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The Fix Is In Pedophile Joe Biden Win Election In 2024 100% Proof Voter Fraud In Election
The Fix Is In Pedophile Joe Biden Win Election In 2024 100% Proof Voter Fraud In Election 2020-24 Democrats Still Say Trump Will Be Assassination Period ! Yes Its True (Unmasked) 100% Proof of Voter Fraud in USA 2020 Election In U.S.A. Yes On July 18, 2024, Former President Donald Trump Accepted The Republican Party’s Nomination For President At The Republican National Convention (RNC) In Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
So This November 2024 General Election Will Be J.D. Vance Vs. Kamala D. Harris... So After Trump Win Nomination... Democrats Hold A Secret Meeting Last Night At Midnight (Trump Is Dead & Biden Will Step Down) And Yes 100s Others Democrats Now Said Today July 19-2024... Former President Donald Trump Must Be Killed Now (So Lets Try "Again & Again & Again)" We Will Stop Trump At All Cost That It Period. 100s Democrats Again Said Yes... Kill Him. As The People Democrats Party U.S.A. We Must Save The Nation At All Cost At This Midnight Meeting.
In light of recent events, the Democratic Party has reaffirmed its dedication to safeguarding the United States at all costs. This commitment is reflected in its 2024 platform, which emphasizes the importance of unity, resilience, and effective governance.
Addressing the Threat of Trumpism
The platform explicitly acknowledges the ongoing threat posed by Trumpism, recognizing that the former president’s divisive rhetoric and policies have weakened the nation’s institutions and social fabric. Democrats are committed to countering this toxic ideology with a vision of inclusivity, equality, and democratic values.
Strengthening Democratic Institutions
To achieve this goal, the party is focused on rebuilding and strengthening its own institutions, including the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and state parties. This effort aims to create a robust grassroots network, capable of mobilizing voters and promoting a positive agenda.
Protecting American Democracy
The platform also emphasizes the need to protect and defend American democracy, including the integrity of elections, the independence of the judiciary, and the freedom of the press. Democrats recognize that these institutions are essential to the nation’s well-being and are committed to preserving them from erosion or attack.
Leadership and Unity
In the face of adversity, Democrats are rallying behind their presidential nominee, Joe Biden, who has demonstrated his commitment to the party’s values and principles. Many party leaders and rising stars have publicly endorsed Biden, citing his record, principles, and 2020 victory against Trump.
Coalition Building
The party is also working to build a broad coalition of supporters, including minority communities, labor unions, and progressive organizations. This effort aims to create a united front against Trumpism and promote a shared vision for the nation’s future.
In summary, the Democratic Party is committed to saving the nation at all costs by: Democrats Paid For Assassination Attempt Against Donald Trump Failed So Sad ? -
Democrats Party Secret Service Wait 42 Seconds Fire On President Trump's Assassin -
Countering Trumpism with a positive vision of inclusivity and democratic values.
Strengthening its own institutions and grassroots network.
Protecting American democracy and its institutions.
Rallying behind Vice President Kamala D. Harris... and building a broad coalition of supporters.
By pursuing these goals, Democrats aim to restore the nation’s unity, promote the common good, and ensure a brighter future for all true Americans.
Yes The Fix Is In & Why Did The Democrats Party Order Secret Service To Stand Down And Wait 42 Seconds To Fire On President Trump's Assassin And Why Did Democrats Paid For Assassin After They'd Been Alerted A Man On A Roof With A Rifle ? Yes The New World Order Is Diving Into The Unanswered Questions Around The Democrats Party Paid For And Order The Attempt On Trump's Life. No Question Its A Inside Job By CIA, FBI, NSA, SS, Must Be Investigated. Only 150 yards away on a platform where he could be seen, people yelling to policeman that there's a guy on the roof with a gun. No brainer!
Per U.S.A. Government DOA-DOJ-FBI-CIA-Etc. Everyone In U.S.A. All Person And Or America Citizens Right Now Today Is A Criminal As of Oct 2023 Need To Be In Jail Or Pay $$$ Fines Now. Per all federal and local police and all government agencies. All The America People Break The Law's Average 3 Times Everyday with A Average Fine of $512 dollars a day. it add up to $512 x 365 days in a year add up to $186,880 Dollars per year in fines per every person alive today right now. also federal and local agencies issue an average of 27 rules for every law over the past decade.
However, the rules issued in a given year are typically not substantively related to the current year’s laws, as agency output represents ongoing implementation of earlier legislation. Remember That Ignorance of the law is a fundamental legal principle in the US that means that if someone breaks the law, they are still liable even if they had no knowledge of the law being broken. According to a 2020 article, the more than 300,000+ laws and regulatory crimes on the federal law books serve little purpose other than inviting arbitrary enforcement by providing prosecutors the tools to charge nearly anyone every day for your life with violating some long-forgotten regulation or law and to pay the fines now or go to jail for everyone in the U.S.A.. Government Every Man, Women, & Child Is A Criminal & Need 2 Go To Jail for life.
Donald Trump's Chances of Winning Election Are Declining. Donald Trump's chances of winning the November 2024 presidential election are declining, according to a new aggregation of polls.
FiveThirtyEight's poll tracker, which was originally published on July 8 and updated on July 16, shows Joe Biden with a 53 percent chance of winning the election, while Trump has a 46 percent chance.
According to the tracker, Biden is favored to win in 534 out of 1,000 of FiveThirtyEight's simulations of how the election could go, while Trump wins in 462. The poll also shows that the simulations indicate that Biden is on track for a three-point win.
The polling website said its forecast is based on a combination of polls and campaign "fundamentals," such as economic conditions, state partisanship and incumbency.
It comes after a Presidential Voting Intention poll of 3,601 swing state voters by Redfield & Wilton Strategies, found that Trump's margins over President Joe Biden have narrowed since June in two key states: Florida and North Carolina.
Trump previously defeated Biden in both states in 2020, while he held a six-point lead over Biden in Florida in a Redfield & Wilton Strategies poll from that June.
However, he now only leads the current president by four points in Florida. The poll shows that 45 percent of participants plan to vote for Trump, compared to Biden's 41 percent.
It is not the only recent poll to give Trump only a four-point lead in Florida. A June Fox News survey gave Trump 50 percent of the vote, compared to 46 percent for Biden.
