✡️ The Star of David connection to Kabbalah, Paganism, Islam, Hinduism, Freemasonry, Demon Worship

22 days ago

✡️ The Star of David, known in Hebrew as the Magen David (Shield of David) is not the star from the Bible. (more in description)

✡️ Archaeological evidence suggests that exactly similar symbols appeared in the 3rd to 4th centuries CE in Jewish synagogues, indicating its early presence in Jewish culture. The term "Magen David" itself first appears in the Babylonian Talmud, where it is used as an epithet for their god - Remphan also known as Moloch/Baal, rather than as a symbol.

✡️ The star of Remphan aka star of David is often identified with the Babylonian god associated with Saturn, known as Kiyun in Hebrew. This deity/demon/god was part of the broader pantheon of astral gods/demons that ancient civilizations worshipped, where stars were often seen as representations of deities/gods. The Israelites, influenced by neighboring pagan cultures, turned to idol worship during periods of rebellion against Yahweh/THE ONLY ONE TRUE GOD, leading to the adoption of symbols like Remphan for their religious practices.

✡️ Before its adoption by Judaism, the hexagram was prevalent in pagan traditions like Islamic culture, often referred to as the Seal of Solomon ~ The Seal of Solomon is often linked to occult practices, particularly regarding its purported ability to control demons. This association stems from various historical texts and traditions that attribute magical powers to King Solomon, particularly in his interactions with supernatural entities.

✡️ One of the primary sources discussing the Seal of Solomon in relation to demons is the Lesser Key of Solomon, a grimoire compiled in the 17th century. It details rituals for summoning and controlling demons, many of which are said to have been derived from earlier texts, including the Testament of Solomon. This ancient text describes how Solomon used a magical ring to command demons and spirits, sealing them in a vessel to prevent them from causing harm.

✡️ The Seal is often associated with the 72 Goetic demons, which Solomon supposedly sealed in a brass vessel. According to these traditions, he used the seal not only for protection but also to gain power over these entities, allowing him to command them at will. The Seal of Solomon is frequently invoked in various occult practices and rituals. It is believed that the seal can protect the user from harm and grant them the ability to manipulate spiritual forces. This evidence links the star of david and the proclamation that the group that use the insgnia have a knowledge of harnessing this power.

✡️ The Star of "David" ~ Remphan began to be recognized specifically as a Jewish symbol around the 11th century ~ a hexagram symbol by Jewish mystics and Kabbalists, who ascribed it with protective and magical properties, but it wasn't until the 14th century that it gained significant prominence. In 1354, Bohemian Emperor Charles IV allowed Jews in Prague to raise their own flag featuring the star, marking a pivotal moment in its identification with Jewish identity. Kabbalistic texts from this period, such as the Book of Boundary, ascribed protective and magical or spiritual significance to the hexagram, associating it with King David's shield for validity within the religion, society and community of Judaism and so now Christianity.

✡️ By the late 19th century, the Star of "David" ~ Remphan had become widely recognized as a symbol of Judaism, particularly after its adoption by the First Zionist Congress in 1897. The symbol was chosen to represent the movement's aspirations for a Jewish homeland and was later incorporated into the national flag of Israel upon its establishment in 1948.

✡️ Stephen's (in the Bible) mention of Remphan connects to a passage in Amos 5:26, which speaks of the Israelites carrying the "tabernacle of Moloch" and the "star of your god Rephan." This indicates a historical pattern where the Israelites engaged in syncretism, blending their worship with that of surrounding nations. The prohibition against worshipping stars and heavenly constellations in Deuteronomy 4:17 is cited as evidence of its pagan roots.

✡️ Amos 5:26 "You have taken along Sakkuth your king and Kaiwan your star god, the idols you made for yourselves" ~ verse highlights the Israelites' tendency to turn to idol worship, particularly during their exodus from Egypt. Sakkuth is often associated with Moloch, a deity linked to child sacrifice, while Kaiwan (or Chiun) is interpreted as a star god, possibly representing Saturn.

✡️ The name Remphan appears in Acts 7:43, where Stephen quotes Amos while addressing the Sanhedrin. This further emphasizes the continuity of Jews's idolatrous practices and serves as a warning against their current rejection of God’s messengers.

✡️ The name "Remphan" varies across translations and manuscripts, appearing as "Rephan," "Raiphan," or "Raphan" in different biblical texts. This variation reflects differences between Hebrew and Greek translations, particularly between the Masoretic Text and the Septuagint.

✡️ The Star of "David" ~ Remphan has a notable presence in Freemasonry, where it is often referred to as the "Seal of Solomon". This connection stems from the historical and symbolic associations between King Solomon, who is viewed as a significant figure in Masonic tradition, and the geometric design of the star.

✡️ In Masonic lore, the Star of "David" ~ Remphan is linked to King Solomon, who is considered the first Freemason. The hexagram is thought to represent wisdom and protection, reflecting Solomon's legendary wisdom and his role in building the First Temple in Jerusalem. The symbol embodies themes of harmony and balance, which are central to Masonic philosophy.

✡️ Within some Masonic depictions of the Star of "David" ~ Remphan, a letter 'G' is often placed at its center. This 'G' can signify both God and Geometry, emphasizing the importance of divine guidance and the mathematical principles that underpin the universe—a key aspect of Masonic teachings.

✡️ The Star of David, while primarily recognized as a symbol of Judaism (worship of satan), has intriguing connections to Hindu culture (demon worship), particularly through the concept of the Shatkona or Shanmukha, which is a similar hexagram shape. In Hinduism (demon worship), the Shatkona represents the union of the divine masculine and feminine energies, often associated with the deities Shiva (demon) [there is a depitction of this demon as a statute at CERN] and Parvati (demon). In Hinduism, the Shatkona is sometimes seen as a protective emblem, warding off negative energies or the evil eye (magic ~ seeking/or fomring a pact with demon or its power against other humans or demons).

✡️ The Rothschild family, a prominent Jewish banking dynasty, adopted a red six-pointed star (hexagram) as part of their family crest. This emblem was reportedly linked to Mayer Amschel Bauer, who changed his name to Rothschild, meaning "red shield," reflecting the star displayed above his counting house in Frankfurt, Germany.

✡️ The Rothschilds played a significant role in supporting the early Zionist movement, particularly in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Their financial backing was crucial for various Zionist initiatives, including land purchases in Palestine. The family's emblem contributed to the acceptance of the Star of David as a symbol of Jewish identity and "nationalism".

✡️ The Star of "David" ~ Remphan was officially adopted as a symbol by the First Zionist Congress in 1897, largely due to its recognition among Jewish communities and its lack of specific religious connotations compared to other symbols like the menorah.

✡️ There are some interpretations that suggest that Star of "David" ~ Remphan geometric properties—having six points and forming a hexagon—could be seen as symbolically linked to the number 666. Critics argue that this geometric alignment could imply an occult or negative connotation, associating it with some occult magic, sorcery or pagan mystcism.

✡️ In conclusion, from all these evidence, The Star of "David" ~ Remphan was and is not exclusively Jewish and clearly not a symbol of our one true God, it is a symbol by kingdom of inversion (satan) because they cannot create anything just corrupt (by saying its the star of david).

