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2 months ago

Affirmative Action? Just Another Blonde? Life as the Number Two Woman at the White House

[FOB FREEDOM, October 4, 2024] Any station? Any station? Do you read? Over.

Live from the world’s newest banana republic. . .

An associate position at White & Case, a top New York, large law firm on Avenue of the Americas in Manhattan is not the easiest thing in the world to accomplish, and generally around year seven, if not year eight as a law firm associate, working multiple hours, but enjoying a comfortable compensation, accentuated by firm perks (Who doesn’t like a town car to drive you home out of Manhattan when working after 6:30 p.m., plus “dinner money”?)

And, generally favoring the Ivy Leagues, and reputable law schools in the greater New York area, picking up that gig from the law school at a southern state college, even the much revered (in Virginia (said like Daryl Hannah in Wall Street about a beachfront property, like yeah, in Wildwood, NJ, later to be revived in Silver City, in remarking about cowboy boots, yeah, by Tony Lama) says something, but what could be anything, and the Deputy General Counsel at Office of Management and Budget and the Office of General Counsel is not exactly the Jen Psaki of the Biden Administration. One figure that has floated around the periphery of Northern Virginia politics for decades has more stories about porn tabs than Heather V. Walsh has at all. And perhaps the White House was banking on a low-profile dropout from the White & Case race for partnership track when they were in a pinch, had to cough up some documents, after being pressured by some wacko, with no attorney, and just some stupid letter (probably autopen) from the Vatican, when their response to a FOIA request had even found a federal judge not quite ready to just chop off on what looks like a disaster epic tale in the making.

“Well, Howard, I’m trying to think of a comparison with which some might find familiarity to their, shall we say, station in life. Say you are maybe a pastor of a large church, at least back in the day, when at least in Black church, you’d need an act of God to remove a pastor, the saying was if you got the job you stay for life, and don’t just walk away. Think of it, if you can, of going to MGM Resorts National Harbor with a slot machine that just keeps hitting every time you put money in. But some graduate of 47% selective American University, a school a lot of folks may have heard of, but that is less competitive than Kamala’s alma mater that 86% of our graduates from the second-best public schools in Virginia aren’t smart or competitive enough to apply—does Howard have athletic scholarships? No matter, this blonde former radio and records editor—hey, that’s what she wrote to impress us on LinkedIn—thought she’d rather work for the government, doing good enough for government work, before clerking for can’t decide the probability of success associated with a less than five percent chance since last October E.D.Va., and then lit up like a rocket after parking at the State Department. Well, this is our Miss National Security Emergency in My Inbox Unanswered for Nine Months Before I Task Everyone Up to the NSC. I’d still like to just get the paperwork on whether she is authorized to classify anything, to tell you the truth,” remarked one litigator, with no license or law degree who not only got the White House to concede to his demands, without the help of any court or attorney, but then apparently got them to try to get away with a lie to cover up what they had tried to cover up before being forced to put something on paper. How incompetent is that?

And, to think, if you have a flip-a-coin success probability of getting into American, a most progressive university, one day, you, too, may be working at the White House.

Your elected representative is called your elected representative for a reason; and Martin Luther King and Jesus never got elected.

And let’s get ready to RUMBLE!

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