However, poll aggregator Race to the White House has Trump on average 7.2 points ahead of Biden in the state, with Biden at 41.9 percent and Trump at 49.1 percent, while the FiveThirtyEight poll shows Biden has a 50 percent chance of winning in the state compared to Biden's 45.
Meanwhile, Trump's margin is also narrowing in North Carolina, where he had a three-point lead over Biden in June. According to Redfield & Wilton Strategies' poll, his lead was slashed to only two points, with 44 percent of those polled saying they would vote for Trump, compared to Biden's 42 percent.
The FiveThirtyEight tracker is similarly close, with Trump at 48 percent and Biden at 46 percent.
In a post on their website, FiveThirtyEight said their latest predictions can be explained by the flurry of swing-state polls that show Biden is encroaching upon Trump's lead.
"The average swing-state poll published since July 6 has Trump leading Biden by 1 point, compared to his 2.2-point lead in national polls today," the post added.
The latest poll represents the worst result for Trump since May 20, according to FiveThirtyEight's prediction model.
All the above polls were conducted or started before the assassination attempt on the former president on Saturday.
However, polls published after the assassination attempt have suggested his support base is not getting any larger.
A poll, conducted by Morning Consult of 2,045 registered voters on Monday, reveals that Trump is leading Joe Biden by just one percentage point with 46 percent, compared to the president's 45 percent. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus two percentage points.
The findings also reveal that Trump's lead has narrowed slightly since the firm's previous survey, conducted between July 12 and 14, which put Trump two percentage points ahead with 44 percent to Biden's 42 percent.
In the week before the shooting, national polls had Trump as the favorite to win the White House, leading narrowly in the six key battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
An ABC News/Ipsos/Washington Post poll released Thursday found Biden and Trump are tied among registered voters.
However, that poll also shows 67 percent think Biden should withdraw from the race, while 85 percent say Biden is too old to serve as president, up from 81 percent in April and 68 percent just over a year ago.
Biden's fitness for office has been called into question since his shaky debate performance against Trump in June in which he muddled his words and appeared to lose his train of thought.
Here is a summary of the recent shooting incident:
On July 14, 2024, A Democrats paid for assassination and or brainwash the gunman to opened fire on the stage at a Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.
The gunman was killed, and one spectator was also killed.
The FBI is investigating the incident as an assassination attempt.
There is no evidence to suggest that Democrats were involved in or paid for the attempt.
Many Democrats, including President Joe Biden, have condemned the shooting and expressed support for Trump’s safety.
It’s important to rely on credible sources of information and to be cautious of misinformation.
Documentary Of All Documentaries JFK To Sept 9/11 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick -
The documentary then moves to focus on the assassination of JFK. The web of connections between USA Mafia bosses and the CIA is examined. The highly profitable international drugs trade facilitated by the CIA is also highlighted.
Israel Surprise Attack On United States Navy Ship USS Liberty 34 Dead 171 Wounded -
Israel Surprise Attack On United States Navy Ship USS Liberty incident was an attack on a United States Navy technical research ship (spy ship), USS Liberty, by Israeli Air Force jet fighter aircraft and Israeli Navy motor torpedo boats, on 8 June 1967, during the Six-Day War. The combined air and sea attack killed 34 crew members (naval officers, seamen, two marines, and one civilian NSA employee), wounded 171 crew members, and severely damaged the ship. At the time, the ship was in international waters north of the Sinai Peninsula, about 25.5 nmi (29.3 mi; 47.2 km) northwest from the Egyptian city of Arish.
U.S.A.. Government Every Man, Women, & Child Is A Criminal & Need 2 Go To Jail for life.
Dept. Justice Say Donald Trump Is To Be Executed I Not Let Him Run For Office Again -
The reason for this true statement is if Trump wins in 2024 he is planning to do to the deep state. The same things that they are doing now with the Jan. 06 2021 hearing to them are all will be charged with 18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason by laws of U.S.A. SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES -
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
It is are understanding from this rumble channel that 1,000 of people are still being held in jail without bail and no hearing still after 3 years in jail... why ? ?
So Trump is planning to do same to thousands in the democratic party and other like DOJ-FBI-CIA-Etc. and Other Bad Peoples and to be held without bail or trial too. So In Secrets Meeting Last Year The Dept. Justice Say Donald Trump Is To Be Executed And To Stop Him (Trump) At All Cost In 2024.
Stewart Rhodes, founder of Oath Keepers, was sentenced to 18 years in prison on seditious conspiracy charges. But 800+ Undercover FBI-CIA-Etc. Dress up as Trump supports with mega hats etc. Saying things like... Come on man - Lets go everyone etc. Are not charged and no jail time at all.
Worldwide tyranny is already in full effect, the food we eat and the air we breathe are not off limits. Will we be able to stop this madness before we become an electronically monitored, cashless society wherein ever man, woman and child is micro chipped? The New World Order is Upon Us - Preserve your liberty by being Prepared ! - We The People of the New World Order Thank You.
Confiscating Entire Wealth of All The Billionaires and Kill Them and Family Too! There are 724 (billionaires) in the U.S., and more overseas according to the 2021 Forbes billionaires list, released in April,” the Journal reports. “At that point their collective net worth was $4.4 trillion, although that figure has presumably since risen along with the stock market. So Per 60% Death taxes are taxes imposed by the federal and some state governments on someone's estate upon their death - Death taxes are also called death duties, estate taxes, or inheritance taxes. After getting the money maybe in 20 weeks or so - Own Government plan's are to kill rest of the family member for more estate taxes, or inheritance taxes.
Also Government Plan's are to Kill and or Black Mail for Lot's of Money All Epstein’s and Maxwell Private Pedophile Islands Visitor Log's including video equipment and sex tape's of rich people and with DNA Sample Testing and secret video tapes and missing body in underground lairs and a bizarre teen sex temple from Pedophile Islands Guestbook and Visitor List They Do Not Want You to See Ever!
Jeffrey Epstein’s and Ghislaine Maxwell Said We Have 1,000's Video Tape's and have 1,000 Forensic DNA Test's, Blood Test's and Hair Sample's DNA Testing all ready Done Now.
The attempted assassination of Trump is not nearly as surprising as it should be The assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump left a nation stunned. But the most shocking aspect was that it was not nearly as surprising as it should have been. For months, politicians, the press and pundits have escalated reckless rhetoric in this campaign on both sides. That includes claims that Trump was set to kill democracy, unleash “death squads” and make homosexuals and reporters “disappear.”