🚨 Break the programming now start listening:

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💥 DIVORCE THE ENEMY - THE DEVIL, HIS DEMONS AND HIS AGENTS! 💥 ~ "For it is written, 'As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.'" (Romans 14:11)











Pray with me:

"LORD JESUS, this is my simple prayer to you. I know that I am a sinner and that I often fall short of the glory of GOD. No longer will I close the door when I hear You knocking. By faith, I gratefully receive Your gift of SALVATION. I'm ready to trust YOU as my LORD and SAVIOR.

Thank You, Lord JESUS, for coming to Earth. I believe YOU are the SON OF GOD who died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead on the third day. Thank YOU for Your forgiveness of sins and for giving me the gift of ETERNAL LIFE. I invite JESUS to come into my heart and be my SAVIOR.

In the name of JESUS, AMEN."


✝️ Isaiah 45:23

"By myself I have sworn; from my mouth has gone out in righteousness a word that shall not return: To me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear allegiance."

✝️ Jeremiah 9:6:

"Your dwelling is in the midst of deceit; through deceit they refuse to know Me," declares the Lord.

✝️ Revelation 2:9:

"I know your affliction and your poverty, but you are rich! I know the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan."

✝️ John 8:44:

"You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him."

✝️ Proverbs 14:15:

"The simple believes every word, but the prudent considers well his steps."

✝️ 2 Corinthians 4:2:

"But we have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness nor handling the word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God."

✝️ Revelation 21:8:

"But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars—their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death."


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👁️ WHO'S REALLY IN CONTROL ? - PART THREE - WARS FOR ISRAEL (NEW WORLD ORDER) - https://rumble.com/v5aetlm--whos-really-in-control-part-three-wars-for-israel-new-world-order.html

👁️ Taking off 🤡 ELON MASK (THE UNCANNY PSYOP) + Jeffrey Epstein's real job - https://rumble.com/v5aa45n-taking-off-elon-mask-the-uncanny-psyop.html

👁️ WHO'S REALLY IN CONTROL ? - PART ONE - X = 6, XXX = 666 - PORNOGRAPHY PSYOP - https://rumble.com/v5a5go2--who-really-is-in-control-part-one-x-6-xxx-666-pornography.html

👁️ Malakoi and Arsenokoitai everywhere! (SODOMITES) ~ Genesis 19 (BAPHOMET WORSHIP) - https://rumble.com/v5a1wq5--malakoi-and-arsenokoitai-everywhere-sodomites-genesis-19-baphomet-worship.html

👁️ Synagogue of Satan recruiting UNDERAGE BRIDES (CULT OF BAAL) - https://rumble.com/v5a1qyx--synagogue-of-satan-recruiting-underage-brides.html

👁️ Hidden History of British Royals - Young Blood Rituals and Cannibalism (Project BluePrint ?) - https://rumble.com/v5a18ze-hidden-history-of-british-royals-young-blood-rituals-and-cannibalism-projec.html

👁️ 2024 WOKE PARIS OLYMPICS is a GIANT SCAM + Christian Athletes at Olympics - https://rumble.com/v5a15pt-2024-woke-paris-olympics-is-a-giant-scam-christian-athletes-at-olympics.html

👁️ AGENTS OF DEMONS - PART SEVEN - Eminem corrupting children, doing magic! (DEMON WORSHIP) - https://rumble.com/v59x1nv--agents-of-demons-part-seven-eminem-corrupting-children-as-young-as-5-yrs-o.html

👁️ Trump "The Messiah" Assassination Attempt PsyOP ~ DEVIL'S WORK UNRAVELS! - https://rumble.com/v59wxk1-trump-the-messiah-assassination-attempt-psyop-devils-work-unravels.html

👁️ Israel First - THE GOYIM MUST FIGHT! (synagogue of Satan) - https://rumble.com/v59wn0d--israel-first-the-goyim-must-fight-synagogue-of-satan.html

👁️ COVID-19 PsyOp WhistleBlowers (MASS DECEPTION) - PART FIVE (Sterilization of 60-70% of population) - https://rumble.com/v59wkvx-covid-19-psyop-whistleblowers-mass-deception-part-five-sterilization-of-60-.html

👁️ TRANSHUMANISM HAS STARTED! SYNCHRON ~ "Brain Unlocked" more like BRAIN TAKEOVER! - https://rumble.com/v59wd6t-transhumanism-has-started-synchron-brain-unlocked-more-like-brain-takeover.html

👁️ DELIVERED FROM HOMOSEXUALITY (DEMONS WITH US FROM CHILDHOOD) - https://rumble.com/v59w8fh--delivered-from-homosexuality-demons-with-us-from-childhood.html

👁️ DEMONIC TECHNOLOGY AROUND YOUR NECK ? Imaginary Friends is latest product for $99 - https://rumble.com/v59w3ff-demonic-technology-around-your-neck-imaginary-friends-is-latest-product-for.html

👁️ Exposing Kamala 'Jezebel' Harris (DEMONS AMONGST THE LORD'S SHEEP) - https://rumble.com/v59w2nh-exposing-kamala-jezebel-harris-demons-amongst-the-lords-sheep.html.

👁️ WITCHES WHO PRACTISED BLOOD MAGIC, WOMB MAGIC, LGBTQ+ (Faith in JESUS) - https://rumble.com/v59w0b1-witches-who-practised-blood-magic-womb-magic-lgbtq-faith-in-jesus.html

👁️ 2024 WOKE PARIS OLYMPICS Forced To APOLOGIZE After Advertisers Pull Out (BAPHOMET WORSHIP) - https://rumble.com/v59s5c3-2024-woke-paris-olympics-forced-to-apologize-after-advertisers-pull-out.html

👁️ Hidden Footage of 9/11 PsyOP (Sep 2011) DEMOLITION CHARGES SEEN (CIA-MOSSAD OPERATION) - PART TWO - https://rumble.com/v59r9xh-hidden-footage-of-911-psyop-sep-2011-demolition-charges-seen-cia-mossad-ope.html

👁️ AGENTS OF DEMONS - PART SIX - HOW GOVT CONTORLS YOU (MASS DECEPTION/DIVERSION) - https://rumble.com/v59nihg--agents-of-demons-part-six-how-govt-contorls-you-mass-control.html

👁️ ISRAEL FIRST! - Killing of Innocent Children in Gaza, Torture and Abuse of Prisoners in Israel - https://rumble.com/v59nfid--israel-first-killing-of-innocent-children-torture-and-abuse-of-prisoners-i.html

👁️ OSAMA BIN LADEN ABOUT TALMUDIC JEWS - Even a PsyOP told you the truth but you couldnt listen! - https://rumble.com/v59nezh-osama-bin-laden-about-zionist-jews-even-a-psyop-told-you-the-truth-but-you-.html

👁️ Trump "The Messiah" ear bandage comes off. Is there damage on that ear ? - https://rumble.com/v59ne6x-trump-the-messiah-ear-bandage-comes-off.-is-there-damage-on-that-ear-.html

👁️ The Jew Holocaust is a hoax (GREATEST PSYOP OF OUR ERA) - https://rumble.com/v59nd3t--the-jew-holocaust-is-a-hoax-greatest-psyop-of-our-era.html

👁️ Trump "The Messiah" ear is fully healed! - https://rumble.com/v59jgga-trump-the-messiah-ear-is-fully-healed.html

👁️ Israel's War on Everyone - RISE OF ANTI-CHRIST ? - https://rumble.com/v59jcm2--israels-war-on-everyone-rise-of-anti-christ-.html

