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Ep. 98 - Dreams

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Enter Room 2008 as we doze off into the mysterious world of dreams. Join us as we explore both ancient and modern practices of dream interpretation, from the symbolic language of dreams to the psychological insights they offer. We'll drift into the fascinating realm of lucid dreaming, where individuals gain conscious control over their sleep experiences. We'll also discover the recurring dreams that haunt our minds and the age-old superstitions and old wives' tales surrounding dreams.



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  • WiFi 100% affects dreams and can actually (and likely is) be hijacked and used to propogate variations of frequencies that can cause nightmares, sleeplessness, stress/bodily tension, and possibly even compel your behavior through the alteration of your brain waves. I never keep the WiFi on my phone on in the house (I have never even attached it deliberately, and keep the entire wifi function OFF) and yet when I have nightmares, I wake up and see that it has been turned on. 5G LTE is not much different but cannot be altered by the internet of things as effectively to alter the resonance in your immediate area. Much easier to emit a symphony of waves from your WiFi-enabled phone, computer, TV, etc. Even something as simple as disrupting your theta and delta waves during sleep could ruin a person's life and induce psychosis over time.

  • Sleep Cycles, for anyone interested: https://www.nightingold.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/cycles_of_sleep_EN.jpg You go into REM several times a night, if you are sleeping well. Some people cycle faster, some slower. A "sleep study" actually tracks this via EEG and conditions like sleep apea pull people out of deep sleep more frequently, which is why they don't feel very rested. I have used the hand method of lucid dreaming and it works. I have also started putting clocks on the wall again because I do think the elimination of clocks has done negative things for our circadian cycles and also makes us look at our phones more, both bad sleep hygeine. Go team sleep!