President Biden has stoked this rage rhetoric. In 2022, Biden held his controversial speech before Independence Hall where he denounced Trump supporters as enemies of the people. Biden recently referenced the speech and has embraced the claims that this could be our last democratic election.
Joe Biden accused of pedophilia with daughter Ashley's diary as alleged evidence. News over the allegedly stolen diary of US President Joe Biden's daughter, Ashley, continues to make headlines.
Rumors suggest that Ashley sent a letter to a New York Judge state that the diary is in fact real, though no official reports have emerged as of yet.
That hasn't stopped fact-checking website Snopes from claiming that the contents of the journal are true.
The diary, which is sold to self-claimed Conservative media outlet, Project Veritas, allegedly talks about the sexual trauma the author was forced to endure at a young age.
This comes after a Manhattan Court sentenced a woman named Aimee Harris for stealing Ashley's personal diary. The 41-year-old is said to have sold the journal to the Conservative Advocacy Group for $20,000.
Harris later stated that she needed the money to raise her two children. She did contact Donald Trump's re-election campaign over the contentious diary.
Plenty of reaction over the alleged contents of the diary
"This is huge and should never be ignored. Disqualifying to say the least," wrote one X user, with another adding: "We knew it was real the day FBI tried arresting people saying someone stole the diary."
The FBI launched an investigation into the leak, conducting searches at the resident of James O'Keefe, the founder of Project Veritas. No charges were laid.
oe Biden's latest slip: About to mistakenly kiss another woman but Jill Biden comes to the rescue. He is struggling to portray the right public image. The recent appearances of the current president of the United States, Joe Biden, only feed the doubts about his physical and mental condition.
Every time Biden appears in public now, there is something that further aids the idea that he is not young enough to perform his role.
On this occasion, he seemingly came close to kissing another woman who he appeared to think was his wife... until Jill Biden, his actual wife who has blonde hair like the other woman, stopped him.
In fact, this 'slip' puts his candidacy for reelection under discussion again within the Democratic party, as he is the protagonist of a new chapter of disorientation.
In addition, the two main Democratic leaders in Congress, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, met with the President to express their concern about his candidacy for reelection.
Joe Biden and his promise if the doctors rule on what happens. The current president, 81 years old, acknowledged that there is a set of events that would stop him from running for a second term in office, with the election coming in November.
He acknowledged that if doctors diagnose him with a "serious medical condition" he will decide to drop out of the presidential race, something that many are asking him to do.
There is a feeling now that the Democrat party think they are destined for defeat with Biden at the helm, but it is also too late in the race to change candidate and still portray a strong party image.
Democrats: The Party of Death and Destruction. The modern Democratic Party has become the party of death, division and destruction. Presently, Democrats are actively working to divide and destroy our communities, our churches, our children’s innocence, our prosperity, our industry, our culture, our president, our presumption of innocence and expectation of due process, our Constitution and rule of law, and, quite frankly, our entire way of life.
This isn’t hyperbole, it’s reality, and it’s a reality that should sadden every honest, altruistic American to their very core.
The most obvious example of this newfound Democratic reality is the literal death that has become not merely an afterthought issue of the Left, but rather a litmus test issue for nearly every candidate, entity and organization left of center—abortion. Consider for a moment that just one decade ago Democrats were proclaiming statements like, ‘abortions should be legal and rare;’ whereas, currently every major Democrat nationally is either openly or tacitly advocating late-term abortions, and many even taxpayer-funded late-term abortions. As if late-term abortions weren’t disgusting enough, in Arizona—and across the nation sadly—Democrats like freshman legislator Jennifer Jermaine co-sponsored bills such as House Bill 2696 to allow leaving babies born alive after attempted abortions alone to die without life-saving medical care.
While the Democrats’ worship of pre-born death may be the most literal example of their depravity, it is far from an outlier. The left is actively working to sexualize our children through the disgustingly inappropriate ‘Comprehensive Sexuality Education’ (CSE). The CSE program and its nationwide network of advocates are calling for sexuality education to be mandated for children as young as Kindergarten with sexually explicit images, and classroom discussion beginning at age nine.
In fact, in one of the classroom discussion lesson called ‘Making A Difference’ the teacher is instructed to ask the question, “what is abstinence?” The teacher is then instructed to elicit specific responses from the children such as “mutual masturbation, holding hands, oral sex, kissing, anal sex” and the list goes on. The above CSE classroom discussion is directed to be had with children in FOURTH GRADE and has received federal funding from the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program within the Department of Health and Human Services. There is no other way to describe this than the utter death and destruction of our children’s innocence.
How about the Democrats repeated attempts to destroy due process and the presumption of innocence? Look no further than the confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh and the current partisan witch hunt against President Donald Trump. As I noted in a piece I wrote during Kavanaugh’s confirmation battle, “As a society – as parents – we cannot allow this kind of mob rule to prevail, for doing so will radically alter and significantly darken the future for our children by instituting a new de facto American legal standard based on the presumption of guilt.”
The sham impeachment against our President further reinforces my point. The Democrats have thrown due process, fairness and precedent into the gutter. They have repeatedly refused to allow President Trump to have legal counsel present during the proceedings and have prohibited Republicans from calling key, material fact witnesses to testify before the committee. Democrats have even gone so far as to block a broad array of questions of material relevance by Republican committee members. This is not a fair or ethical proceeding, it is the unmitigated death of due process and justice.
Yet another embodiment of the Democrats’ plunge into the absurd is their aggressive and repeated attempts to destroy the American energy industry. For the first time in 75 years, the United States is energy independent and has become a net exporter in the global marketplace. This success has not only yielded hundreds of thousands of high paying jobs and injected billions into our national economy; it has directly birthed innovations, research, development and investments in the clean, renewable, market-based energy sources of the future. More importantly, the energy of today such as coal, oil and gas provides Americans, and the world, with a quality of life that has never been experienced in the history of mankind.
Every convenience, nutrition, technology and aspect of life is made directly possible thanks to the energy industry. Yet despite the literally world-changing benefits provided by this industry, Democrats are doubling down their rhetoric and efforts to completely obliterate it. Every leading 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful has called for an end to modern day energy technology and some have gone so far as to say energy executives should be prosecuted and jailed for their participation in the industry. And make no mistake, the Left’s repeated attempts to destroy industry and prosperity is not merely limited to energy, their destructive intentions extend to healthcare, agriculture, technology, telecommunications, banking, and others.