👁️ ISRAEL FIRST! (Fulfilling the Zoharic Kaballah/Talmud doctrines) - https://rumble.com/v59j4fg--israel-first-fulfilling-the-zoharic-kaballahtalmud-doctrines.html

👁️ They Want your 🧸 Children - These Little Ones - PART TEN - Child Sex Trafficking - https://rumble.com/v59g4h1-they-want-your-children-these-little-ones-part-ten-child-sex-trafficking.html

👁️ Crowleyian satanic ritual at the Paris Olympics 2024 (BAPHOMET WORSHIP) - https://rumble.com/v59fr3p-crowleyian-satanic-ritual-at-the-paris-olympics-2024-baphomet-worship.html

👁️ ISRAEL FIRST! - https://rumble.com/v59fndx--israel-first.html

👁️ TALMUDIC Israeli soldier carries patch of Greater Israel map - https://rumble.com/v59axwd--talmudic-israeli-soldier-carries-patch-of-greater-israel-map.html

👁️ The Gaza Holocaust (ZIONIST BUTCHERS OF ISRAEL) - https://rumble.com/v59auj8-the-gaza-holocaust-zionist-butchers-of-israel.html

👁️ THE E.V. DEATH TRAP (DEATH CULT PSYOPS EVERYWHERE) - https://rumble.com/v59am7h-the-e.v.-death-trap-death-cult-psyops-everywhere.html

👁️ WW3 Begins: Israel bombs Lebanon (White House officials do not believe war is unavoidable) - https://rumble.com/v59abwl--ww3-begins-israel-bombs-lebanon-white-house-officials-do-not-believe-war-i.html

👁️ Brigitte Macron real name Jean-Michel Trogneux was at 🏳️‍🌈 Pride Parade as a MAN! (BAPHOMET) - https://rumble.com/v595b3t-brigitte-macron-real-name-jean-michel-trogneux-was-at-pride-parade-as-a-man.html

👁️ JESUS IS NOT GOD! Prove me wrong - https://rumble.com/v591dq5--jesus-is-not-god-prove-me-wrong.html

👁️ THE REAL PRESIDENT OF THE U.S. HAS JUST LANDED (Boing Toys do what they do best) - https://rumble.com/v590not-the-real-president-of-the-u.s.-has-just-landed-boing-toys-do-what-they-do-b.html

👁️ AGENTS OF DEMONS - PART FIVE - BAPHOMET Hollywood Celebrities of Yesteryears! - https://rumble.com/v58wl9p--agents-of-demons-part-five-baphomet-hollywood-celebrities-of-yesteryears.html

👁️ Why Does God Allow So Much Suffering and Evil in the World! - https://rumble.com/v58w0u5-why-does-god-allow-so-much-suffering-and-evil-in-the-world.html

👁️ THEY WANT TO CONTROL YOU - "X" is a motif for inversion of christianity e.g. xxx, dice (OCCULT) - https://rumble.com/v58sb3p--they-want-to-control-you-x-is-a-motif-for-inversion-of-christianity-e.g.-x.html

👁️ Olympics 2024: OCCULT RITUALS ON STAGE AGAIN! - https://rumble.com/v58s5q5-olympics-2024-occult-rituals-on-stage-again.html

👁️ 2024 Olympics > BAPHOMET WORSHIP < Leonardo da Vinci's painting The Last Supper + other occult rituals - https://rumble.com/v58s3sq-2024-olympics-baphomet-leonardo-da-vincis-painting-the-last-supper-other-oc.html

👁️ US and EU Sleep Walking into a War with Russia (WW3) - JOE ROGAN (GREAT RESET) - https://rumble.com/v58k359-us-and-eu-sleep-walking-into-a-war-with-russia-ww3-joe-rogan-great-reset.html

👁️ WHITNNEY WEB ON THE GREAT RESET - END TIMES - https://rumble.com/v58jq6t-whitnney-web-on-the-great-reset-end-times.html

👁️ Hidden Footage of 9/11 PsyOP (Sep 2011) that ignited "War on Terror" (CIA-MOSSAD OPERATION) - https://rumble.com/v58jcwt-hidden-footage-of-911-psyop-sep-2011-that-ignited-war-on-terror-cia-mossad-.html

👁️ AGENTS OF DEMONS - PART FOUR - THEY GOT YOU BY THE BALLS! - https://rumble.com/v58j8xx--agents-of-demons-part-four-they-got-you-by-the-balls.html

👁️ Zoharic Kabbalah/Talmud JEWS schemes against Western society - https://rumble.com/v58ei0x--zoharic-kabbalahtalmud-jews-schemes-against-western-society.html

👁️ Zoharic Kabbalah/Talmud JEWS RUN THE U.S. & THE WORLD! (Kabbalah) - https://rumble.com/v58dk1x--zoharic-kabbalahtalmud-jews-run-the-u.s.-and-the-world-kabbalah.html

👁️ Rappers Expose the Demonic Agenda In Music - CARDI B, MEEK MILL etc - Rappers Expose the Demonic Agenda In Music - CARDI B, MEEK MILL etc

👁️ Trump "The Messiah" Assassination Attempt ~ ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED ? (CRISIS ACTORS ON STAGE) - https://rumble.com/v5883st-trump-the-messiah-assassination-attempt-are-you-not-entertained-crisis-acto.html

👁️ The Great Reset is coming! (NEW WORLD ORDER) - https://rumble.com/v57y4dv--the-great-reset-is-coming-new-world-order.html

👁️ Replacing the puppet ~ Senile Joseph Pedophile Biden - https://rumble.com/v57xxyt--replacing-the-puppet-senile-joseph-pedophile-biden.html

👁️ HOW MANY GENDERS ? - https://rumble.com/v57kiff--how-many-genders-.html

👁️ Tech Billionaires are playing you! (BRAINWASHING ~ END TIMES) - https://rumble.com/v57jnp1-tech-billionaires-are-playing-you-brainwashing-end-times.html

👁️ Will you come out unscathed in this death grid! (REPTILIANS/ALIENS = DEMONS & THEIR AGENTS) - https://rumble.com/v57jkck-will-you-come-out-unscathed-in-this-death-grid-reptiliansaliens-demons-and-.html

👁️ AGENTS OF DEMONS - PART THREE ~ We are all ACTORS! YOU ARE THE 🤡 CLOWN! - https://rumble.com/v57jip1--agents-of-demons-part-three-we-are-all-actors-you-are-the-clown.html

👁️ Trump "The Messiah" Assassination Attempt is a SETUP! (YOUR MAN IS SQUATTING A MOSQUITO) - https://rumble.com/v57jhc5-trump-the-messiah-assassination-attempt-is-a-setup-your-man-is-squatting-a-.html

👁️ Trump "The Messiah" Assassination Attempt - SECOND SHOOTER ? - https://rumble.com/v57elm2-trump-the-messiah-assassination-attempt-second-shooter-.html

👁️ The Next Plandemic: The True Agenda was unveiled in 2021 - PART FIVE (BIO WEAPONS ARMS RACE) - https://rumble.com/v57a3rp-the-next-plandemic-the-true-agenda-part-five-bio-weapons-arms-race.html

👁️ AGENTS OF DEMONS - PART TWO ~ We are all RELATED! YOU ARE THE 🤡 CLOWN! - https://rumble.com/v57a2df--agents-of-demons-part-two-we-are-all-related-you-are-the-clown.html

