed by Joseph R. Biden, Jr. in 2020.
War On Our Children Kamala D. Harris Comprehensive Sexuality Education Agenda -
Democrats Party War On Our Children 2024 Pedophile Kamala D. Harris Comprehensive "Sexuality Education Agenda Approve By Democrats Party UN 2030" Unpacking Sex Worker Kamala Devi Harris A American Politician! A Notable Quotes From “I Don’t Know What The Term ‘Teenage Prostitute’ Means. I Have Never Met A ‘Real Teenage Prostitute.’ I Have Met 100s Exploited Kids.” - Kamala D. Harris - A Former Sex Worker Herself !
I'm So Embarrassed By How Stupid Black American People Today... Part One -
I'm So Embarrassed By How Stupid Black American People Today... Part Two -
I'm So Embarrassed By How Stupid Black American People Today... Part Three -
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