The culture—Hollywood, television, entertainment, art, and recently, sports—academia, journalism and media have all fallen victim to the Left’s destructive march.
Democrats have entirely abandoned the idea of doing what’s in the best interest of the American people; instead, they’ve wholeheartedly embraced the extremism of their foundational Marxist ideology. This shift toward the fringe and the fever pitch with which they are pursuing plainly absurd and detrimental policies must, for the sake of our nation, necessitate an awakening amongst everyday Americans.
For many, our churches have remained silent for fear of losing their fellowships. Likewise, our neighbors, our friends, our family, too often have sat silently for fear of retribution by those on the Left who know all too well the tactics of division and destruction institutionalized within their modus operandi by Saul Alinsky.
We must remain silent no more. For as Dietrich Bonhoeffer so aptly stated, “Silence in the face of evil is evil itself: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” If we do not, we may very well lose our nation to the clutches of secular depravity forever.
81 Million Democrats Voted For Creepy Joe Biden Pedophile's Rapist-Sexual Assault -
81 Million Democrats Voted For Creepy Joe R. Biden Jr. A Pedophile's & A Child Rapist & 1,000 Sexual Assault 33 Million Dollars Paid Out To Date Oct. 30 2023 Sexual Assault Claims So Far. The Real Number Of Voters In 2020 Election Is 72 million Alive Democrats Voters And 6 Million Dead Democrats Voters And 3 Million Illegal Immigrant Democrats Voters All Total In Election 2020. Per U.S.A. Government Holding the Federal Government Accountable Office for Sexual Assault Claims As Of Oct. 30 2023 U.S. Government Has Paid Out Over 6+ Billion Dollars For Rape, Sexual Assault, Kids Out Of Wedlock and Sex With Kids (All Claims Paid By U.S. Tax Payers Only) ALL The Government Rapist Do Not Pay Anything At ALL... And The List Rape-Sex-Crime Keep Goes On And On On. All Records, However, Remain Sealed And Locked At The Behest Of Our Government Forever.
Ashley Biden Admits Details In Her Diary Are True About Her Father "Showers With My Dad" -
Here Are All The Times Pedophile Joseph R. Biden Jr. A Rapist-Sex With Kids Has Been Accused Of Acting Inappropriately Toward Women And Girls And Taking Naked Showers With Age 11 To 16 Year Old Daughter Ashley Biden Writing In Her Diary And Later Getting A Abortion (So Who Baby Is It ?) And Swimming Naked 100 Of Times Yes Creepy Joe Biden Likes To Swim Naked In Front Of The Secret Service Women And Yes This Man And His Family Are One Sick Group Of People With Our Nation Young Children.
A Closer Look At Who's Who In Pedophile And Rapist President Joe Biden's Family. The president is a proud husband, father, and grandfather. Here are all the details on Joe and Dr. Jill Biden's extended family link to video's below.
Kathleen Buhle Biden Said Why Joe Biden Keep Having Sexual Relations With Family Ashley Biden Diary Said As A Child Contains a Line About ‘Showers With My Dad Joe Biden & 100's Kids And Young Women And Not Go To Jail ?
Why Did Joe Biden Take Lots Of Showers And Use Date Rape Drug With His Eleven-Year-Old Daughter From (Ashley Biden Diary) Who Said I Had To Wash And Soap Up My Dad Hard Naked Body By Hand ? Joe Biden Said Cum On Man... Its Not True... #metoo Movement Believe All Women ?
So Biden Date rape drugs, also known as “date-rape drugs,” are substances used to incapacitate individuals without their knowledge or consent, often for sexual assault. These drugs can cause memory loss, confusion, and loss of consciousness, making it difficult for victims to recall the events that occurred while they were under the influence.
Joseph R. Biden Jr. Rapist-Sex With Kids Common Date Rape Drugs with Memory Loss:
Rohypnol (Flunitrazepam): A benzodiazepine drug that can cause memory loss, dizziness, and loss of muscle control. It is often used to incapacitate individuals, making them more susceptible to sexual assault.
GHB (Gamma-Hydroxybutyric Acid): A central nervous system depressant that can cause dizziness, nausea, and loss of consciousness. It is often used to incapacitate individuals, making them more susceptible to sexual assault.
Ketamine: A dissociative anesthetic that can cause hallucinations, disorientation, and loss of memory. It is often used to incapacitate individuals, making them more susceptible to sexual assault.
So Did Hunter Biden Really Kill Two Prostitutes ? Kathleen Buhle Biden “Drugs, Alcohol, Prostitutes, Strip Clubs, Sexual Relations” -
All Hell Breaks Loose When Marjorie Taylor Greene Displays Shocking Alleged Pics From Hunter Records. See How Congress Really Works And Its A Joke. Kathleen Buhle Biden “Guns, Drugs, Alcohol, Alive And Dead Prostitutes, Strip Clubs, Sexual Relations With Kids” A Pedophile's Family Look At Creepy Joe Biden Nose In Own Kid's Hair! So Did Hunter Biden Really Kill Two Prostitutes ?, the youngest son of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, has become a familiar name in the 2024 presidential campaign. Kathleen Buhle Biden, then the estranged wife of Hunter Biden, alleged in a court filing that Biden had spent “extravagantly on his own interests” including “drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs, and gifts to women with whom he has sexual relations,” the whole family is above the law according to the Associated.
Here are all the times Joe Biden has been accused of acting inappropriately toward women and girls... Former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, is facing heightened scrutiny over his past conduct towards women.
Eight women have alleged that Biden either touched them inappropriately or violated their personal space in ways that made them uncomfortable.
One of those women, Tara Reade, alleges that Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993. Biden has unequivocally denied assaulting or harassing Reade.
Biden has also been criticized for repeatedly commenting on the physical appearance of women on the campaign trail, and for refusing to explicitly apologize for his behavior.
Over the last year, former Vice President Joe Biden has faced scrutiny over his interactions with women, as well as his refusal to apologize for his controversial behavior.
In March 2020, former Senate aide Tara Reade alleged that Biden sexually assaulted her while she worked for his office in 1993. Biden has unequivocally denied assaulting or harassing Reade.