👁️ Exposing the Zionist Puppet Donald Trump "The Messiah" ? Matthew North ~ (NEW FACE SAME GAME) - https://rumble.com/v57a016-exposing-the-zionist-puppet-donald-trump-the-messiah-matthew-north-new-face.html

👁️ Who is behind the Trump "shooting" ? Dollar Vigilante guts this motion picture - https://rumble.com/v579rx8-who-is-behind-the-trump-shooting-dollar-vigilante-guts-this-motion-picture.html

👁️ Russian Adrenochrome Task Force Captures ISRAELI SHIP TRAFFICKING CHILDREN - https://rumble.com/v570zud-russian-adrenochrome-task-force-captures-israeli-ship-trafficking-children.html

👁️ 763 People dead on Live TV after COVID VACCINE (BIO WEAPON SHOT) - https://rumble.com/v570rf8-763-people-dead-on-live-tv-after-covid-vaccine-bio-weapon-shot.html

👁️ Geoengineering Whistleblower Interview with Kristen Meghan - https://rumble.com/v570ov8-geoengineering-whistleblower-interview-with-kristen-meghan.html

👁️ Trump "The Messiah" Assassination Attempt Movie - Proof by DUSTIN NEMOS (TROJAN TUMP) - https://rumble.com/v570lct-trump-the-messiah-assassination-attempt-movie-proof-by-dustin-nemos-trojan-.html

👁️ Trump "The Messiah" Assassination Attempt Was Very "Good" Acting! (THE MAGICIAN TRICK) - https://rumble.com/v56y0xd-trump-the-messiah-assassination-attempt-was-very-good-acting.html

👁️ Trump "The Messiah" Assassination Attempt "fulfilling" Revelation 13:3 (DEEP STATE PSYOP/DEEP STATE FILMS) - https://rumble.com/v56xwhx-trump-the-messiah-assassination-attempt-fulfilling-revelation-133-deep-stat.html

👁️ Trump "The Messiah" Assassination Attempt (DEEP STATE FAKE) - https://rumble.com/v56xumy-trump-the-messiah-assassination-attempt-deep-state-fake.html

👁️ Fake Moon Landing - brought to you by NASA Films (MASS DECEPTION) - PART FOUR - https://rumble.com/v56ml3x-fake-moon-landing-brought-to-you-by-nasa-films-mass-deception-part-four.html

👁️ Agenda for Ukraine Exposed - https://rumble.com/v56bxoa-agenda-for-ukraine-exposed.html

👁️ The Next Plandemic is Coming Soon (Steve Allen ~ MASS FATALITY) - PART FOUR - https://rumble.com/v56bbca-the-next-plandemic-is-coming-soon-steve-allen-mass-fatality-part-four.html

👁️ The Next Plandemic: BIRD FLU (mRNA in Food + No Meat For You) - PART THREE - https://rumble.com/v56b7de-the-next-plandemic-bird-flu-mrna-in-food-no-meat-for-you-part-three.html

👁️ WHAT IS IN THE TALMUD ? (UNDOING GOD'S CREATION) - https://rumble.com/v564mgv--what-is-in-the-talmud-undoing-gods-creation.html

👁️ Reincarnation Deception (DEMONIC THOUGHTS) - https://rumble.com/v564jcl-reincarnation-deception-demonic-thoughts.html

👁️ Amber Rose ~ Witch endorsing the Trump PsyOp - https://rumble.com/v55zis6-amber-rose-witch-endorsing-the-trump-psyop.html

👁️ The Shocking Satanic Origins of NASA - https://rumble.com/v55t9s2-the-shocking-satanic-origins-of-nasa.html

👁️ Jonathan Cahn on Jewish Kabbalah - https://rumble.com/v55opp0--jonathan-cahn-on-jewish-kabbalah.html

👁️ 2024 Kenyan Revolution by Generation Z - U.S. Puppeteers - https://rumble.com/v55o67e-2024-kenyan-revolution-by-generation-z-u.s.-puppeteers.html

👁️ COVID-19 PsyOp WhistleBlowers (MASS DECEPTION) - Dr. Ana Mihalcea - PART FOUR - https://rumble.com/v55a35f-covid-19-psyop-whistleblowers-mass-deception-dr.-ana-mihalcea-part-four.html

👁️ Human Trafficking of Children (CULT OF MOLOCH) - PART THREE - https://rumble.com/v559keu-human-trafficking-of-children-cult-of-moloch-part-three.html

👁️ 1988 Franklin Child Prostitution Ring - Lawrence E. King, Alan Baer & Boys Town - https://rumble.com/v559eb7-1988-franklin-child-prostitution-ring-lawrence-e.-king-alan-baer-and-boys-t.html

👁️ They Want your 🧸 Children - Child Trafficking (US/South America/Europe) - PART TEN - https://rumble.com/v559bs0-they-want-your-children-child-trafficking-ussouth-americaeurope-part-ten.html

👁️ Edomite Pedophile Woody Allen Scolded by Partner Mia Farrow - https://rumble.com/v54g4jn-edomite-pedophile-woody-allen-scolded-by-partner-mia-farrow.html

👁️ El Salvador's Nayib Bukele Seeking God's Wisdom to Lead His Nation against MS-13 Satanic Cult - https://rumble.com/v54b9bb-el-salvadors-nayib-bukele-seeking-gods-wisdom-to-lead-his-nation-against-ms.html

👁️ OBESITY NATION: How America is eating itself to Death (GLUTTONY) - https://rumble.com/v549a6w-obesity-nation-how-america-is-eating-itself-to-death-gluttony.html

👁️ COVID-19 PsyOp WhistleBlowers (MASS DECEPTION) - PART FOUR - https://rumble.com/v542hii-covid-19-psyop-whistleblowers-mass-deception-part-four.html

👁️ Agents of Controlled Opposition: Barrack Obama aka Barry Soetoro - CIA "Born" & Bred - https://rumble.com/v541bbt-agents-of-controlled-opposition-barrack-obama-aka-barry-soetoro-cia-born-an.html

👁️ The CIA (PsyOp/Legitimised Mafia/Terrorist Group/CULT OF DEATH) - https://rumble.com/v540c6e-the-cia-psyoplegitimised-mafiaterrorist-groupcult-of-death.html

👁️ Great Reset: Food Shortage and Money Shortage (The Prophecy Club) - https://rumble.com/v53txzv-great-reset-food-shortage-and-money-shortage.html

👁️ The Illuminati founded in 1776 same year our "Masonic Atlantic" USA was established - https://rumble.com/v53tp56-the-illuminati-founded-in-1776-same-year-our-masonic-atlantic-usa-was-estab.html

👁️ Dr. Rashid Ali Buttar Predict the Death of CNN's Anchor Drew Griffin ? - https://rumble.com/v53t1tj-dr.-rashid-ali-buttar-predicted-death-of-cnns-anchor-drew-griffin-.html

👁️ ✡️ 🇮🇱 🕎 Israeli Art Student Spy ring (9/11 WORKING GROUP) - https://rumble.com/v53swb0--israeli-art-student-spy-ring-911-working-group.html

👁️ Agents of Controlled Opposition: GREG REESE PSYOP (DECEPTICON) - https://rumble.com/v53flfw-agents-of-controlled-opposition-greg-reese-psyop-decepticon.html

