Done Deal: Little MO Time

1 month ago

Confidence in COVID-19 Falls as White House Defense Strategy Falters on Simple FOIA Case

[FOB FREEDOM, September 18, 2024] Any station? Any station? Do you read? Over.

Live from the world’s newest banana republic. . .

According to the President, finding the light in the darkness is one of the most American things we do; however, even though proximal origins front man, Kristian G. Andersen, and his colleague, Edward “Eddy” C. Holmes, a failure to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the virus origins, the world would be at risk for future collisions with novel viruses. And, if it was a crisis when 15 boxes had somehow found their way out from the security of the White House, making their way to Mar-a-Lago, not discovered until over a year later, this 18 minutes of missing Watergate tape recordings appears to have spanned from March 23, 2021 to at least January 10-13, 2022. On August 16th, U.S. Attorney Matthew M. Graves, who had successfully brought the indictment of nine pro-life activists under both the FACE Act, in addition to charges under the Mississippi Burning Law, which generally requires a color of law conspiracy, or a conspiracy like the one in which three Freedom Riders had been murdered in Mississippi in 1964, and had secured the prosecution of the pro-life activists in a highly publicized trial this past summer, had been very confident that he was ready to close this simple FOIA case, ripe for dismissal, a case brought by some wacko with an apparent axe to grind against the government, refusing to accept the response from the Executive Office of the President that they had conducted a best efforts search, and found no documents responsive to his request.

Yet, why did it take the White House from March 23, 2021 to at least January 10, 2022 to even begin thinking about searching for the documents requested in OMB FOIA Number 21-220? Why, on or before January 13, 2022, did OPM Deputy General Counsel Heather W. Walsh make the determination that the search had warranted a personnel security classification of Confidential, reserved for matters in which unauthorized disclosure could cause damage, not grave damage, like Secret, to national security? What about basic, epidemiological metrics on COVID-19 might trigger a departure from standard policy that basic scientific knowledge could not be classified? And, most importantly, what, under Executive Order 12,958, regarding those metrics could have been owned and/or controlled by the Government, to warrant assignment of even Confidential designation?

Although, under U.S. v. Nixon, absent a claim of national security, not even the President could utilize executive privilege to exempt documents from disclosure, the White House, on all current evidence, had asserted a presumptive claim of executive privilege regarding this “bizarre conspiracy theory”, in a “rambling” complaint, “reiterating the same fantastical” claims, in courts “not the first to see it this way.”

So, apparently, when U.S. Attorney Graves had filed the Walsh affidavit to support his much anticipated motion for summary judgment, the manner in which the majority of cases are resolved, there was little reason to suspect that the court would not grant the Government the regular presumption of good faith. And, with other apparently far more important issues like a federal investigation into a whale that had been mutilated and strapped atop the automobile of one presidential candidate, reports regarding the decade it may require to recover from the pandemic response by public schools and vaccine hesitancy now shifting to a majority of Americans, with only 43% entertaining the thought of volunteering again to be administered another dosage of mRNA countermeasures that had never been used as a treatment before, and that had been developed rapidly without even knowledge of infectious dose, one of the metrics OMB FOIA No. 21-220 had sought to determine whether it was classified information, which could only be classified if owned and/or controlled by the Government, and would, as a matter of law, then have to have originated in a laboratory, a theory that the nation’s most trusted voice for separating fact from fiction had categorically rejected.

At this hour, the only thing that can be said for certain is that something has changed to shatter the confidence of the White House and alter their trial strategy against an unrepresented litigant who had been a homeless veteran through most of the three litigations brought in this self-funded and unreported litigation. And, he says, “There is a God some wear.”

Your elected representative is called your elected representative for a reason; and Martin Luther King and Jesus never got elected.

And let’s get ready to RUMBLE!

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