Eight women, including Reade, have accused Biden of touching them inappropriately or invading their personal space in ways that made them feel uncomfortable. Seven of the women said Biden's behavior did not amount to sexual harassment or assault.
Biden released a two-minute video after the initial allegations were made public in April 2019, but he was criticized for giving what critics deemed a "non-apology apology," in which he said he would try to do better moving forward. He later said he's "not sorry for anything that I've ever done."
The Delaware Democrat was further criticized for repeatedly making light of the allegations, and for commenting on the physical appearance of young girls he met on the 2020 campaign trail.
Here are all of the allegations against Biden:
Tara Reade alleged in April 2019 that Biden touched her in ways that made her feel uncomfortable while she worked in his Senate office in 1993. In March 2020, Reade alleged that Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993.
Reade first alleged in April 2019 that Biden would repeatedly "put his hand on my shoulder and run his finger up my neck" while she was employed in his Senate office from December 1992 to August 1993.
She also alleged that she was asked to serve drinks at a work event because Biden liked her legs. Reade said when she refused to serve the drinks, her work responsibilities were reduced and she left her job.
In March 2020, Reade first publicly alleged that Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993, pressing her against a wall in a Capitol Hill corridor, reaching under her skirt, and digitally penetrating her.
Reade said she filed a complaint with the Senate personnel office concerning Biden's alleged "sexual harassment and retaliation," but didn't mention the alleged assault.
Lucy Flores alleged in March 2019 that Biden grasped her shoulders from behind and kissed the back of her head without her consent during a campaign event in 2014.
Flores, a Democratic politician from Nevada, made her allegations in an essay published in New York Magazine's The Cut in late March 2019.
Flores said that while she was preparing to go onstage at a 2014 rally during her race for lieutenant governor, Biden came up behind her, put his hands on her shoulders, smelled her hair, and kissed the back of her head.
"My brain couldn't process what was happening. I was embarrassed. I was shocked. I was confused," she wrote. "The vice-president of the United States of America had just touched me in an intimate way reserved for close friends, family, or romantic partners — and I felt powerless to do anything about it ... Even if his behavior wasn't violent or sexual, it was demeaning and disrespectful."
Ally Coll, a former Democratic staffer, told The Washington Post in April 2019 that when she met Biden in 2008, he complimented her smile, squeezed her shoulders, and held her "for a beat too long."
Coll initially brushed off the incident, but she told The Post that reflecting on it now, she believes Biden's actions were inappropriate.
"There's been a lack of understanding about the way that power can turn something that might seem innocuous into something that can make somebody feel uncomfortable," Coll told The Post in April 2019.
Sofie Karasek, a progressive organizer, was photographed holding hands and touching foreheads with Biden at the 2016 Academy Awards. Karasek said she felt Biden violated her personal space in that interaction.
Karasek was one of dozens of sexual-assault survivors who stood on stage while Lady Gaga performed, "Til It Happens To You," a song concerning rape and sexual assault, at the 2016 Academy Awards.
A photograph from the event of the then-22 year old and Biden holding hands and touching foreheads went viral, but Karasek told The Washington Post in 2019 that she felt Biden had encroached on her personal space.
She also said she didn't think Biden's 2019 apology video adequately addressed the allegations against him. Biden never explicitly apologized for his actions, and Karasek said he "didn't take ownership in the way that he needs to."
"He emphasized that he wants to connect with people and, of course, that's important," she said. "But again, all of our interactions and friendships are a two-way street … Too often it doesn't matter how the woman feels about it or they just assume that they're fine with it."
Amy Stokes Lappos alleges Biden pulled her face close to him during a 2009 political fundraiser.
Lappos, a small business owner and Democratic political activist, told the Hartford Courant in April 2019 that Biden "put his hands behind my head and pulled me close and I thought, 'he's going to kiss me.'"
Lappos said her interaction with Biden occurred at a Greenwich, Connecticut fundraiser for Democratic Rep. Jim Himes in 2009.
Caitlyn Caruso said that after she shared her story of sexual assault at a University of Nevada event in 2016, Biden hugged her "just a little bit too long" and put his hand on her thigh.
It doesn't even really cross your mind that such a person would dare perpetuate harm like that," Caruso told The New York Times in April 2019. "These are supposed to be people you can trust."
DJ Hill alleges Biden rested his hand on her shoulder and moved it down her back at a 2012 fundraising event in Minneapolis. Hill said the encounter made her "very uncomfortable."
"Only he knows his intent," Hill told The New York Times in April 2019. "If something makes you feel uncomfortable, you have to feel able to say it."
Vail Kohnert-Yount, a former White House intern, said when she met Biden in 2013, he "put his hand on the back of my head and pressed his forehead to my forehead." Kohnert-Yount also said Biden called her a "pretty girl."
Kohnert-Yount told The Washington Post in April 2019 she was "so shocked" by her encounter with Biden that "it was hard to focus on what he was saying."
She said she wouldn't classify Biden's actions as sexual misconduct, but added that it's "the kind of inappropriate behavior that makes many women feel uncomfortable and unequal in the workplace."
In June 2019, Biden told the brothers of a 13-year-old girl to "keep the guys away" from her at a campaign event.
The Boston Globe reported that the interaction occurred when Biden met a voter at a coffee shop before a campaign event in Iowa.
When Biden met the voter's granddaughter, he asked her age. After she replied that she was 13 years old, Biden turned to her brothers and said, "You've got one job here, keep the guys away from your sister."
At a May 2019 campaign event, Biden told a 10-year-old girl, "I bet you're as bright as you are good-looking." The girl's teacher and mother defended Biden, but progressive critics argued the comments were further evidence of the candidate's sexism.
Creepy Pedophile's Uncle Joe PAID Out Over 33 Million Dollars Sexual Assault Claims -
Creepy Pedophile's Uncle Joe Biden Has Been Accused 696 Times of Sexual Assault And Some Whistle blowers Are Dead Now. Where Is the #TimesUp Movement? The controversy over Joe Biden’s treatment of women, explained An old-school politician in a #MeToo world. A former staffer of Joe Biden has come forward, alleging that he sexually assaulted her while he was a Senator. She had initially approached the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund but they turned her away, citing fears over accusing politicians. This reveals the inherent contradictions of Time’s Up.
Holding the Federal Government Accountable for Sexual Assault Clams As Of Oct. 01 2022 U.S. Government Has PAID Out Over 6+ Billion Dollars For Rape, Sexual Assault, Kids Out Of Wedlock and Sex With Kids And The List Goes On And On On.