👁️ Hillary Clinton's former bodyguard Craig Randall (Sawman) Sawyer V4CR responds after Cannibalism story breaks - https://rumble.com/v53e347-hillary-clintons-former-bodyguard-craig-randall-sawman-sawyer-v4cr.html

👁️ Ronald Reagan at Child Slave Auctions ? - https://rumble.com/v53due3-ronald-reagan-at-child-slave-auction-.html

👁️ Woman spent 15 days in HELL and saw Michael Jackson, Kobe Bryant etc - https://rumble.com/v533ky1-woman-spent-15-days-in-hell-and-saw-michael-jackson-koba-bryant-etc.html

👁️ Christians vs Ex-Christians Debate - https://rumble.com/v52wu4d-christians-vs-ex-christians-debate.html

👁️ COVID-19 PsyOp WhistleBlowers (MASS DECEPTION) - PART THREE - https://rumble.com/v52ugv7-covid-19-psyop-whistleblowers-mass-deception-part-three.html

👁️ Roseanne Barr - WITCHES OF HOLLYWOOD ("DID YOU GET A VISITOR ?") - https://rumble.com/v52u4yi-roseanne-barr-witches-of-hollywood-did-you-get-a-visitor-.html

👁️ InfoWars Funding Craig Sawyer to "rescue children" - https://rumble.com/v52qadx-infowars-funding-craig-sawyer-to-rescue-children.html

👁️ Exposing Craig Sawyer for child trafficking, contract killing etc - https://rumble.com/v52q5ul-exposing-craig-sawyer-for-child-trafficking-contract-killing-etc.html

👁️ Smoke and Mirrors - Donald Trump (DECEPTICON) - https://rumble.com/v52q24w-smoke-and-mirrors-donald-trump-decepticon.html

👁️ Russia Stopping "The Devil's work" (ADRENCHROME VAMPIRES) - https://rumble.com/v52nqcl-russia-stopping-the-devils-work-adrenchrome-vampires.html

👁️ Brigitte Macron is a 🏳️‍🌈 Trans woman (Brigitte Macron = Jean-Michel Trogneux) - https://rumble.com/v52nlfc-brigitte-macron-is-a-trans-woman-brigitte-macron-jean-michel-trogneux.html

👁️ AGENTS OF DEMONS - PART ONE - https://rumble.com/v52it7z--agents-of-demons-part-one.html

👁️ ReWriting the Bible (GREAT RESET) - PART ONE - https://rumble.com/v52c4qu-rewriting-the-bible-great-reset-part-one.html

👁️ Want a Baby? The Devil Gives Babies That Are NOT FULLY Human! - https://rumble.com/v529lco-want-a-baby-the-devil-gives-babies-that-are-not-fully-human.html

👁️ Brigitte Macron being a 🏳️‍🌈 Trans woman, Zelenskyy a War Criminal - https://rumble.com/v5243dj-candace-owens-on-brigitte-macron-being-a-trans-woman-zelenskyy-a-war-crimin.html

👁️ XXXTentacion - The Devil's Promise - https://rumble.com/v5221fq-xxxtentacion-the-devils-promise.html

👁️ The Post-Kinsey Report Era (INDOCTRINATION OF A PEOPLE & DEMONS WITH US) - https://rumble.com/v51y7dg-the-post-kinsey-report-era-the-demons-with-us.html

👁️ They Want your 🧸 Children - Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children - PART NINE - https://rumble.com/v51wsc0-they-want-your-children-satanic-ritual-abuse-of-children-part-nine.html

👁️ Blood Cult 2023 - Cults and Children (CULT OF MOLOCH) - PART TWO - https://rumble.com/v51wpal-blood-cult-2023-cults-and-children-cult-of-moloch-part-two.html

👁️ Blood Cult 2023 - Cults and Children (CULT OF MOLOCH) - PART ONE - https://rumble.com/v51wnmu-blood-cult-2023-cults-and-children-cult-of-moloch-part-one.html

👁️ Hampstead Christ Church S.A./Infanticide 2014 - PART TWO (CULT OF MOLOCH) - https://rumble.com/v51s91m-hampstead-christ-church-s.a.infanticide-2014-part-two-cult-of-moloch.html

👁️ Hampstead Christ Church S.A./Infanticide 2014 - PART ONE (CULT OF MOLOCH) - https://rumble.com/v51s0se-hampstead-christ-church-s.a.infanticide-2014-cult-of-moloch.html

👁️ Candy Girl Documentary - ALL PARTS (ELITE PEDOPHILE/SA RING) - https://rumble.com/v51ruc9-candy-girl-documentary-all-parts-elite-pedophilesa-ring.html

👁️ COVID-19 PsyOp WhistleBlowers (MASS DECEPTION) - PART TWO - https://rumble.com/v51r9z4-covid-19-psyop-whistleblowers-mass-deception-part-two.html

👁️ 35,000 Soldiers Died from the Experimental Anthrax Vaccine - https://rumble.com/v51jvpk-35000-soldiers-died-from-the-experimental-anthrax-vaccine.html

👁️ COVID-19 PsyOp WhistleBlowers (MASS DECEPTION) - https://rumble.com/v51e6nh-covid-19-psyop-whistleblowers-mass-deception.html

👁️ TRUTHSAYERS #2 - Black Goo, CRISPR, Graphene Oxide, 6G Conspiracies - https://rumble.com/v51e4p0-truthsayers-2-black-goo-crispr-graphene-oxide-6g-conspiracies.html

👁️ Fake Moon Landing + Planet X - PART THREE - https://rumble.com/v517j60-fake-moon-landing-planet-x-part-three.html

👁️ The Earth is Flat not Round ? - https://rumble.com/v517hs8-the-earths-flat-not-round-.html

👁️ Former WITCH expose the New Age movement (DECEPTICONS) - https://rumble.com/v50qbvn-former-witch-expose-the-new-age-movement-decepticons.html

👁️ TRUTHSAYERS #1 - COVID, Open Borders, Biden, Obama, Trump PsyOps - https://rumble.com/v50pgb6-truthsayers-1-covid-open-borders-biden-obama-trump-psyops.html

👁️ COVID VACCINES ARE POISON. Is this the dawn of the GREAT RESET ? (Democide by Vaccine) - https://rumble.com/v50k4nz--covid-vaccines-are-poison.-is-this-the-dawn-of-the-great-reset-democide-by.html

👁️ FORCES OF DARKNESS: Black Madonna, Kabbalah, Black Sun, Roman Catholicism - https://rumble.com/v50jzoe-forces-of-darkness-black-madonna-kabbalah-black-sun-roman-catholicism.html

👁️ ATHEISM is Illogical and Irrational ? (MASS DECEPTION) - https://rumble.com/v50iss0-atheism-is-illogical-and-irrational-mass-deception.html

👁️ Your Life is a Lie! (SATANIC LAW OF REVERSAL) - https://rumble.com/v50jqyn-your-life-is-a-lie-satanic-law-of-reversal.html

👁️ Your Life is a Lie! (ORDER BY DECEPTION) - https://rumble.com/v50e9p8-your-life-is-a-lie-order-by-deception.html

👁️ ✡️ 🇮🇱 🕎 Netanyahu - Unindicted War Criminal - https://rumble.com/v506rku--netanyahu-unindicted-war-criminal.html

👁️ The Beginning of the Democide by Vaccine (BIO-DEATH CULTS) - https://rumble.com/v4zwe0q-the-beginning-of-the-democide-by-vaccine-bio-death-cults.html

