Improve your dancing. FAST!

3 months ago

So if you’re following this page, it means that you have ambitions of becoming a better dancer. 💃

You are probably taking a lot of classes and social dances. You’re probably going to festivals and doing the things that you “should” in order to improve your skills.

However, you’re still feeling that you’re not getting there fast enough and that your body is working against you ❌

Like I’ve said previously, your dancing is holding back your dancing. You’re spending too much time focused on dancing and focused on developing your body🫤

After training 10.000+ of dancers,professionals and nonprofessionals (online and in person) I found the most valuable thing you can do in order to improve your dancing fast is to start doing what we call Morning MOVEment.

It’s a quick routine that takes 5 to 10 minutes and you focus on doing it 4-7x per week and you can’t comprehend how good you’ll feel both on and off the dance floor with just a few few days.

Dm me the word “morning MOVEment” and I’ll will send you a free routine.
#DanceSpecificTraining #Bachatasensual #islandtouch #sensualbachata #salsadancing #kizomba"

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