UN Report Calls For Decriminalization Of Sex Between Adults/Children Age 8+Up
UN New Legal Principles Launched On International Women’s and Trans Women Day to advance decriminalization efforts In March 2023, UNAIDS and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), along with the International Committee of Jurists (ICJ) published a group of "new legal principles" that would advance "decriminalization efforts" globally. Principle 16, titled "consensual sexual conduct," stated that sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual.
U.S. Government Is Selling Child Pornography and False Charges Against U.S. Citizens
I Was Raped By Politicians, Your Fathers Your Mother Other Family Members and U.S. Government Is Selling My Photos XXX Child Pornography (also called CP, child sexual abuse material, CSAM, child porn, or kiddie porn) is pornography that is unlawfully to some and not-unlawfully to other global elite who exploits children for sexual stimulation. It may be produced with the direct involvement or sexual assault of a child (also known as child sexual abuse images) or it may be simulated child pornography. Abuse of the child occurs during the sexual acts.
Secrets Meeting Biden Said New U.S.A. Laws Coming Age of Consent Is To Be 8 Yrs. Old
In A Secrets Meeting Per U.S.A. New Sharia Law Rules 2022 and Kids Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy Rules 2023 Kids Can Now Start At Age 8 Yrs. Old Puberty Blockers Drugs Per President Joe Biden's Administration has confirmed that the legal age of consent for sex and marriage will be lowered to 8 yrs old starting February 16th. 2023 During a speech Tuesday afternoon, Biden stated ‘We have to do it... The age, the kids, they should be about this old.’ He then held up a gesture suggesting the historic decrease. Puberty typically starts between the ages of 8 and 13 for girls and AFABs and New Age of Consent, specifically one young person's question about whether or not to wait until she reaches to have sex, is complicated. There are many nuances to the law depending on where you live and the law itself can be harmful when it's intent is to help. Social media users are sharing screenshots of articles claiming Joe Biden has lowered the age of sexual consent to 8 years by laws. Over the last week, social media users have been pushing claims that President Joe Biden had lowered the age of sexual consent to 8 years.
Kathleen Buhle Biden Said Before You Vote For Creepy Joe Biden In Nov. 2024. See A True Pedophile's Family At Work... You Must See All Video's Listed & Linked Below Thanks !
Kathleen Buhle Biden Said Why Do You Ditched Hunter Biden Gun In A Trash Can ? Or Why Do You Hide A Gun In A Lake After You Kill Someone ?...
So Did Hunter Biden Really Kill Two Prostitutes ? Yes Maybe No ? Secret Service ‘protected’ Biden family in Hunter gun probe A trove of new emails raises new questions about whether the Secret Service “protected” the Biden family and obscured the agency’s alleged involvement in a police probe after Hunter Biden’s girlfriend ditched his gun in a trash can.
Conservative nonprofit Judicial Watch obtained via Freedom of Information Act request 487 pages of Secret Service records about the October 2018 incident — when Hunter’s brother’s widow and then-girlfriend, Hallie Biden, left his .38 handgun on in a supermarket garbage can in Wilmington, Delaware.
The Secret Service emails began in October 2020 when an agent, whose name was redacted, shared a link to a colleague to an article from The Blaze about the gun incident in an email chain with other agents.
Another official, whose name is redacted, responded: “Oh dear…”
A specialist in the agency’s Protective Intelligence and Assessment Division then wrote to their colleagues: “It’s kind of odd that we were involved in the missing gun investigation when neither Hunter or Joe were even receiving USSS protection at the time? Hmmm.”
And another replied: “Maybe we were asked for a favor?” As a former vice president, Joe Biden and his family were not receiving Secret Service protection at the time of the incident.
“The Secret Service is being cagey about what it did for Hunter and I believe Hunter when he said the FBI and Secret Service had intervened for him,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton told The Post.
“In my view this is another example of Hunter and the Bidens getting taken care of and getting protected from the consequences of bad behavior — in this case this domestic issue which led to this gun being disposed of in an unsafe manner.”
Hunter’s 2018 gun purchase is believed to be part of a years-long investigation into his personal and professional activities by the Department of Justice. The probe is being led by Delaware US attorney David Weiss, who was appointed to the post by former President Trump.
On a federal transaction record recording the gun purchase, Hunter Biden responded “no” to a question which read, “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?” His drug and alcohol abuse during this period have been copiously documented in news reports.
Hallie Biden allegedly tossed the gun across from a local high school because she feared Hunter would kill himself, Politico reported in March 2021.
Local police began investigating after Hallie went back for the pistol and found it missing. That’s when the Secret Service also reportedly inserted itself into the fray, contacting the gun store where Hunter purchased the piece and asked for the sale paperwork. undercover sources included someone “briefed by a Secret Service agent after the fact,” Wow.
Biden's Crime Family And Kids With Sex Crime Against Young Girls And 13 Dead Body's -
The Corruption of the Biden Crime Family is staring us right in the face. From Hunter Biden’s drug and gun crimes to whistleblower reports alleging that Joe Biden sold out U.S. policy to foreign agents, the level of corruption is staggering. A woman's body was found inside a freezer on biden family property and now the whistleblower is dead now and body is moved and now its missing ? wow. Despite the overwhelming evidence no one will be charged in this crime at all?, Republican politicians do nothing but promise one dead-end investigation after the other. It’s time to take matters into our own hands.
Kathleen Buhle Biden Said Why Joe Biden Keep Having Sexual Relations With Family Ashley Biden Diary Said As A Child Contains a Line About ‘Showers With My Dad Joe Biden & 100's Kids And Young Women And Not Go To Jail ?
Why Did Joe Biden Take Lots Of Showers With His Eleven-Year-Old Daughter Who Said I Had To Wash And Soap Up My Dad Hard Naked Body By Hand ? Joe Biden Said Cum On Man... Its Not True... #metoo Movement Believe All Women ?
My Follow American I'm Name Is Joseph R. Biden Jr. And This Is My Record Wow -
Joseph R. Biden Jr. And This Is My True Video's Record As Your President So Far Over Last 40 Years And All American Need To Remember Is "No One Is Above The Law" In 2024 Wow !