👁️ ORDER OF AUSTRALIA DECODED BY JESSIE CZEBOTAR - https://rumble.com/v4zoul0-order-of-australia-decoded-by-jessie-czebotar.html

👁️ ZIONIST ✡️ New World Order - Kabbalah Plan to Destroy the World 2023 - PART THREE - https://rumble.com/v4zk5gq--zionist-new-world-order-kabbalah-plan-to-destroy-the-world-2023-part-three.html

👁️ Agents of Controlled Opposition: JEFF BEZOS - Amazon/Blue Origin (DECEPTICONS) - https://rumble.com/v4zk2th-agents-of-controlled-opposition-jeff-bezos-amazonblue-origin-decepticons.html

👁️ The Next Plandemic: BIRD FLU (DR SAM BAILEY EXPOSE) - PART TWO - https://rumble.com/v4yoilr-the-next-plandemic-bird-flu-dr-sam-bailey-expose-part-two.html

👁️ Try a skirt its the new trend ? 🌈 HUMILIATION RITUAL - https://rumble.com/v4yhkgk-try-a-skirt-its-the-new-trend-humiliation-ritual.html

👁️ They Want your 🧸 Children - 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ+ Mafia - PART EIGHT - https://rumble.com/v4yhhe3-they-want-your-children-lgbtq-mafia-part-eight.html

👁️ Sleeper Cells: Vaccine DNA Nanotechnology (ZOMBIE APOCALPYSE) - https://rumble.com/v4y56nl-sleeper-cells-vaccine-dna-nanotechnology-zombie-apocalpyse.html

👁️ Flat Earth is Getting Popular - https://rumble.com/v4y51h3-flat-earth-is-getting-popular.html

👁️ COVID LAB RATS - https://rumble.com/v4xya5r-covid-lab-rats.html

👁️ The Next Plandemic: BIRD FLU - https://rumble.com/v4xy8f2-the-next-plandemic-bird-flu.html

👁️ THE PEDO PASTORS - https://rumble.com/v4xqvt0-the-pedo-pastors.html

👁️ PEDOPHILE TRUMP LYING ABOUT THE COVID WEAPON (PSYOP) - https://rumble.com/v4xqlff-pedophile-trump-lying-about-the-die-suddenly-virus.html

👁️ DONALD TRUMP - The Blasphemy, The Heresy, The "Messiah", The Great CON (DECEPTICON) - https://rumble.com/v4xqg8t-donald-trump-the-blasphemy-the-heresy-the-messiah-decepticon.html

👁️ They Want your 🧸 Children - "The Baby Jesus Does Not Hate Ladybugs" - PART SEVEN - https://rumble.com/v4xp4x8-they-want-your-children-the-baby-jesus-does-not-hate-ladybugs.html

👁️ The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan 2010 (BACHA BAZI) - PEDOPHILIA/CHILD SEX ABUSE - https://rumble.com/v4xoqdi-the-dancing-boys-of-afghanistan-2010-bacha-bazi-pedophiliachild-sex-abuse.html

👁️ Stew Peters Speaking HARD Truths that Most People Cannot Handle (LIFT THE VEIL) - https://rumble.com/v4xo98f-stew-peters-speaking-hard-truths-that-most-people-cannot-handle-lift-the-ve.html

👁️ The Extreme Accountability Event - the most epic event of our generation - https://rumble.com/v4xi8vh-the-extreme-accountability-event-the-most-epic-event-of-our-generation.html

👁️ My Ex-Girlfriend was a WITCH - UFC's Bryce Mitchell - https://rumble.com/v4xdvq5-my-ex-girllfriend-was-a-witch-ufcs-bryce-mitchell.html

👁️ We Are Witnessing SATAN's REVELATION of The METHOD in 2024 - https://rumble.com/v4xcj1n-we-are-witnessing-satans-revelation-of-the-method-in-2024.html

👁️ WOKE Judge Sarah Netburn Sent 6'2 Serial Child Rapist to Prison and Raped Cellmate - https://rumble.com/v4wwwt0-woke-judge-sarah-netburn-sent-62-serial-child-rapist-to-prison-and-raped-ce.html

👁️ Ally Carter (ELITE PEDOPHILE/SA RING) - PART TWO - https://rumble.com/v4wqxef-ally-carter-elite-pedophilesa-ring-part-two.html

👁️ Ally Carter (ELITE PEDOPHILE/SA RING) - PART ONE - https://rumble.com/v4wqflu-ally-carter-elite-pedophilesa-ring-part-one.html

👁️ The Earth is Flat ? - https://rumble.com/v4wmh63-the-earth-is-flat-.html

👁️ Satanists Rule the World (WE ARE CATTLE / NPCs / BOTS) - https://rumble.com/v4vwzr2-satanists-rule-the-world-we-are-cattle-npcs-bots.html

👁️ THE UNSEEN REALM by Dr. Michael S. Heiser (ANGELS, DEMONS, NEPHILIMS) - https://rumble.com/v4vsogt-the-unseen-realm-by-dr.-michael-s.-heiser-angels-demons-nephilims.html

👁️ Pfizer whistleblowers Melissa McAtee and Justin Leslie (May 12, 2024) - https://rumble.com/v4vpfgz-pfizer-whistleblowers-melissa-mcatee-and-justin-leslie-may-12-2024.html

👁️ Vaccine Injury Brought to you by Pfizer & AstraZeneca - https://rumble.com/v4vhs4h-vaccine-injury-brought-to-you-by-pfizer-and-astrazeneca.html

👁️ DEE-1 EXPOSES MUSIC INDUSTRY (SATANISM) - https://rumble.com/v4v0y4n-dee-1-exposes-music-industry-satanism.html

👁️ Sick WOKE Kansas POLICE let OFF a PEDOPHILE on PAROLE (END TIMES) - https://rumble.com/v4uubzo-sick-woke-kansas-police-let-off-a-pedophile-on-parole-end-times.html

👁️ They Want your Children - Alandra Markman (ELITE CULT CHILD SA) - PART SIX - https://rumble.com/v4uu35c-they-want-your-children-alandra-markman-elite-cult-child-sa-part-six.html

👁️ Musicians & Hollywood Actors Summoning DEMONS (EXPOSING THE 27 CLUB) - https://rumble.com/v4utqel-musicians-and-hollywood-actors-summoning-demons-exposing-the-27-club.html

👁️ Whistleblower Exposes COVID-19 PsyOp "Pandemic was a Hoax" (MASS DECEPTION) - https://rumble.com/v4uthz3-whistleblower-exposes-covid-19-psyop-pandemic-was-a-hoax-mass-deception.html

👁️ Depopulation Bomb - https://rumble.com/v4ugvgz-depopulation-bomb.html

👁️ Dualism The Illuminati Religion (2016) - https://rumble.com/v4tyzwu-dualism-the-illuminati-religion-2016.html

👁️ HOLLYWEIRD Real Accounts (BESTIALITY/SODOMY/PEDOPHILIA etc) - https://rumble.com/v4tyl6w--hollyweird-real-accounts-bestialitysodomypedophilia-etc.html

👁️ The New World Order Agenda - https://rumble.com/v4tsgpc--the-new-world-order-agenda.html

👁️ Transgenderism Hidden in Video Games - https://rumble.com/v4tr10b--transgenderism-hidden-in-video-games.html

