Are You Fed Up? Start a Patriots Meeting in Your County!

4 months ago

In the first half of our monthly meeting (Sep), we learned about voting processes, the 3 types of volunteers and more. Video link here:

The rest of the meeting we discussed the various committees we're forming ( Social Committee, Steering Committee,
Structure Committee, and a Emergency Preparedness Committee). We tweaked and voted on a mission statement.

And we discussed Amendment 3, a deceptive effort by out-of-state interests, which includes abortion after fetal viability,

we plan to write messages to our local pasters, preists, and minisrers, to share with their congregations on the dangers of Amendment 3, it is a direct assault on Missouri families and the values we hold dear. Our hope is to make our messages go viral so everyone is aware whats included in this Amendment.

We'll keep you informed, in the event you decide to form meetings in your counties. Eventually we may share ideas, and increase the odds of getting things passed through the state level, and beyond!

Stay tuned in for our next meeting, and please write in the comments if you start one in your county!

Afterall, we can't sit idly by and do nothing!

Stay safe & God bless!


Republican Patriots for Change, No RINOs. Change Makers, Invite God Back into our Schools and Counties, Freedom Fighters,

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