In 1998, Biden’s daughter Ashley was arrested for cannabis possession in Louisiana. While others arrested for the same offense faced sentences sometimes spanning decades, Ashley Biden was never convicted of any drug-related crime. In 2014, Hunter Biden was discharged from the Navy after testing positive for cocaine. Like his daughter, no charges were ever filed against Biden’s son.
Pedophile Joe Biden Said About His Son Hunter Biden Is A Parasitic Monsters -
A Gun Belonging To President’s Son Was Dumped In A Trash Can Behind A Grocery Store Why ?
Hunter Biden, a dead beat dad has agreed to plead guilty to federal two criminal tax charges & felony gun charges and no dead women body found.
The "Fix was In" all of the time and we all knew it and here is the proof that we have a two tier justice system: So after Hunter Biden Paid 2 Prostitutes for sex and drugs etc. The 2 women are missing and or dead now... So if you kill 2 hookers in a bad drug deal this is why or maybe why hunter biden drop the gun into a trash can to hide to gun ? who know this ? and without the two hookers body for a investigation by the police... Who gun maybe used to kill them... who know this info. and who care's in the first place hunter biden ?
All Hunter Biden Sex Crime Report On My Laptop Missing 100s Prostitutes Body's -
Hunter Biden also has agreed to enter a pretrial diversion agreement in connection with a felony charge of possession of a firearm by a person who is a user/or addict of illegal drugs which is a $250,000 fine and 5 years "mandatory" sentence in prison.
New leaked footage shows a naked Hunter Biden waving around a handgun and even pointing it at the camera while partying with a prostitute in 2018 who are now dead or missing and hunter is tied to more than 30 gigabytes of photos, videos, and messages from Hunter Biden's iPhone over a four-month span. Meanwhile, Hunter Biden's lawyer filed an ethics complaint against Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene for displaying explicit photos of him during a hearing, sparking immediate protests from other members of the panel. Greene questioned why the Justice Department hadn't investigated Biden more aggressively, and Biden has agreed to plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges. The images clearly depict Biden nude and engaging in sex, but use black boxes to obscure his genitals and the faces of the people who aren't Biden.
The Mann Act is a federal law in the United States that criminalizes the transportation of women or girls for the purpose of prostitution or any other immoral purpose. The law was passed in 1910 and is also known as the White-Slave Traffic Act. - 6,900 Hunter Photo's, Drugs, XXX, Sex Works Etc.
The Mann Act makes it a felony to engage in interstate or foreign commerce transport of “any woman or girl for the purpose of prostitution or debauchery, or for any other immoral purpose.” The law was originally intended to target the sex trade and prevent the exploitation of women and girls.
Over time, the law has been amended to expand its scope and include protections for boys and minors. In 1978, the law was amended to specifically prohibit the interstate- or foreign-commerce transportation of minors with the intent that “such minor[s] engage in prostitution” or any other “prohibited sexual conduct.” In 1986, the law was further amended to make the entire law gender-neutral and replace references to “debauchery” and “immoral” purposes or practices with the phrase “any sexual activity for which any person can be charged with a criminal offense.”
The Mann Act has been used to prosecute a wide range of cases, including cases involving prostitution, human trafficking, and child exploitation. The law has also been used to prosecute cases involving the transportation of individuals for the purpose of sexual exploitation, even if the individuals are not necessarily being forced into prostitution.
"I do remember her telling me that Joe Biden had put her up against a wall and had put his hands up her skirt and had put his fingers inside her," LaCasse said. Reade, as detailed in a previous NPR report, has accused Biden of pinning her against a wall in the hallway of a Capitol Hill building and penetrating her vagina with his fingers in the spring of 1993.
The Biden campaign denies the alleged incident, as do longtime Biden staffers whom Reade worked for at the time.
Joe Biden Is Trying To Kill Me Tara Reade, who claims she was sexually assaulted by President Joe Biden and has lived in Russia for nearly a year, continues to seek aid from House Republicans who can provide her an outlet to publicly testify her complaints under oath.
Reade, who served as a Biden aide when he represented Delaware as a U.S. senator, made headlines during his 2020 presidential campaign when she filed a criminal complaint with the Washington Metropolitan Police Department alleging that he pushed her against the wall in a Senate corridor in 1993 and penetrated her with his fingers. The president strongly denied the accusations and continues to do so.
The reaction to her complaint ultimately led her to seek refuge in Moscow in May 2023. As of December, she was granted asylum in an expedited process, but remains intent on wanting to share the totality of her story and allegations with Republicans—though interest in making the testimony a public spectacle has seemingly waned.
"I'm angry that nobody is helping me," Reade, who describes herself as a political independent, told Newsweek via phone last week from her Moscow residence.
A letter was sent by Reade's attorney, Jonathan Levy, on March 21 to Ohio Republican Representative Jim Jordan, who chairs the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. The letter, which was shared by Reade and Levy with Newsweek, explains Reade's intent to testify remotely from any mutually agreeable location regarding her experiences "as the target of an unconstitutional FBI special operation to silence her.
"Unlike Stormy Daniels and E. Jean Carroll, Tara reported the sexual assault by President Biden when it occurred and it was contemporaneously documented in 1993 by congressional investigators," the letter reads. "The records, however, remain sealed and locked at the behest of President Biden."
Levy said it's "obvious" why Daniels and Carroll have gained notoriety, describing affinity towards their accounts as "unofficial sponsorship" by Biden supporters. Reade's claims were not taken as seriously and led to her being victimized and not telling the entirety of her own story, he added.
"Frustrated is how I feel about the whole investigation, especially when I watch things like Stormy Daniels getting a documentary and prancing on The View," Reade said. "You know, she's a porn star and acting like she's a victim. It's disgusting.
Secret Pedophile's Watch Child Beauty Pageant Glitter Girls Age 4 Thru 8 Yrs. Old -
A child beauty pageant is a beauty contest featuring contestants starting at age 4 to under 16 years of age. Competition categories may include talent, interview, sportswear, casual wear, swimwear, western wear, theme wear, outfit of choice, decade wear, and evening wear. Depending on the type of pageant system (glitz or natural), contestants may be found wearing anything from makeup to fake teeth, known as flippers, as well as elaborate hairstyles and custom-designed fitted outfits to present their routines on stage.
The Biden, Clinton, Obama, FBI , and CIA Crime Syndicate will have no other choice than to have Trump killed before he is elected president. Otherwise once Trump does get elected he will be holding all accountable and aggressively drain the Washington swamp.
