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15 seconds

Monday Night Law 09-16-2024

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  • 0/2000
  • Kirk's Law Corner https://kirkslawcorner.com/

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  • https://national-assembly.net/

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  • KIRKS LAW CORNER LLC 6477 West Fairview Avenue Suite G, Boise, Idaho, 83704

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  • Kirk's patreon https://www.patreon.com/kirkslawcorner

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  • those nine people, the atlantic counsel? "it's a threat to our democracy" is their favorite monotribe.

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  • consider aluminum siding, blocks RF/HF em signals.

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  • The Law of The Land...

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  • Hey Y'all, Ivan Raiklin in "X" briefs us on his lawful actions as a Constitutional Attorney. He is making progress in getting military reinstated, compensated & back pay for the smart ones that refused the clot shot. DM him.

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  • Natural Rights Directly From Mother Nature.

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  • yes, we can alter the constitution, but, all common laws were already established by the people in the magna Carta. the constitution is a moot point