👁️ Atheist Finds JESUS - https://rumble.com/v4tqeau-atheist-finds-jesus.html

👁️ Aliens are DEMONS OR SPIRITUAL DECEPTION - PART TWO - https://rumble.com/v4tpx5r--aliens-are-demons-or-spiritual-deception-part-two.html

👁️ Vampire Ball in Haiti - https://rumble.com/v4tpuaf-vampire-ball-in-haiti.html

👁️ Aliens are DEMONS OR SPIRITUAL DECEPTION - PART ONE - https://rumble.com/v4tpqq2--aliens-are-demons-or-spiritual-deception.html

👁️ Drake After your Young Girls - https://rumble.com/v4tosht--drake-after-your-young-girls.html

👁️ ELITE PEDOPHILES Plan to Euthanise Millions of Americans (DYSTOPIAN REALITY) - https://rumble.com/v4tkuv0-elite-pedophiles-plan-to-euthanise-millions-of-americans-dystopian-reality.html

👁️ HOLLYWEIRD (DEMONS) - https://rumble.com/v4tkn05--hollyweird-demons.html

👁️ MUSICIANS EXPOSING THEMSELVES AS SATANISTS - https://rumble.com/v4te1z6-musicians-exposing-themselves-as-satanists.html

👁️ Ryan Garcia exposes Child Trafficking (CULT OF MOLOCH) - https://rumble.com/v4sz4uc-ryan-garcia-exposes-child-trafficking-cult-of-moloch.html

👁️ Muslim Dies and Jesus Saves him - https://rumble.com/v4sts1i-muslim-dies-and-jesus-saves-him.html

👁️ Netflix - Social Engineering Project - https://rumble.com/v4sgkku-netflix-social-engineering-project.html

👁️ SILICON VALLEY WORKS FOR THE CABAL TO CENSOR YOUR SPEECH - https://rumble.com/v4s26ce-silicon-valley-works-for-the-cabal-to-censor-your-speech.html

👁️ SMART EXPOSES MUSIC INDUSTRY (SATANISM) - https://rumble.com/v4s1yzc-smart-exposes-music-industry-satanism.html

👁️ JIMMY SAVILE - Most Prolific Pedophile & Sexual Predator (ELITE PEDOPHILE CABAL) - https://rumble.com/v4s1qe0--jimmy-savile-most-prolific-pedophile-and-sexual-predator-elite-pedophile-c.html

👁️ DONALD TRUMP - The "Messiah" Leaked Interviews (DECEPTICON) - https://rumble.com/v4rxcdo-donald-trump-the-messiah-leaked-interviews-decepticon.html

👁️ All Sports is Manipulation. Lets prove it together! (DISTRACTION) - https://rumble.com/v4rvr2z--all-sports-is-manipulation.-lets-prove-it-together-distraction.html

👁️ ✡️ 🇮🇱 🕎 Netanyahu the Messiah - https://rumble.com/v4rc2fw--the-glorification-of-netanyahu-as-the-messiah.html

👁️ Hidden Message of Lion King - https://rumble.com/v4rbx3e-hidden-message-of-lion-king.html

👁️ Hidden Energy (MASS DECEPTION) - https://rumble.com/v4rbfnw-hidden-energy-mass-deception.html

👁️ Demons Rule The World And Children Are The Target (ELITE PEDOPHILES) - https://rumble.com/v4r3vcl-demons-rule-the-world-and-children-are-the-target-elite-pedophiles.html

👁️ MARINE SPIRITS EXPOSED (Water Demons) - https://rumble.com/v4qpflk-marine-spirits-exposed-water-demons.html

👁️ Secret Societies Explained (WE ARE CATTLE) - https://rumble.com/v4qeey6-secret-societies-explained.html

👁️ Bloodlines of the Illuminati - https://rumble.com/v4qe20k-bloodlines-of-the-illuminati.html

👁️ Renee Shaffer Meeting the Devil (JESUS LOVES YOU) - https://rumble.com/v4q1nzu-renee-shaffer-meeting-the-devil-jesus-loves-you.html

👁️ IS THE BIBLE TRUE ? - https://rumble.com/v4q1dmz-is-the-bible-true-.html

👁️ Fake Moon Landing (MASS DECEPTION) - PART TWO - https://rumble.com/v4q13fh-fake-moon-landing-mass-deception-part-two.html

👁️ 🇺🇦 INVENTING UKRAINE - A 300 Year Old Myth - https://rumble.com/v4q10kq--inventing-ukraine-a-300-year-old-myth.html

👁️ Who are the ILLUMINATI ? - https://rumble.com/v4pu950-who-are-the-illuminati-.html

👁️ Fake Moon Landing (MASS DECEPTION) - https://rumble.com/v4pt9ih-fake-moon-landing-mass-deception.html

👁️ #pizzagate ELITE CHILD TRAFFICKING AND EXPLOITATION - https://rumble.com/v4prjk9-pizzagate-elite-child-trafficking-and-exploitation.html

👁️ Mothers Of Darkness Castle ~ Chateau des Amerois ELITE SATANIC COVEN - https://rumble.com/v4pr8l9-mothers-of-darkness-castle-chateau-des-amerois-elite-satanic-coven.html

👁️ Alfred Kinsey Child Exploitation (pseudoscience) - https://rumble.com/v4pqzki-alfred-kinsey-child-exploitation-pseudoscience.html

👁️ ELITE Minor Attracted Persons AKA PEDOPHILES: Hollywood & Music Industry - https://rumble.com/v4pmpj3-elite-minor-attracted-persons-aka-pedophiles-hollywood-and-music-industry.html

👁️ Minor Attracted Persons AKA PEDOPHILES is a sexual orientation ? - https://rumble.com/v4p889u-minor-attracted-persons-aka-pedophiles-is-a-sexual-orientation-.html

👁️ Occult Origins of Religion - https://rumble.com/v4p7jvi-occult-origins-of-religion.html

👁️ PERVYWOOD SERIES 1 - 8 + Hells Angels (ELITE PEDOPHILE CABAL) - https://rumble.com/v4p04gn-pervywood-series-1-8-hells-angels-elite-pedophile-cabal.html

👁️ Gotthard Base Tunnel opening ceremony (OCCULT RITUALS IN PLAIN SIGHT) - https://rumble.com/v4ovbvq-gotthard-base-tunnel-opening-ceremony-occult-rituals-in-plain-sight.html

👁️ The Real Tomb of JESUS - https://rumble.com/v4ok2cz-the-real-tomb-of-jesus.html

👁️ Catholicism Occult System: KISSING THE RING OF THE POPE (godfather) - https://rumble.com/v4ojtmf-catholicism-occult-system-kissing-the-ring-of-the-pope-godfather.html

👁️ Child Trafficking in Gaza by ✡️ Israelis - https://rumble.com/v4og0il-child-trafficking-in-gaza-by-israelis.html

👁️ John Todd Exposes the Council of 33 - SONS OF BAAL (MASS DECEPTION) - https://rumble.com/v4oftnx-john-todd-exposes-the-council-of-33-sons-of-baal-mass-deception.html

👁️ P-Diddler the Epstein in the Music Industry - https://rumble.com/v4o0483-p-diddler-the-epstein-in-the-music-industry.html

👁️ Islam's Common Objections to Christianity - https://rumble.com/v4nzule-islams-common-objections-to-christianity.html

