5 days ago

In the 2020 Fall Economic Statement, the Government of Canada proposed investments of $49.3 million to support the implementation of Gladue Principles in the mainstream justice system and Indigenous-led responses in order to help reduce the overrepresentation of Indigenous peoples in the criminal justice system.

Of this amount, $10 million will be dedicated to projects informed by Gladue Principles that focus on educating justice professionals and changing structures, policies, practices and institutions in the criminal justice system.

Funding will be available through the Indigenous Justice Program, which provides grants and contribution funding to programs and projects in support of the following objectives:

to assist Indigenous people in assuming greater responsibility for the administration of justice in their communities;
to reflect and include Indigenous values within the justice system; and,
to contribute to a decrease in the rate of victimization, crime and incarceration among Indigenous people.
What are Gladue Principles and how do they apply outside of sentencing?
“Gladue Principles” come from a Supreme Court of Canada decision in a case called R. v. Gladue, which considered a sentencing principle outlined in paragraph 718.2(e) of the Criminal Code. While Gladue Principles come from a sentencing decision, they can be used to inform systemic change at all stages of the criminal justice system.

Funding applicants will be expected to draw from Gladue Principles and the reasons behind the Gladue decision in designing their initiatives. For this purpose, Gladue Principles can be described as:

the overrepresentation of Indigenous people in the criminal justice system is a serious and complex issue rooted in systemic discrimination and the history of colonialism;
the unique systemic or background factors which may have played a part in bringing an Indigenous person in contact with the law should be considered in criminal justice decision-making; and
pre- and post-charge diversion, alternative measures and other community-based options should be considered for Indigenous people in conflict with the law, including culturally-appropriate restorative and traditional Indigenous justice processes. Basically a real late and low class bit of reparations. What you done unto others gonna be done unto You double plus 20% is Our Mandate. Just sose yas know like. Nobody does nothing for free. Metaphysical Law inbred perfect integrity pre-birth. To 100% of humanity at all times in Our history thus far. This is the first time folks can not tell the girls from the boys. And insist rational folks bow to these mediocre petty jealous potentates of the neuveao Propinqiuity where Pronouns rule in Polite conversation that had best not deviate from the Elon Musk accepted norms. Do not mind charging for his services but be shy on delivery. Two years in a row. Be one reason why children have such an acute sense of Justice they call it fairness. Our crime on Twitless was insulting the previous owner. Well he elft himself wide open for a bit of playful fun. But see I was unaware how desperate folks who lie are about protecting their Ego and Pronoun prerogatives, it blinds them to any kind of intelligent discourse. Lies are really useless things. Trust Us. I only win after You do. Dummies. Warms B

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