15+ year Interior Designer/Author Alejandra Brady is my very special guest!

5 months ago

15+ year Interior Designer of beautiful homes & offices Alejandra Brady talks about her latest release “I Just Can’t Make this Sh!t Up!” as a highly readable, engaging, and entertaining book that keeps you wondering what’s next and show everyone to experience true purpose, bliss, flow and awe the universe provides! Alejandra began her spiritual journey at 16 having her first visitation from someone who passed and said goodbye, later uncovering her life the extraordinary spiritual journey into Feng Shui at 50 while bringing insight into a whole new world with infinite possibilities, plus shares her stories on how she uses Feng Shui into her business and decision making with interior design and more! Check out the amazing Alejandra Brady and her latest release on all major platforms and www.alejandrabrady.com today! #alejandrabrady #interiordesigner #author #tampaflorida #ijustcantmakethisup #fengshiu #truepurpose #spiritual #austintexas #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagneralejandrabrady #themikewagnershowalejandrabrady

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