Reflection after the publication of the interview with Archbishop C. M. Viganò on 13 August 2024

6 months ago

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The excommunication of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò is a judicial crime and a gross defamation. It goes without saying that the excommunication is null and void! It should be pointed out that Archbishop Viganò could never have been excommunicated by Bergoglio as he had never been in communion with this arch-heretic. The Archbishop is in union with Christ and with Catholic teaching, not with heresies.
Any Catholic who is not a heretic but is faithful to Christ cannot have internal unity with the public arch-heretic Bergoglio, who has usurped papal authority. It is abundantly clear to anyone who uses reason that one who defends Jesus Christ, His Gospel and the Catholic faith and tradition cannot be branded as a schismatic for his fidelity. By contrast, the usurper of the papacy, Bergoglio, who has kicked aside Christ’s teachings and God’s commandments and introduced his sodomite doctrine diametrically opposed to the Gospel of Christ, is a public apostate. Bergoglio purposefully undermines the very foundations of Christ’s teachings and destroys saving faith, all under the guise of religious platitudes. Not only did he commit idolatry, but he publicly dedicated himself to Satan in Canada in 2022 under the guidance of a sorcerer.
In the first three centuries, Christians suffered bloody persecution for refusing to make a gesture of respect towards pagan religions, that is, demons. They were asked to drop at least a grain of incense into the fire to honour them. This was seen as a gesture of respect to them. Those who refused were subjected to the most cruel torture and death. Many Christians, out of weakness, succumbed to fear and offered sacrifices to pagan deities. When freedom came and the cruel persecution ended, those who betrayed were called “traditors” or apostates by other Christians. They were expelled from the Church and despised by the people. The question of admitting traditors back into the Church was addressed by St Cyprian, St Augustine, and others. After their public denial of Christ, many Christians no longer wanted to accept them into the Church. When the decision was made to admit them, a lifetime of severe penance was usually imposed on them.
The usurper of the papacy, Bergoglio, is a supertraditor compared to these traditors. His enthronement of Pachamama in the Vatican and precedent-setting dedication to Satan and pagan demons in Canada was not done under pressure, but with purpose. He deliberately gave the impression as if dedication to the true God in baptism and dedication to Satan under the guidance of a sorcerer were the same, that is, as if God and Satan were one! Such a public, outrageous gesture of idolatry and heresy of the highest degree was committed by this false pope! A year later, he introduced false doctrine and replaced Christ’s Gospel with a sodomite pseudo-gospel. And this greatest apostate in the history of the Church has absurdly bound everyone to obedience! He also absurdly presents himself as the Vicar of Christ on earth, even though he has dedicated himself to Satan!
Bergoglio is literally making fools of Catholics! This apostate, affairist and satanist brazenly excludes from the Catholic Church a witness of Christ who defends the Gospel of Christ and Catholic doctrine at the risk of his own life. And the tragedy is that the so-called orthodox Catholics who claim the heritage of Archbishop Lefebvre, such as Bishop Schneider and Professor Mattei, take this Bergoglio’s farce seriously. They even create a public opinion among the orthodox Catholics as if the hero of the faith – Archbishop Viganò – is rightly punished as an apostate from Catholic faith and tradition. This is a sign that Bishop Schneider and Professor Mattei have a unity of spirit with Bergoglio and not with Christ.
It is absolutely clear that any bishop, priest, religious or ordinary Catholic who is in inner unity with Bergoglio, obeys him and submits to him, publicly renounces Jesus Christ as his Saviour and becomes a traditor, an apostate from Christ and the Catholic faith.
In this time of global Bergoglian apostasy from Christ and the Catholic faith, the courageous Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò speaks out. As a former Vatican official and former nuncio, he defends the saving faith and orthodox teaching. Bergoglio the usurper and supertraditor dedicated to Satan, who has brought down upon himself multiple anathemas and excommunications, pronounces a so-called excommunication against Christ’s faithful apostle for his fidelity to Christ and the Catholic Church. This is literally a tragicomedy!
For three years, Bergoglio has been leading Catholics by the nose along the so-called synodal path, which no one knew what it was and where it led. Only on 18 December 2023, before Christmas, did he reveal his cards and shock all Catholics with his blessing of the sin of sodomy. With the doctrinal declaration Fiducia supplicans, he obliged all bishops to do so by virtue of so-called holy obedience and under the threat of severe sanctions of being thrown out of the episcopal office.