👁️ Where did God come from ? God's infinitude Explained - https://rumble.com/v4nznj8-where-did-god-come-from-gods-infinitude-explained.html

👁️ The Roller coaster to Hell (DO WHAT THOU WILT) - https://rumble.com/v4nm7fk-the-roller-coaster-to-hell-do-what-thou-wilt.html

👁️ Bi-Sexual P-Diddler Combs after your Men and Women - https://rumble.com/v4ne25l-bi-sexual-p-diddler-combs-after-your-men-and-women.html

👁️ 8th April 2024 Solar Eclipse 3 Minutes of Darkness (NEW WORLD ORDER) - https://rumble.com/v4ndv8f-8th-april-2024-solar-eclipse-3-minutes-of-darkness-new-world-order.html

👁️ Strategies for Overcoming Witchcraft and Achieving Victory (JESUS SAVES) - https://rumble.com/v4n8m5z-strategies-for-overcoming-witchcraft-and-achieving-victory-jesus-saves.html

👁️ Your Life is a Lie! (NEW WORLD ORDER) - https://rumble.com/v4n23v8--our-lives-are-all-deception-new-world-order.html

👁️ A.I. Generates Pictures of Drugs as Demons - https://rumble.com/v4n1swu-a.i.-generates-pictures-of-drugs-as-demons.html

👁️ Vampire Ball in Ukraine - https://rumble.com/v4m7ytz-vampire-ball-in-ukraine.html

👁️ Ali Dawah & the Gang (ISLAM IS LIES) - https://rumble.com/v4m38al-ali-dawah-and-the-gang-islam-is-lies.html

👁️ 🐰 Easter is a Pagan Holiday (MASS DECEPTION) - https://rumble.com/v4lnvuu-easter-in-a-pagan-holiday.html

👁️ 👹 Muslim Sheikh trying to convince a Minor to Marry (PEDOPHILES) - https://rumble.com/v4lmatx--muslim-sheikh-trying-to-convince-a-minor-to-marry-pedophiles.html

👁️ ✡️ Preparation of Building the Third House of the Sanctum in Jerusalem - https://rumble.com/v4len46--preparation-of-building-the-third-house-of-the-sanctum-in-jerusalem.html

👁️ Afflictions of Demons (STRONGMEN) by Bill Schnoebelen - https://rumble.com/v4ldzsi-afflictions-of-demons-strongmen-by-bill-schnoebelen.html

👁️ ✡️ 🇮🇱 The Hidden Tyranny by Harold Wallace Rosenthal - PART ONE - https://rumble.com/v4ku0kx-the-hidden-tyranny-by-harold-wallace-rosenthal-part-one.html

👁️ Exposing 10 Commandments of Satan, Witchcraft (MASS DECEPTION) - PART 3 & 4 - https://rumble.com/v4kskrf-exposing-10-commandments-of-satan-witchcraft-mass-deception-part-3-and-4.html

👁️ Proof Catholicism, Islam and Hinduism is Demon Worship (MASS DECEPTION) - PART 1 & 2 - https://rumble.com/v4krzal-proof-catholicism-islam-and-hinduism-is-demon-worship.html

👁️ Brother Bowling shares the word of God with Suicidal man (JESUS SAVES) - https://rumble.com/v4kn0n9-brother-bowling-shares-the-word-of-god-with-suicidal-man-jesus-saves.html

👁️ Debunking Islam - PART ONE (MASS DECEPTION) - https://rumble.com/v4keowu-debunking-islam-part-one-mass-deception.html

👁️ Allah is SATAN (THE BLIND LEADING THE BLIND) - https://rumble.com/v4kd1vx-allah-is-satan-the-blind-leading-the-blind.html

👁️ 🇺🇸 U.S. Prolific Child Trafficking - https://rumble.com/v4kcwiz-u.s.-prolific-child-trafficking.html

👁️ ✡️ Child Breeding for Trafficking in the U.S. (CULT OF MOLOCH) - https://rumble.com/v4kckw6--child-breeding-for-trafficking-cult-of-moloch.html

👁️ 👹 Creepy Joe After your Women and Children - https://rumble.com/v4k8n9f--creepy-joe-after-your-women-and-children.html

👁️ The Democrat Open Borders Plan to Entrench Single-Party Rule - https://rumble.com/v4k6roi-the-democrat-open-borders-plan-to-entrench-single-party-rule.html

👁️ Child Sex Trafficking through Voluntourism - https://rumble.com/v4k5gb5-child-sex-trafficking-through-voluntourism.html

👁️ ✡️ 🇮🇱 🇺🇦 The House of Rothschild family (OCCULT, DECEPTICONS) - https://rumble.com/v4k0xrf--the-house-of-rothschild-family-occult-decepticons.html

👁️ Predictive Programming & 9/11 - PART 1 & 2 - https://rumble.com/v4jxjr0-predictive-programming-and-911-part-1-and-2.html

👁️ Bi-sexual Prince Charles is the Anti-Christ ? - https://rumble.com/v4jr3oc-bi-sexual-prince-charles-is-the-anti-christ.html

👁️ Klaus Schwab's The Great Reset & ✡️ Yuval Noah Harari (DAVOS DECEPTICONS) - https://rumble.com/v4jh0ji-klaus-schwabs-the-great-reset-and-yuval-noah-harari-davos-decepticons.html

👁️ Elites use Demons to rule the masses (DAVID ICKE expose) - https://rumble.com/v4jfurb-elites-use-demons-to-rule-the-masses-david-icke-expose.html

👁️ GOD will expose those planted by SATAN in your life - https://rumble.com/v4jeoex-god-will-expose-those-planted-by-satan-in-your-life.html

👁️ Myanmar (Burma) Buddhists Killing Muslims (CULT WARS) - https://rumble.com/v4jdij9-myanmar-burma-buddhist-occultists-killing-muslim-occultists-cult-wars.html

👁️ False Prophets: 🤑 Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, T.D. Jakes, Voddie Baucham (CULT OF PROSPERITY GOSPEL) - https://rumble.com/v4iyltz-false-prophets-joyce-meyer-joel-osteen-t.d.-jakes-voddie-baucham-cult-of-pr.html

👁️ Brother Bilaal Expose WILLSMITH, JADA PINKETT, DUANE MARTIN - https://rumble.com/v4iltkc-brother-bilaal-exposes-willsmith-jada-pinkett-duane-martin.html

👁️ Michelle (Michael) LaVaughn Robinson Obama - The TRANSGENDER First Lady (DECEPTICONS) - PART TWO - https://rumble.com/v4ik4k6-michelle-michael-lavaughn-robinson-obama-the-transgender-first-lady-decepti.html

👁️ David Knight Exposing ✡️ Alex Jones, InfoWars and Donald Trump (MASS DECEPTION) - https://rumble.com/v4i7ekl-david-knight-exposing-alex-jones-infowars-and-donald-trump-mass-deception.html

👁️ Demon Possession through Alcohol Abuse Explained - https://rumble.com/v4i6vc6-demon-possession-through-alcohol-abuse-explained.html

👁️ Agents of Controlled Opposition: ✡️ ALEX JONES - The "COINTELPRO" PSYOP (DECEPTICONS) - https://rumble.com/v4i5pw9-agents-of-controlled-opposition-alex-jones-the-cointelpro-psyop-decepticons.html

👁️ Agents of Controlled Opposition:

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