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15 seconds

Fowl Territory #281

Streamed on:

Fowl Territory #281 - The Gizzard Gary Podcast 10/4/2024. Firearm and pro-2A live panel discussion, your GORN, plus a prize giveaway. Presented by Aegis Gun Care - check them out at https://www.aegisguncare.com and use code GIZZARDGARY for 10% off your order. @aegisguncare7155 #ad

For back episodes, check out the Fowl Territory channel on Rumble at https://rumble.com/c/FowlTerritory.

All opinions expressed by guests on this panel are the opinions of that guest only, and do not represent the opinions of Gizzard Gary.

©2024 Gizzard Gary Productions LLC. All rights reserved.
Credit: Gary Decker
Contact: info@gizzardgary.com
Web: https://gizzardgary.com
Mail: Gizzard Gary Productions LLC, PO Box 101, Burlington, KS 66839-0101