THE SUMMER - Antonio Vivaldi - The Four Seasons - 4K

5 months ago

The Summer / Antonio Vivaldi / The Four Seasons / 4K Video


Containing four tutti and three solo sections, the first movement shows irregularity in the change of the meter and in the design of the closing ritornello. The opening section in 3/8 time describes the feeble- ness caused by the heat, while the first solo in 4/4 time reproduces the call of the cuckoo. In the second solo the turtledove and goldfinch are heard. The gentle zephyr is depicted by a trio of violins and violas. Then the full orchestra illustrates the strong and unpleasant borea (north wind), — The stormy weather prevails in the last tutti, indi- cated by the broken tremolo and unison scales in thirty-second notes.

Having described the power of furious winds, the composer attempts
to depict in the Adagio the lull before the thunderstorm. Main- taining the basic key in G minor, the Adagio is dominated by the solo violin. Its Arioso, which is accompanied by the ripieno violins in dotted

A VOX PRODUCTION rhythm, is interrupted four times by a Presto in which all the strings in unison imitate the rolling of thunder.

The storm breaks with full force in the last movement. There is no main theme in the usual sense, and the basic element which shapes this
movement is the motion in semiquavers kept up in the scales and tremolo throughout the movement, except for a fermata in the fifth bar and four bars in the first solo section. Viewed as a whole, the sum- mer day Vivaldi has described was anything but beautiful and pleasant.

The Spring:


WeDesign Marbella

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