He's been the President of the United States since January 2021, and is the former Vice President, but how much do you know about Joe Biden's strong bond with his family? Pres. Biden has a reputation for being a man whose family has always been central to his very being. He's a parent and a grandparent. Pres. Biden is also a man whose family has suffered profound loss and heartbreak.
Now that Pres. Biden is running for re-election in 2024, it's time to get to know the President's family. That includes his wife Dr. Jill Biden, as well as their children Hunter, Beau, Ashley, and his late daughter Naomi. Between them, they have seven grandchildren: Naomi, Finnegan, Maisy, Natalie, Robert, and Beau, born the year the President was elected, 2020. Hunter Biden also has another child, born in 2018.
Hunter and his second wife Melissa Cohen welcomed a baby boy together in March 2020. They named him Beau after Hunter's late brother. Baby Beau made his first appearance at the President's inauguration.
Hunter Biden's Child with Lunden Roberts
In 2018, a child was born to an Arkansas woman named Lunden Roberts. She claimed Hunter Biden was the father. Hunter Biden initially denied the claim, but a DNA test proved otherwise. According to a report in The Miami Herald, the little girl and her mother are estranged from the Biden family.
Biden's Chinese Sex & Business Secrets Enriched Biden Family At America's Expense -
Uncover Joe Biden and His Family's Secret Relationship with China People and the Sinister Business Deals that Enriched the Biden Family At All America's Expense Nice and Pedophile Joe Biden's Said See A Chinese's Woman You Want ? Pay The Money And You Can Now Rape Her And Kill Her Having Sex And After You Are Done You Can Cook And Eat Her Or Him Or Trans Your Choose Baby's-Kids-Teens-Adult Life Is Fun. From Hunter Biden’s drug and gun crimes to whistleblower reports alleging that Joe Biden sold out U.S. policy to foreign agents, the level of corruption is staggering. A woman's body was found inside a freezer on Biden family property and now the whistleblower is dead now and body is moved and now its missing ? wow. Despite the overwhelming evidence no one will be charged in this crime at all?, Republican politicians do nothing but promise one dead-end investigation after the other. It’s time to take matters into our own hands. Biden family makes ‘admission of corruption’ in foreign business deals: China expert President Joe Biden denies $1 million in payments were made to family from Chinese business dealings and said its more like $33 million dollars and see if you can find the money ha ha ha. no money to me ? its only my family.
Welcome To Our Channel In 2024 What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie? Yes We All The People Of The U.S.A. So If You Our Black-White-Yellow-Brown-Red-Woke-Trans-Etc. We At This Channel Do Not Care About Anyone Skin Color At All Now Or In The Past Time. All Info. shared in this channel is for non-hate and non-race and historical purposes to educate, elevate, entertain, enlighten, and empower through old and new film and document allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.
Note: The content on this channel may cover controversial topics and explore differing perspectives. It is intended for informational and discussion purposes only. Views expressed by guests or in comments do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the channel owner. We encourage respectful dialogue and open-mindedness. However, viewers are advised to conduct their own research and exercise critical thinking when engaging with the content. This channel does not endorse or condone any form of hate speech, discrimination, or violence. Viewer discretion is advised.
Welcome To The New World Order - The Year Zero - The Real Origin of the World - National Anthem of the United States of America and Confederate States of America National Anthem and New World Order National Anthem Is "The Ostrich" Lyrics by Steppenwolf from the album 'Rest In Peace' 1967-1972 A.C.E. The Conspiracy to Rule Your Mind chronicles how the ruling elite have established global domination and the ability to effect the thoughts, decisions, and world view of human beings across the globe by systematically infiltrating the media, academia, industry, military and political factions under the guise of upholding democracy. Learn how this malevolent consortium has dedicated centuries to realize an oppressive and totalitarian rule through any means necessary, not limited to drug trafficking, money laundering, terror attacks and financial crisis within the world economy.
Worldwide tyranny is already in full effect, the food we eat and the air we breathe are not off limits. Will we be able to stop this madness before we become an electronically monitored, cashless society wherein ever man, woman and child is micro chipped? We live in the world where sex is free and love costs, where losing a phone is scarier than losing morale, where it is fashionable to get drunk and using drugs, because if you don’t do that, you’re old and out, where men cheat on their wives with girls and if they don’t, it’s for fear of being caught, where girls are more afraid of being pregnant than getting AIDS, where pizza delivery is faster than an ambulance, where clothes decide a person’s value and money is more important than friends and family... This is not my world. Where has my true world gone? The New World Order Is Upon Us - Preserve Your Liberty By Being Prepared ! - We The People of the New World Order Thank You.
The Left/Right paradigm isn't only exposed by race and immigration issues. The Left and Right are in lockstep on every issue that really matters: The IRS. Income tax. Federal Reserve system. Endless wars. Endless expansion of tyranny and ever contracting liberty. Chronically wide-open borders. Suicidal immigration policies. Don't you see? The democrats and republicans exist only to provide the illusion of choice. A strong "us versus them" simulation in every election. It's ritualized tribalism. But the joke is, it doesn't matter which team wins, because both sides have the same agenda. God, guns and gays are phony "issues" to bolster the illusion of "difference" between the parties. The only thing that makes all this possible is that people aren't aware of the scam. Just knowing they are either "Team Red" or "Team Blue" liberates them from the responsibility of having to actually know or think anything. Then they feel righteous when their team wins, or despondent when they loose. It's no coincidence that the system works exactly like sports. There comes a point when ignorance and apathy become treason. We are past that point, people.
Everything you want to know what could be more terrifying than being trafficked for sex? Being murdered in a ritual sacrifice. And even worse than that would be being murdered in a ritual sacrifice so wealthy elite cabalists can harvest your adrenal glands to get the compound Adrenochrome they need to prolong their decrepit lives! It's so easy to be overwhelmed and feel beaten by the amount of negative and discouraging information being spread by the mainstream (fake stream) media. There are truly awful people in WEF and WHO, who want to reduce us to the level of serfs or chattel, but we can resist, indeed, we must resist. Be calm, be objective and be positive. Right is Might. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing.” Nobody Is Safe From People's Republic Of The Tyrannical We The Sheeple People of The United States of America and A Real True Bill of State Rights Of Government July Forth 1776 The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution, which limit the power of the federal government and guarantee certain freedoms and rights to all peoples.
What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie?
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