JEFF VOLEK k1 | OPTIMAL KETONES: .5 to 5 mMol is Nutritional KETOSIS; this is OPTIMAL for most

5 months ago
presents episode 2161 | DR JEFF VOLEK

Dr Jeff Volek, on ketones…
-Recent research shows the benefits of ketones
Ketones span over 4 orders of magnitude [up to 10nM]
Standard American Diet: ketones generally below .2
On low carb/keto diet: .4 to 4
Can also be achieved
with exogenous ketones

Starvation Ketosis [prolonged fasting]: ketones up to 7mM
-still not ketoacidosis levels
For many people, Nutritional Ketosis [.5 to 5] could be
considered optimal
Dr Volek suggests: if below .4: HYPOKETONEMIA

Several types of exogenous ketones now available…
-can be used to keep ketones elevated over time
Also: fasting will keep ketones raised
-exercise gives a bump
-BHB can be infused
-SGLT2 inhibitors also

Keto Adaptation: this term should be reserved for low carb
or keto dieting…
-won't get the same adaptations using exogenous ketones
while still consuming carbs


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