It is a breathtaking paradox that Bergoglio binds bishops and priests under obedience to public apostasy. It is an outright satanic trick. He makes bishops and priests into traditors, traitors of Christ. With his Fiducia supplicans he has clearly and publicly presented before the whole world that he does not serve Christ but Satan. The tragedy is that most bishops, except in Africa and some Eastern European countries, have accepted Fiducia supplicans and committed treason. This sin of apostasy is far graver than the sin of the traditors who, fearing cruel torture, threw a grain of incense before idols.
Pseudo-pope Bergoglio, with his Fiducia supplicans, has insidiously and covertly transformed the Catholic Church into a pseudo-church of the Antichrist with a sodomite anti-gospel. Those who voluntarily remain under the rule of the usurper Bergoglio, who has dedicated himself to Satan, are following his synodal path to eternal damnation!
With the declaration Fiducia supplicans, Bergoglio has denied one of the gravest sins, which is sodomy, and thus denied the other sins as well. De facto, he has eliminated the Decalogue. Denying the reality of sin is also denying the reality of Christ’s ransom sacrifice that was offered for our sins. Bergoglio has not only abolished the Decalogue, he has also eliminated the Creed. In doing so, he has removed the very essence of Christianity and the essence of the Catholic Church. The external Catholic structure with its legal mechanisms has remained, but Bergoglio has used it as an instrument of his power to transform the Church or, in other words, to achieve her self-destruction. He has thus imperceptibly transferred all Catholics to his antichurch, which secretly leads souls to destruction.
Therefore, every Catholic, if he wants to be saved, must separate himself from this arch-heretic, as Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has done as a precedent. Everyone must expect to be comically punished by Bergoglio for this, as if they had committed the alleged crime of schism.
With his transgender propaganda, Bergoglio brazenly laughs in the face of God the Creator. He brazenly laughs at God’s repeated warnings against the sin of sodomy. For this sin, God threatens temporal fire (2Pe 2:6) and eternal fire (Jud 7). Bergoglio mocks the Apostle to the Nations, St Paul, who warns against sodomy in several places in his letters. Bergoglio also mocks the Word of God in Gal 1:8-9: “If anyone preaches any other gospel, let him be accursed – anathema.” He publicly and shamelessly proclaims a sodomite anti-gospel and boycotts the multiple anathemas upon him, as well as the multiple excommunications latae sententiae for heresies, for repeated idolatry, and for rebellion against God by legalizing sodomy. Bergoglio has excommunicated himself from the Mystical Body of Christ and the visible Church. Cardinal St Robert Bellarmine teaches: “The Pope who is manifestly a heretic ceases by himself to be Pope and head, in the same way as he ceases to be a Christian and a member of the body of the Church.”
Let us ask the first question: Is Bergoglio a valid or invalid pope? The answer is absolutely clear from the above: Bergoglio is an invalid pope, and therefore everything he does and imposes as an obligation is invalid, ineffective and not binding in conscience!
Let us also ask the second question: Is it possible to call the separation from an invalid pope a schism? No!
Archbishop Viganò clearly and publicly, based on Catholic teaching and from a position of authority, pointed out that Bergoglio is an invalid pope. For doing so, Bergoglio comically excommunicated him from the Catholic Church. Already in 2018, for the good of the Church, with the aim of its revival and the salvation of souls, the Archbishop demanded Bergoglio’s resignation. For this, he is now literally condemned to death along with Christ.
Archbishop Viganò was asked in the interview: “Where do you live? In Switzerland, in the USA or near Viterbo?” The Archbishop replied that he had been warned that his life was in danger and therefore he did not live in a fixed place. He recalled the mysterious death of Cardinal Pell and also of his predecessor, the Apostolic Nuncio in Washington, Pietro Sambi. We can add: “Birds of the air have nests and foxes have holes,” but the shepherd faithful to Christ has no safe “place to lay his head”. This is the fate of the disciple of Christ, the apostle of Christ and the bloodless martyr, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. He faithfully holds the banner of Christ and the Catholic Church in this anti-Christian age. Bergoglio, on the other hand, holds the rainbow banner of the antichrist with the sodomite anti-gospel. Despite all the threats, mockery and denigration, Christ’s shepherd Carlo Maria bravely continues to proclaim the truth, whether it is convenient or not.
Dear bishops and priests, Carlo Maria Viganò is a reproach to you. Wake up and realize that because of your cowardice you have been transformed into Satan’s New Age antichurch. Its head is the arch-heretic Bergoglio, who occupies the papal office and is abusing it to achieve the self-destruction of the Catholic Church and to throw masses of souls into eternal destruction. Decide now under which banner you want to stand: Under the banner of Christ or under the banner of antichrist?

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops

16 September 2024

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